3. SIMULATION AND RESULT EVALUATION Simulation environment consists of wired, wireless and wired cum wireless network. Network simulator NS 2.35 [6] is used for the simulation. NS is a discrete event simulator, where the advance of times depends on the timing of events which are maintained by simulator. 3.1. Wired network simulation scenario The network topology is shown in the Fig. 1. It consists of TCP sender and TCP receiver and a router. Node n0 and n1 is source node, node n3 is a receiver node and one finite buffer router node n2. Source n0 and n1 use TCP protocol and ftp as traffic. The link between n2 and n3 is called bottleneck link. The link n0-n2 and n1-n2 are full wired duplex link with bandwidth of 2Mb and delay 10ms. The bottleneck
"Christie reported that the doctor's laptop would not boot and showed only a black screen with a blinking cursor. Walked Christy through entering the system setup to verify boot settings. Walked her through running the Samsung Recovery feature to restore crucial Windows files. This issue was not resolved. Christy brought the computer to our office. Enabled UEFI boot which allowed the computer to boot into Windows, however, the system encountered a bluescreen and restarted. Booted into safe mode. Used a utility to determine the cause of the bluescreen and found it to be outdated wireless network adapter drivers. Downloaded and installed the latest drivers from the manufacturer, as well as the video adapter drivers. Searched
For this study, footballs filled with different gases, with air being the control group and helium, nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide being the independent variables, were shot 15 times from a Snap Attack Machine. The hang times in seconds of the footballs were recorded and placed on a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel. There were 2 experiments. The first experiment had the footballs filled to 6 PSI and the second experiment had the footballs filled to 9 PSI. The change in PSI was suggested by a graduate student, helping the researcher, because the lower PSI in the first experiment caused the Snap Machine to shoot the footballs and produce results all over the place with no precision (see Table 1 and Graph 1). The second experiment provided more precise results because the Snap Machine could shoot the footballs better (see Table 2 and Graph 2). The first experiment results were nullified for the error. The means, standard deviations, and standard errors of
Abstract— In the last decades, the different IPs were developed and integrated within single chip. The designers were getting lot of issues to verify the chips due to cumbersome of all modules in the IPs. To overcome from such issues, the new technology has been developed. The designer started to develop each module in IP design file. Once it is verified then all modules were combined in single IP and integrated in the chip. Then designer was uploading all IP in a single chip. So the designer can avoid unexpected outputs from the chip. One important problem in the vlsi design is, designer could not be able to find the board level errors in the simulation analysis. The simulator is installed in the computer so that, computer supports all type
Because Kerry Grooms inquired about the status of his temporary PIV exception for the SCI/DI site, the Web Developer followed up with Krystal Harne asking passing on his question.
Networks specialist use ping, trace route and tcpdump to find the exact bug rising factor in a system. But this type of monitoring techniques fails when the number of switches in the system increases. This type techniques fail in three reasons,
Rob Pettigrew is the manager of technical systems and help desk center of Wyoming Medical Center in Casper, Wyoming. Protecting networks are getting harder as there are different types of devices being used by companies. An example of this is Wyoming Medical Center has four different classifications of PCs, PCs in the hallways for the staff to use, PCs at the nursing stations, PCs in offices, and PCs on that move between patient rooms. Pettigrew deployed Novell ZenWorks to 850 of the medical centers 900 PCs to ensure each one has the right software. With having multiple applications, medical software systems, and the different machine types, and restrictions make it difficult for Pettigrew to ensure proper protection for the network. Another concern is the
With the development of the act, laws and regulations addressing issues associated with the prevention, responds and payment of oil pollution were put in place. Such laws and regulations mandated new requirements for companies and their associated personnel involved in the shipment or extraction of oil, such as prevention and response plans, routine documentation and licensing renewal, and evidence of personnel’s competency and knowledge. The act also revised the staffing standards of all foreign shipment vessels, thereby requiring all foreign vessels to meet U.S standards to gain entry into U.S territory. Additionally, these prevention laws and regulations required new standards for shipment vessels and routine inspections. Due to the extreme
This project consisted of putting three different battery brands of AAA batteries into three different flashlights; however, the same model. I set up a camera to watch the flashlights while I was away. I was able to look at the flashlights to record the time they went out. The camera was a confirmation that it went out at that time and just a backup. I set my flashlights on my kitchen counter along with my camera watching it.
I agree with you on this scenario. Kelly has the years of experience that Jody does not. Sending Kelly to get certified would not only benefit the company she works for but would also give her job security. This type of decision is very hard because this was once a field where there was no certification required and it was day to day learning that made the job possible. I believe that with the ever changing health care system it is going to be a mandate that almost all positions dealing with medical records are going to require some type of certification or degree due to the HIPPA laws.
Preferred Consulting will help Cutting Edge transition their daily operations to QuickBooks Pro 2015 computer accounting software. This transformation will benefit Cutting Edge by helping them achieve their business goals of keeping a list of their clientele with current contact information, recording sales of services and products, and tracking the different expenses of the daily operations.
The wireless local area network diagram uses a combination of three different topologies. The topologies represented are Ring, Star, and Mesh.
Fig.7-a) Total harmonic distortion versus input currents at 1 MHz. b) Total harmonic distortion versus input currents at 100 MHz. c) Total harmonic distortion versus input currents at 1 GHz (various amplitudes of I_x signal and a fixed amplitude of I_y signal).
Sorry for late update mail. I've been working improving what's already done as I didn't have much else to do during last week. This is brief summary of things that I've done during last week.
In Unit 1 Planning 10, I learned about various web 2.0 tools; e-mail (message), wordle,digital display,video tool, and sound tools. They all help to express yourself but they are used in different occasions. E-mail is used to communicate with a certain people through words. It is very convenient to "talk" to someone far away. The advantage of wordle is that you can introduce yourself with just one logo. Colours, arrangement and style of words involve in the overall impression. Digital display is great when you want to show photos and pictures together with words. Posters and presentaions can easily draw peoples' attention. The unique point of sound byte is that it only contains sound and there are no images to support it. Your skill of talking
This is Jeanicot Pierre and I am one of your students. I have just spoke with you right after the class regarding of my score on the test #3, in which I have a low score, and I think perhaps it could have been an error while you were correcting the test by different key because I had test B. I would really appreciate, if you could possibly double check for me because this is my last semester and I majoring in Nursing, therefore, I am worried about my GPA. Thank you for your consideration.