
Nt1330 Unit 4 Assignment

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--Maturity-- I may not be the most mature person in chat but it’s also good to goof off once in a while. I try to help people whenever I can on the forums and on the server. If someone is being disrespectful to someone else I try to jump in and defend the person being disrespected. If someone is spamming or doing something wrong in chat I always ask them nicely to stop. --Activity— I am on the server every single day with a few exceptions. I play anywhere from 2-3 hours and maybe even longer. People in the comments may say they never see me on the server but you have to take time-zones in consideration and what servers I play on.

--Staff experience— I have no staff experience but I do know some of the basic commands if I ever need to use them.
/ban (player) (reason) …show more content…

I have been playing on creative since I joined and I recently started playing skyblock. I think I have been playing skyblock for about 2 months now, maybe 3. --How I Will Help— If I am to get staff I will help out the server by being active and helping players with their problems. I will also warn people before I report them or mute/kick/ban them. I am active on the forums and will help people with their problems in the shoutbox.

--Servers I used To Play On— I used to play on skygrid, skywars, factions, and prisons. The reason I stopped playing on them was because if I played on all those servers I had little time to play all of them so I narrowed it down to my two favorite servers.

--How I Will Act If I Get Staff— If I get staff I will not abuse or be disrespectful. I will do everything I can to make sure the people on the server are playing fairly and treating each other with respect. If I see someone being disrespectful I will warn them. If they continue I will get a staff with a higher rank on to deal with them.

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