Mr. Dickinson did a great job with his presentation on Nuclear Pharmacy. Throughout the presentation, he discussed all of the criteria represented by the rubric. Mr. Dickinson started his presentation by discussing the impact of patient care and the work setting of a Nuclear Pharmacist. Some of the impacts discussed were how similar Nuclear Pharmacy is to Clinical Pharmacy, and how they work indirectly with the patient. He goes on to talk about the role and responsibilities of a Pharmacist in Nuclear Pharmacy, and how they prepare and dispense radiopharmaceuticals, and provide drug information for health professionals. Mr. Dickinson then does a great job describing the training needed to work is this field, and how Pharmacists must graduate …show more content…
Dickinson’s presentation, was his pace at which he gave information. He did a great job not rushing through information, but at the same time he did not drag any slides on, it was a great speed for listening and taking notes. I also liked how knowledgeable Mr. Dickinson seemed to be about his topic. He never stumbled trying to find answers, he was calm the entire time and seemed like he understood his topic well. One thing that stood out to me that could need some improving is the order in which the slides were presented. I would’ve liked if instead of combining work setting and impact of care, if work setting and role of the Pharmacist would’ve been combined instead. This would’ve helped to understand what the Pharmacist does before how it impacts the patient. By doing this, another advantage is the splitting up of the slides with roles of the Pharmacist and the Pharmacist's responsibilities. With these two topics together into one slide, it made it a little difficult to understand which of the two you were referencing when giving points. Other than the order of the slides, the presentation was great. I enjoyed listening and learning to all the solid information that was given throughout and in summary Mr. Dickinson did a great job on this
I was very excited to learn that I had been placed at my first choice elective APPE rotation at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center focusing on pharmaceutical drug analysis and research. This was an area of pharmacy I did not have any experience in and was interested in learning more about. Dr. Klang introduced me to numerous apparatuses used daily in the research setting. I learned not only the rules and regulations of cleanroom compounding according to USP 797, but also the logic behind each component. With my previous rotation being internal medicine and working in the community setting this rotation was a complete change for me. Each day something new and exciting to work on surfaced, we were ready to research any questions proposed by the pharmacy staff at MSKCC. Through multiple projects I was able to develop the skills necessary to work, and more importantly, analyze the results of multiple machines, such as the HPLC and particle sizer.
Describe five significant points (in detail and complete sentences) that you absorbed from this presentation that is related to what
The presentation by Briana Voyer on Legalization of Drugs was well organized, but it still held room for improvement. During the presentation I could not see or hear mention of the history behind the topic, which should have been in the first few slides. Voyer begins with what ways legalization of drugs is bad, and follows with examples as to why. To do this, she made the next slide her data on the subject. Some of the information shared up to this point was false, as I noticed from my per-presentation research. The organization and how the presentation was set up, however, did help make the view persuasive, however, the bullet points contained too much information. When making a power point it is a standard that your bullets should not
Studying at the West-Mec Pharmacy Technician program will eventually help me reach my long term goal of becoming a hospital pharmacist. This program will give me the benefit of hands-on training and will teach me the necessary skills that are required for a pharmacy technician. I want to have a career as a pharmacist in the future and I understand that becoming a pharmacy technician is not required, but it is a huge benefit. Pharmacists dispense medication and other remedies. They need to understand the importance of doses, allergens and other chemical reactions that may cause harm to the patients. Because of this, pharmacists are important to the medical field. I chose a pharmacist as my career because I want to ensure that my patients
Her powerpoint appeared cluttered and distracted the audience with the sheer amount of words on each slide. The powerpoint did not offer a clear comprehensive overview of the speech, but rather contained the entire speech on the slides, which overwhelmed the audience with information. Moreover, her first hand account of her withdrawal from sugar was ineffective in persuading her audience to change their habits because she emphasized the negative side effects. When persuading people to make a change, especially one that may have negative short term consequences, it is better to downplay the negativity so people will try it. Although I appreciate her honesty, I would rather have heard how much better she feels from a sugar free life than shaking from
Being a nuclear medicine technology means creating images of different area of the patient’s body and preparing radioactive drugs and administer them to patients undergoing the scans. The technologists
My nuclear pharmacy rotation was a very enjoyable and informational experience through this nuclear medicine program. I feel like I learned a great deal from both Palmetto Health Baptist and Cardinal Health. This rotation gave me a great deal of understanding in what it takes to make, deliver, store and test the radiopharmaceuticals we use every day. In this summary I will explain how to package blood products when they leave the pharmacy, the difference between biohazard and radioactive contamination and how radioactive spills are handled in the pharmacies.
What is one thing that you taught your patient? Why did you pick this topic? Was your teaching effective? Why or why not? What could you have tried to do differently to be more effective? Did you document your teaching? One thing that I taught my patient was that his opioid medications are what are causing him to be constipated. This topic came up because he mentioned to me that he hasn’t had a bowel movement for a few days now. I notified the nurse about the patient being constipated, as well as, I educated my patient on importance of continuing to notify a nurse about being constipated. My teaching was effective because the patient continued to notify the nurse and received Senna. I thought my teaching was
In the healthcare field pharmacist will constantly encounter situations were they will have to recommend the most appropriate treatment for a patient. Furthermore, as part of a healthcare team, other professionals will look up to us and expect us to have the knowledge and skills required to make the appropriate decisions and recommendations. It is for this reason that as part of the Integrated Pharmacotherapy: Genitourinary module they incorporate case studies and scenarios that allows us, future pharmacists, to use the knowledge we have gained and through the combination of critical thinking and proper utilization of resources we are able to integrate the most up to date information to answer drug information requests. As part of the class I was assigned to a group to work on a case about a patient that through out her life she needed advice and recommendations for treatment for different
I really enjoys the presentation since it is about elderly patients, especially dementia/Alzhemina patients. I work at a ADH program and we have a couple of clients that have dementia. Some of them have either mild or severed dementia. With the dementia clients, you really have to have a lot of patience with them because they are basically a little kid. Some of them need help with ADL because they do not remember when they would need to go to the bathroom or simply how to feed themselves. We have one specific client who always states that she is over 100 years old whenever we ask her how old she is, but she is only around mid 90s. Although she has dementia, she can walks really fast and even push people. She is very strong for
that many of the species that live in the wilderness in and around the park are affected by increased artificial lighting because it disrupts day and night cycles to plants that would not only affect the plant but wildlife that need those plants to survive. These effects can offset the balance of the parks environment, which would also disrupt the aesthetic of them to visitors. People who lived in Joshua Tree when there was hardly any light pollution and development was not the main focus of the area’s officials are now more susceptible to changes in their sleep patterns and life cycles if light pollution increases to anywhere near the amount that effects people who live in Los Angeles, who are far more exposed to risks due to high light pollution,
To analyse the presentation and teamwork I need to be able to understand everyone has different experiences and different ways of working and had their own view on teamwork. My confidence grew as I got to know the team. Giving the presentation has helped me with my confidence, which I will need when I am working in the health care. I have also learned to speak up more and encourage others to take part when they where being quiet and not pulling their weight. It was good to do research using the appropriate methods, looking at journals and professional sites. I managed to hold it together during the presentation in front of everyone. I knew the presentation was not going to go as well has it could due to the lack of practice. The reason I was so nervous was
is essential to any discussion of issues related to current and future pharmacy technicians.[14,15] Policy statements of a numof national pharmacy associations are listed in the appendix. A summary of key events of the past half century follows.
During the presentation I was very nervous and dislike speaking in front of crowds; I feel I did well simply because I am passionate about the topic. My own evaluation of the experience was overall a positive one. The information presented to the audience was over thirty-minutes, several individuals had questions, primarily regarding the weight loss surgery. However, the next time a teaching experience such as this one is conducted, I feel that a measure to test the audience would be beneficial. I feel like a fun group quiz or a trivia game would have been valuable in testing the audience’s knowledge. The only complaint I have is the time restriction. I had thirty minutes to present an introduction and the power point and feel I could have went more in depth if given more time. Overall, I feel this teaching experience was a success.
There has been a lot of controversy over whether philosophy is needed or should be a part of Christianity. An early church father Tertullian said that we only needed the Bible and that we did not need philosophy at all. He said the Bible was enough. Clement of Alexandria believed that Greek philosophy was the handmaid of theology. “…before the advent of the Lord, philosophy was necessary to the Greeks for righteousness. And now it becomes conducive to piety; being a kind of preparatory training to those who attain to faith… philosophy was given to the Greeks directly and primarily, till the Lord should call the Greeks. For this was a schoolmaster to bring “the Hellenic mind,” as the law, the Hebrews, “to Christ.” Philosophy, therefore, was a preparation, paving the way for him who is perfected in Christ.” Justin believed that all