
Nt1310 Unit 5 Paper

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maximization of network lifetime [8]. This protocol is also divided into two phase: 1. Clustering and 2. Routing of aggregated data. In clustering phase, a fixed topological arrangement is done by sensor nodes. In the data aggregation phase, heuristic is proposed. The advantage is that it provides energy efficiency and network lifetime also be increased.

G. TTDD Protocol
The Two-Tier Data Dissemination (TTDD) assumes that the sensor nodes are stationary and location aware and sinks are allowed to change their location dynamically [9]. When any change is sensed by sensors the source node will generate the reports. Then the source node chooses itself as a start crossing point and sends data to its adjacent crossing points. This is also used in which nodes are stationery for multiple mobile sinks. …show more content…

Utilize a cluster head to cluster head routing to transfer data to base station.

I. MIMO Protocol
In the Multihop Virtual Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) the data are collected by multiple source nodes and transmitted to a remote sink by multiple hops [11]. In this, the cluster head sends message to sensor nodes in the cluster. Next the sensor nodes encode the data and sends to cluster head in the next hope according to the orthogonal Space Time Block Code [STBC]. It saves the energy and provides QoS provisioning.

J. HPAR Protocol
The Hierarchical Power Aware Routing (HPAR) is a power aware routing protocol that divides the network into a group of sensors called zones [12]. In this, the cluster zones are formatted, then the decision is made that how message is routed so the battery life can be maximized. This protocol provides an approximation algorithm called max-min ZPmin algorithm. In this algorithm by applying Dijkshtra algorithm the path who consumes less power is found. Then the second path is found that maximizes the minimal residual power. The advantage is that it provides both transmission power and maximizes battery

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