
Nuclear Pharmacist Summary

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Mr. Dickinson did a great job with his presentation on Nuclear Pharmacy. Throughout the presentation, he discussed all of the criteria represented by the rubric. Mr. Dickinson started his presentation by discussing the impact of patient care and the work setting of a Nuclear Pharmacist. Some of the impacts discussed were how similar Nuclear Pharmacy is to Clinical Pharmacy, and how they work indirectly with the patient. He goes on to talk about the role and responsibilities of a Pharmacist in Nuclear Pharmacy, and how they prepare and dispense radiopharmaceuticals, and provide drug information for health professionals. Mr. Dickinson then does a great job describing the training needed to work is this field, and how Pharmacists must graduate …show more content…

Dickinson’s presentation, was his pace at which he gave information. He did a great job not rushing through information, but at the same time he did not drag any slides on, it was a great speed for listening and taking notes. I also liked how knowledgeable Mr. Dickinson seemed to be about his topic. He never stumbled trying to find answers, he was calm the entire time and seemed like he understood his topic well. One thing that stood out to me that could need some improving is the order in which the slides were presented. I would’ve liked if instead of combining work setting and impact of care, if work setting and role of the Pharmacist would’ve been combined instead. This would’ve helped to understand what the Pharmacist does before how it impacts the patient. By doing this, another advantage is the splitting up of the slides with roles of the Pharmacist and the Pharmacist's responsibilities. With these two topics together into one slide, it made it a little difficult to understand which of the two you were referencing when giving points. Other than the order of the slides, the presentation was great. I enjoyed listening and learning to all the solid information that was given throughout and in summary Mr. Dickinson did a great job on this

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