
Nt1330 Unit 3 Assignment 1

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Cecelia/Christy, I have updated both agreements but have requested Kimberly's follow-up on the file layout issues to ensure both of the ISA/MOA match-up. For "ODS DCD DCW MOA ISA IT-T-020 Template" The CMP you requested is attached for your review of the Roles & Responsibilities. DCD/DCW has over 80 MOA's so we would appreciate keeping this information at a high level (in the CMP) vs. updating the CMP and 80 + agreements to keep documents in sync. The POC's in Appendix B & C have been updated. For "DCD ODS ISA MOA V9.0" I have updated the system owner location for ODS & removed the attachment. The file layout questions will have to go back through technical and possibly functional analysis on our side to verify or respond to the

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