maximization of network lifetime [8]. This protocol is also divided into two phase: 1. Clustering and 2. Routing of aggregated data. In clustering phase, a fixed topological arrangement is done by sensor nodes. In the data aggregation phase, heuristic is proposed. The advantage is that it provides energy efficiency and network lifetime also be increased.
G. TTDD Protocol
The Two-Tier Data Dissemination (TTDD) assumes that the sensor nodes are stationary and location aware and sinks are allowed to change their location dynamically [9]. When any change is sensed by sensors the source node will generate the reports. Then the source node chooses itself as a start crossing point and sends data to its adjacent crossing points. This is also used in which nodes are stationery for multiple mobile sinks.
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Utilize a cluster head to cluster head routing to transfer data to base station.
I. MIMO Protocol
In the Multihop Virtual Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) the data are collected by multiple source nodes and transmitted to a remote sink by multiple hops [11]. In this, the cluster head sends message to sensor nodes in the cluster. Next the sensor nodes encode the data and sends to cluster head in the next hope according to the orthogonal Space Time Block Code [STBC]. It saves the energy and provides QoS provisioning.
J. HPAR Protocol
The Hierarchical Power Aware Routing (HPAR) is a power aware routing protocol that divides the network into a group of sensors called zones [12]. In this, the cluster zones are formatted, then the decision is made that how message is routed so the battery life can be maximized. This protocol provides an approximation algorithm called max-min ZPmin algorithm. In this algorithm by applying Dijkshtra algorithm the path who consumes less power is found. Then the second path is found that maximizes the minimal residual power. The advantage is that it provides both transmission power and maximizes battery
Geographic Adaptive Fidelity (GAF): Geographic Adaptive Fidelity is an energy-aware location based routing algorithm planned for mobile ad-hoc networks but has been used to WSNs. Geographic Adaptive Fidelity conserving energy by switching off redundant sensors nodes. In this routing protocol, the entire network is classified into number of static zones and a virtual grid is made for the covered region. Every node utilizes its GPS-indicated location to link itself with a point in the virtual grid. Nodes linked to the same point on the grid are assumed equivalent with respect to packet routing costs. Nodes within a zone cooperate by choosing one node to show the zone for a period of time whereas the rest of the nodes sleep. A sample situation is considered from
In this section, we present the details of proposed protocol. Our protocol implements the idea of probabilities for cluster heads selection based on initial energy and residual energy of sensor nodes as well as the average energy of the sensor network.
GEAR does not require the need for a location database and assumes the static sensor node in the network field. It is assumed that each node is attached to a GPS device to get its current location in the network and also assumed that each node knows its remaining energy level and its neighbor’s location and remaining energy level through a simple neighbor hello protocol.
NDAPSO in [67], is presented an energy-aware and clustered nodes architecture with using modern cluster head competition mechanism, which selecting an optimal cluster
3.2.10 HSA: Harmony Search Algorithms This is music based metaherustic optimization algorithm which is closely resembling with a music improvisation process where artist keep on polish the contributes request to get better harmony. By which it optimizing the energy utilization and limiting intra- cluster separation of the network. In this the base station figures and apportions nodes into clusters as indicated by the data of their remaining energy and area. The operation has two stages: clustering setup and data transmission. This algorithm gives change in term of energy utilization and network life time over LEACH protocol. With a little network distance across, vitality utilization of the network is practically same when utilizing diverse clustering protocols.
Abstract :- Due to recent improvement technologies in wireless communication ,there has been a fastest growth in wireless sensor networks technologies during the past few years. Many different architectures as well as algorithms and applications have been determined and implemented. The efficiency of these wireless sensor networks is as much as dependent on routing protocol directly affecting the network life and in wireless sensor network every sensor has a limited transmission range of every sensor node to obtain the sensing data. Due to this limitation of wireless sensor network Clustering of node is most popular techniques preferred in routing operations. In this paper, cluster based energy efficient clustering technique based on artificial bee colony algorithm and genetic algorithm is presented to increase the network lifetime. The name of artificial bee colony algorithm is come from bees cause It has been inspired by collective behavior of Bees as seeking food. To minimize the energy consumption it is significant to plan a data collection path with the minimum length to complete the data collection work. So in this paper, we determine that this problem which can be solve as traveling salesman problem, it 's also called as
Multi-hop communication makes use of the fat that a WSN contains a large number of sensing nodes. So, the sensed data of nodes can be sent to the base station after passing through a number of nearest neighbor’s nodes rather than directly transmitting to it. This strategy, in turn, saves the energy of the sensing nodes and thus contributes a lot to the battery life of the nodes.
Threshold sensitive Energy Efficient sensor Network protocol (TEEN) [31] was the first protocol that was developed for reactive networks. In this protocol, at every cluster change time, in addition to the attributes, the cluster-head broadcasts to its members. It uses two thresholds namely hard and soft thresholds. The hard threshold is a threshold value for the sensed attribute, it is the absolute value of the attribute beyond which, the node senses this value must switch on its transmitter and report to its cluster head. The soft threshold is a minute change in the value of the sensed attribute that triggers the node to switch on its transmitter and transmit. The nodes sense their environment continuously. The first time a parameter from the attribute set reaches its hard threshold value, the node switches on its transmitter and sends the sensed data. The sensed value is stored in an internal variable in the node, known as the sensed value. The nodes will next transmit data in the current cluster period, only when both the following conditions are
S. Lindsey et al. [6] in this thesis, proposed PEGASIS (Power effective assembling in sensor data networks), a covetous chain protocol which settle the data-gathering issue of the WSNs. The primary concern is for every node to get from and transmit to close neighbors and alternate being the pioneer for transmission to the base station.
Abstract—Hierarchical routing is a promising approach for point-to point routing with very small routing state. While there are many theoretical analyses and high-level simulations demonstrating its benefits, there has been little work to evaluate it in a realistic wireless sensor network setting. Based on numerous proposed hierarchical routing infrastructures, we surveyed some hierarchical clustering algorithms and briefly discussed them. Main purpose of this paper is to present some recent hierarchical protocols and point out silent features of them. These routing protocols very much benefit in prolonging network lifetime and save energy of sensor nodes.
Above methodologies recommend that vitality mindful directing conventions spare vitality. In any case, that convention brings about extra control overhead this can expend superfluous transmission capacity of the system. Extra equipment or programming is required in a few conventions, which may not be plausible for the portable nodes since versatile nodes ordinarily have low preparing force and constrained equipment assets. In this paper, we propose a base vitality directing convention called Improvised Energy Dynamic Source Routing (IEDSR) convention. Our approach is to keep away from extra control message. Existing control packets of DSR convention have been utilized as a part of request to execute the IEDSR convention. The IEDSR convention works in two stages' route disclosure and connection by connection control change. Two power levels have been utilized amid the route revelation period of the convention. At initial, a source node starts the route revelation to discover a route to its goal by communicating a demand bundle at low power level. On
Wireless sensor networks are usually deployed in infrastructure-less environment with the sensor nodes themselves being battery powered (low powered) devices so, data aggregation is an attractive method to reduce the power requirements of the individual sensor nodes that sense, record and transmit the data about their surroundings. Data aggregation may refer to any number of methods that allow for the reduction of the volume of data that the sensor nodes must exchange by combining data from multiple sources and removing redundancies, thereby reducing the power consumption by the sensor nodes.
Advertisement phase: It is the first step. The cluster head issues a notification to the nodes to become a cluster member in its cluster within its transmission range. The nodes recognize the information based upon the Received Signal Strength [10].
E-LEACH [12] is based on LEACH protocol to balance the energy consumption of sensor nodes in order to solve the overload energy consumption problem. This protocol adopts the same round concept with the original LEACH. The
The main goal of geographical routing is to use location information to define an efficient route search toward the destination. Geographical routing is very fitting to sensor networks, where data aggregation technique is used to minimize the number of transmissions send to the base station by eliminating redundancy among data packets from different sources. The need for data aggregation is to minimize energy consumption changes the computation and communications model in sensor networks from a traditional address paradigm to a data centric paradigm, where the content of the data is more significant than the identity of the sensor node that gathers the data. In data paradigm, an application may send a query to enquire about a phenomenon