Human beings are dangerously harming the environment. The destruction of rain forests, overfishing, nuclear testing, soil erosion, fossil fuels, desertification, and landfills all have one thing in common, caused by humans. Numerous individuals are unaware these alone are destroying the environment. Individuals have learned in regards to our planet throughout the years, we know trees are a big necessity since they provide us with oxygen; the ocean’s ecosystem creates a food chain with supply and demand for both humans and aquatic life, and chemicals produced by human experimentation leads to pollution, which harms plants, animals, aquatic life and human lives. When it comes to the health of our planet, I firmly believe humans are the reason …show more content…
The construction of nuclear testing occurs under water, above ground, and underground (CTBTO). In addition to nuclear testing causing pollution, it can also cause the triggering of environmental disasters, such as landslides, earthquakes, and tsunamis. These tests also cause physical damage to the reef, fish poisoning due to changes in the reef ecology, and leakage of fission products to the biosphere (Cyber Place). Radiation exposure from nuclear testing is very dangerous and can even cause death. Ionizing radiation can change cells and even damage them, this radiation can cause cancer. However, although rare, acute exposure can be the grounds for sickness and death within hours to days. Chronic exposure is when radiation is present over long periods of time and can cause genetic changes, tumors, cataracts, and cancer. Science advises any form of radiation exposure, even low levels, put an individual at risk for cancer, depending on tobacco use, age, and sex (EPA …show more content…
Landfills not only contaminate Earth’s soil and groundwater, but also produce a greenhouse gas known as, methane. In order to reduce the amount of methane being produced at landfills, humans should compost yard waste and recycle as much as possible (GAIA). Methane stands 25 to 72 times stronger than carbon dioxide and can be the foundation to health effects such as cancer and asthma. Landfills not only pollute the air we breathe, but are a significant source of global climate change. According to the Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance, for every ton of waste, more than 70 tons of manufacturing, oil explorations, and coal combustion form (GAIA). In 2012, Derek Thompson, stated the world would produce 2.6 trillion pounds of garbage just for that particular year. Thompson appraised that amount to the equivalent weight of 7,000 Empire State Buildings (Derek Thompson 2012). Out of the 2.6 trillion pounds of garbage, 46 percent is organic, 4 percent metal, 5 percent glass, 10 percent plastic, 17 percent paper, and 18 percent is other (Derek Thompson 2012). Nevertheless, all of these end up in the many landfills throughout the world, where they sit and decompose into Earth’s soil and produce the greenhouse gas, methane, and pollute our water and cause health
The first is that humans needs and natures needs are two separate issues. The idea that they're not irrevocably intertwined is inane, because we want the environment to thrive so that we can continue to exploit it. The second misconception is our reliance on technological advances that may or may not happen to save the environment. This diamond implies is a foolish thing to do, as many monumental issues are all waiting to be fixed with technology that isn't coming, or that if it does ever come, it won't be an instantaneous thing. Third and finally, is the perception that those who fear for the environment are fear-mongers, doom-sayers, and rabble rousers. Their cries of warning falling on deaf ears because the effects of environmental damage has yet to reach the public. While the citizens of America may not feel the effects, there's a great many third world countries that do and are. Places where overpopulation and famine are rampant are prime spots for wars, terrorism, and emigration which then spreads the very same problems to other
Sending food to landfills generates an enormous amount of methane. In 1996, the EPA started to take action to deal with this problem. The EPA forced those largest landfills to install gas-collection systems in order to reduce air pollutant (Bloom 16). They would collect those methane and then “convert that captured methane into energy and, sometimes, renewable energy credits" (Bloom 17). However, today, more than half of all landfills keep letting those methane escape because they are the small and medium-sized landfills, they are not asked to collect methane (Bloom 17). According to Bloom, even though some of the landfills collect methane, they would just simply burn it off (17). This process of handling does reduce the methane, but it produces a large amount of less harmful carbon dioxide, which is also a part of greenhouse gases (17). The more greenhouse gases are produced, the warmer earth will become. From the lecture slides, we know that increases in greenhouse gases are changing our world profoundly. It will cause the dramatic events happened more frequently and it will badly affect
It is our actions that have directly, and indirectly, caused such environmental destruction; now it is us that must help save them. As John Sawhill said, "In the end, our society will be defined not by what we create, but what we refuse to destroy." We are their only hope; future generations of animals and mankind alike are depending on us.
The article by Bambury echoes the scientists warning that human beings should stop destroying the environment citing that it will adversely affect their survival. The article states that humans are stewards of the planet Earth and if they destroy it, they will bring misery to themselves. Besides, the study criticizes humans terming them as a species that may phase out other forms of life out of the planet Earth.
Do you know how people are canheing and harming the world. Humans are polluting the air. This is because we are not limiting CO2. People are not only polluting the air also the earth and oceans. The most significant effect that people have on the environment is pollution because people are dying and the world is changing.
According to an annual Gallup survey, “Americans are way more worried about water pollution than global warming, air pollution, or other major environmental concerns.” (Loughlin). Drinking polluted water will harm individuals and their families but global warming has not appeared to danger us and so we do not worry about it (Walker). In the article, The Sacred Balance: Rediscovering Our Place in Nature, by David Suzuki, it is indicated that humans have lost interconnectedness with nature. In other words, people have put importance to the more unnecessary things, which are the main causes for us consuming chemicals in food and creating dangerous pollution and diseases. The ignorance of our modernist society faces has led us all to severe problems. One should be more aware of what 's happening around us instead of just letting things happen. We must be more cautious so that we can live in a safe environment.
The earth is slowly dying do to the spread of harmful contaminants such as pesticides, garbage, and non biodegradable objects. They are present in the air, ocean, and ecosystem causing harm to both humans and animals. While most of the general population recognizes that pollution is an issue, no measures have/ are being taken to prevent it. Waste is continuously being poured into water sources and the ocean even though it kills animals and continues to poison humans. It is also being spread throughout the environment by ways of ignorance and laziness from humans. Because animals inhabit more of the world than humans do, they are the most impacted by pollution. Many animals have had to relocate, been killed, or have gone extinct due to the contagion
Have you ever wondered where all the trash goes that you throw out? Most of it ends up in landfills, gets burned or ends up on the street. Landfills are the most cost-efficient ways to get rid of trash for places like the United States but at what price. When waste disintegrates in landfills and water passes through the waste, the resulting liquid is called leachate. When leachate run off encounter local rivers and lakes it can contaminate the water and destroy whole eco systems that live in these areas. Landfill gas consists of naturally occurring methane and carbon dioxide, which form inside the landfill as the waste decomposes. As the gases form, pressure builds up inside a landfill, forcing the gases to move. Some of the gases escape through
Landfill growth is inevitable. As landfills grow, they release toxic chemicals in the air and harmful pollutants into groundwater. These hazardous chemicals make our tap water undrinkable and our air unbreathable. Residents who live near landfills are most likely to encounter health problems. A few of these problems include: lung and respiratory problems, heart disease, nervous system damage, and cancerous illness. Residents who live nowhere near a landfill may think they are safe, when the risk may be just as high. The truth is, no matter if you live across the road from a landfill, or if you live 100 miles away, everyone is at risk. To better understand how people hundreds of miles away are at risk, it’s important to know how landfills came about, what kinds of toxins landfills produce and how they travel, and what can be done.
Human activity can negatively impact on the environment in different ways, which can lead to consequences which are not only bad for the environmental area affected, but humans too. Activities such as causing radiation leaks with nuclear meltdowns and dumping waste are just some examples of how humans can worsen their own environment.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) temperatures in the last hundred years have risen 1.4 degrees. Human waste which produces greenhouse gases (GHGs) is a key factor in global warming. Globally, the act of the dumping of waste in landfills will cause organic waste to produce greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) as well as water vapors to rise into the atmosphere, due to putrefaction thus causing the changes in
The Earth is a dynamic, constantly changing environment in which the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere all interact. When one changes slightly the change is then felt through out the spheres. Humans need to understand that the change they cause can have a potential for a disastrous affect on the environment. From injecting the atmosphere with greenhouse gas, or deforestation, all the unnatural things done to the environment will have an unnatural affect that will have to be dealt with. We as humans have a moral responsibility to reduce global warming gasses by changing our modes of transportation, to stop deforestation, and increase government funding into research to inhibit global warming for
Despite what mankind would like to believe, humans are animals. As multi-celled organisms, we consume other organic matter, change the land for own uses as a beaver would build a dam, and as other mammals, we are all fed breast milk from our mothers when we were young. Yet there is this disconnection and alienation of the human race towards other species. Moreover, through fear of taking action, the convenience provided to us if we simply choose to ignore the environment, and the alienation of other species that are endangered by our actions, the hostile and uncaring attitude of humans towards nature is the core reason for many of the problems in our environment today.
Not many people know that their trash ends up in a landfill or what it is doing to the environment. When trash ends up in a landfill it builds up in to a lager pile, starts to release toxic gases, and pollutes the ground it sits on. Most of the time the trash is burned to make more room for more trash. Landfills have a big effect on the environment. Landfills make gas composition. Is there a way to use LFG to our benefit? How many landfills are being used for their gases in the United States? Some companies are working on using the toxic gases to our benefit. Even animals are being affected by the trash in landfills. What can people do to help reduce the trash in landfills?
Very high radiation doses can destroy body functions and lead to death within 60 days. The effects of routine releases of radioactivity from nuclear plants depend somewhat on how the spent fuel is handled. A typical estimate is that they may reduce our life expectancy by 15 minutes (AMASS). A small amount of radiation can even lead to so many serious health risks it can neither be long term or short term.. It has been proved by scientist that, if we breathe in radioactive elements for the explosion or leaking of nuclear power station can lead to the lung cancers or sudden death due to breathing difficulties. Studies show that people who are exposed to excess radiation had long term cancer risks or cancers. (Christoduleas, John P, et al)