Question 1: Given an amplifier with an effective noise temperature of 10,000 K and a 10- MHz bandwidth, what thermal noise level, in dBW, may we expect at its output? Answer: Noise = kTemprature X Bandwidth , n= kT X B k = 1.38x10^ -23 J/Kelvin, T = 10,000 degrees Kelvin B = 10 MHz = 10X10^6 Hz, After calculating we get N = 1.38X10-12 Watts From the formula, we know that Ndb = 10 log (KTB) NdBW = 10 log N = -118.6 dBW Or NdBmW = 10 log N*1000 = -88.6 dBmW = NdBmW = NdBW + 30 Question 2: What is the channel capacity for a teleprinter channel with a 300- Hz bandwidth and a signal- to- noise ratio of 3 dB, where the noise is white thermal noise? Answer:
The area in question is located on the lawn between Powell Residence Hall and Weinbach Ave and across from Hale Residence Hall. The known elevation is 380’ and is located on the sidewalk outside Powell. First using the Total Station, our group gathered the information for the distances between points. With one person holding the prism reflector and another operating the Total Station, the distance between two points can be measured. Each set is measured multiple times with an average taken. The averages between points 1 and 2 is 96. 930 ft., 2 and 3 is 120.267 ft., 3 and 4 is 103.528 ft., and 4 and 1 is 99.597 ft. Next with the Total Station, the angles can be measured between points. The zero line is set, then the rod person moves clockwise to the
Primary area of responsibility was operating, maintaining and performing scheduled Preventative Maintenance tasks on over 60 assets in the Sterile Packaging Area. Ordered replacement spares for equipment through SAP system to dramatically reduce machine downtime. Documented failure and root cause analysis to determine PM frequencies. Administrator within our quality system database, Computerized Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) Infor EAM. Transferred over 8,000 assets from one database to another. Provided support to several departments for data entry of new assets. Scanning, copying, saving files to computer drives and inserting them into the data base on a daily basis. Inputted paper work sheets into database. Ensure accuracy and completeness of data entry by downloading records into Excel to verify completeness. Followed company Work Instructions and SOP's too fully comply with FDA regulations for Quality reporting. Work well and assist others from different departments.
If this includes water management, “Clever Irrigation” is a system that was used in the Court of the Oranges at Cordoba. “Water released from a central course was directed into stone-lined channels for irrigation. Each tree was flooded in sequence by repositioning wood blocks.
We use Multiple items tool to create a customizable form that displays multiple records from a source table or query in a datasheet format.
Once a medical record has been transferred into an EMR it can be shredded. Some medical offices chose to keep the records in a secured location. I suppose when it's kept secured it's a back up. But would it really be effective if they didn't change details in it every time a patient visits? some people I suppose shred it because they've used scanners to get all the information from paper to computer.
The high level requirements for the network are to: measure and record sensor data and process data to actuate the environment. Given these requirements, this section will discuss how these requirements were met as well as provide some system metrics.
1.13)Ans.Mainframe or Minicomputer: The resources which has to be managed carefully are memory and CPU resources and the network bandwidth,
Good work on it. I agree with your points. Here I am adding some more points to it. If you run an automated build and test process, JMeter testing is normally not included in the daily build, because application performance does not change from day-to-day. Instead, JMeter tests are normally run through the JMeter application once a large part of the application is complete. Preferably, your stress/performance tests should be executed on a dedicated test environment similar to the production environment. The Team Productivity Center Server is a Java application offering a number of services that the client uses. It contains a password vault storing credentials for third-party repositories, so the user can seamlessly connect to different products
health, blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, blood sugar, and urine can be monitored self, and also can
Outcome – Guilty persons were more likely to confess than innocent persons and that the use of minimization and the offer of a deal increased the rate of both true and false confessions.
The digital platform is structured around two pillars: firstly, Healthify must ensure the highest standard of privacy and security in handling sensitive health information. Secondly, since the aim of is to unify all of Canada’s health care providers under one platform, Healthify must ensure redundancy, data safety, and extremely minimal down time. Should a problem similar to that affecting the Phoenix payroll software occur, the healthcare system would be crippled. In order for it to be effective, stakeholders must be confident in’s performance. Given that will handle vast amounts of personal information, the platform will be closed. Open sourcing can be beneficial for certain pieces of software,
Authorization is the act of checking to determine if a user has the proper permission to access a file or perform an action, after the user has properly identified themselves through authentication (Username/Password). Authorization is provided to users based on a job requirement or a need to know that allows them to access the required material. Authorization is usually determined when a user first gains access to a system but may change over time. If a change occurs that requires more or less authorization for a particular employee, the concerned supervisor should contact the appropriate authority to make the change.
To discover what the universe is made of and how it works is the challenge of particle
A threat is defined as a potential cause of an incident that may cause harm of systems and organisation, or data. A potential and obvious threat is someone physically stealing hardware, or data. Physical threats are any incident that could result in the loss or physical damage to a computer system, there are threats that are pretty much unpreventable such as fire, floods, lightening, and earthquakes, and these are all physical threats that are uncontrollable. The humidity in rooms which computers are in does to an extent need to be controlled, if the room is too hot or cold if could have a negative effect on a computer system. There are also human threats such as; vandalism, theft, disruption, accidental or intentional errors.
Discuss security standards and methods, including the need for data storage integrity and data backup and recovery. In addition to complying with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), SMC needs to be valiant in how the organization will protect information and manage network security. Information security is the protection of information against risk to its integrity, inadvertent disclosure, or availability (Hawkins, 2013a). The most common threats an organization's network will face are hackers, spyware, viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and malicious insider (Hawkins, 2013a). To protect SMC from hackers, they will use firewalls and intrusion-detection devices. Firewalls protect network systems by obstructing unauthorized entry while allowing approved communications (Hawkins, 2013a). Intrusion-detection systems monitor who the user is and what the user accesses. To promote HIPPA, SMC will track the last names of users who accessed patients with the same last name to reveal inappropriate use of client information.