
Ntx10 Unit 4

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Question 1: Given an amplifier with an effective noise temperature of 10,000 K and a 10- MHz bandwidth, what thermal noise level, in dBW, may we expect at its output? Answer: Noise = kTemprature X Bandwidth , n= kT X B k = 1.38x10^ -23 J/Kelvin, T = 10,000 degrees Kelvin B = 10 MHz = 10X10^6 Hz, After calculating we get N = 1.38X10-12 Watts From the formula, we know that Ndb = 10 log (KTB) NdBW = 10 log N = -118.6 dBW Or NdBmW = 10 log N*1000 = -88.6 dBmW = NdBmW = NdBW + 30 Question 2: What is the channel capacity for a teleprinter channel with a 300- Hz bandwidth and a signal- to- noise ratio of 3 dB, where the noise is white thermal noise? Answer:

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