
Nuclear Testing Is Destroying The Environment

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Human beings are dangerously harming the environment. The destruction of rain forests, overfishing, nuclear testing, soil erosion, fossil fuels, desertification, and landfills all have one thing in common, caused by humans. Numerous individuals are unaware these alone are destroying the environment. Individuals have learned in regards to our planet throughout the years, we know trees are a big necessity since they provide us with oxygen; the ocean’s ecosystem creates a food chain with supply and demand for both humans and aquatic life, and chemicals produced by human experimentation leads to pollution, which harms plants, animals, aquatic life and human lives. When it comes to the health of our planet, I firmly believe humans are the reason …show more content…

The construction of nuclear testing occurs under water, above ground, and underground (CTBTO). In addition to nuclear testing causing pollution, it can also cause the triggering of environmental disasters, such as landslides, earthquakes, and tsunamis. These tests also cause physical damage to the reef, fish poisoning due to changes in the reef ecology, and leakage of fission products to the biosphere (Cyber Place). Radiation exposure from nuclear testing is very dangerous and can even cause death. Ionizing radiation can change cells and even damage them, this radiation can cause cancer. However, although rare, acute exposure can be the grounds for sickness and death within hours to days. Chronic exposure is when radiation is present over long periods of time and can cause genetic changes, tumors, cataracts, and cancer. Science advises any form of radiation exposure, even low levels, put an individual at risk for cancer, depending on tobacco use, age, and sex (EPA …show more content…

Landfills not only contaminate Earth’s soil and groundwater, but also produce a greenhouse gas known as, methane. In order to reduce the amount of methane being produced at landfills, humans should compost yard waste and recycle as much as possible (GAIA). Methane stands 25 to 72 times stronger than carbon dioxide and can be the foundation to health effects such as cancer and asthma. Landfills not only pollute the air we breathe, but are a significant source of global climate change. According to the Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance, for every ton of waste, more than 70 tons of manufacturing, oil explorations, and coal combustion form (GAIA). In 2012, Derek Thompson, stated the world would produce 2.6 trillion pounds of garbage just for that particular year. Thompson appraised that amount to the equivalent weight of 7,000 Empire State Buildings (Derek Thompson 2012). Out of the 2.6 trillion pounds of garbage, 46 percent is organic, 4 percent metal, 5 percent glass, 10 percent plastic, 17 percent paper, and 18 percent is other (Derek Thompson 2012). Nevertheless, all of these end up in the many landfills throughout the world, where they sit and decompose into Earth’s soil and produce the greenhouse gas, methane, and pollute our water and cause health

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