I am enthusiastic about making a change to people’s lives. Nursing is an occupation that accomplishes this determination. Having been part of a big family of nine people I have always learnt to assist others and to do whatever I can. My inspiration to become a nurse was my mother since she was able to look after and care for a big family of nine. She has always been an inspiration to me, as she looks after my disabled sister, looking after my sister is very rewarding and challenging, but a challenge my mum deals with immaculately. In addition to this my baby brother has been diagnosed with Down syndrome, my mother takes immense care of both of my siblings and nurses them on a daily basis. Her guidance and experiences as a mother are an inspiration. I personally consider Nursing as a profession that I would surpass at since I enjoy dealing with individuals, and sympathizing with their difficulties. I believe I am extremely hard working, ambitious, and empathetic. I consider these character qualities vital to meet the requirements of nursing. My A-level studies have fed into my career choice in an interesting way. Business has taught me different skills and requirements that are needed for this degree. For instance I have gained communication skills from my course which I can use as a nurse when dealing with patients and co-workers. Also I have had to work in teams where I was responsible to lead them; this will help me later when I am a nurse …show more content…
Having a sister who has special needs has given me further awareness into the world of nursing. Ever since a young age I would observe the nurse and how they dealt with different things. As a result, I had a reflection of the requirements and difficulties and this reinforced my desire to become a nurse. In the summer I hope to volunteer at Great Ormond Street Hospital to improve the quality and condition of childrens’
For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be someone who helped others effortlessly. Whether it be in second grade helping a classmate up with freshly scuffed knees, or senior year helping a struggling classmate with a Calculus problem, I have wanted to be there to assist people. Throughout my eighteen years of life, I have learned that we all need to care for one another. When my brother passed away nine years ago, I had to be there for family and help make them strong again. This is why I want to pursue a career in Nursing. I want to help make people strong, help them persevere, and help them in their journey of life. My journey towards obtaining a Nursing degree will begin at Carlow University. My first step towards my goal is to achieve
It is said that the environment of our upbringing plays a salient role in determining the ambitions we pursue, the moral values we cherish and ultimately, the lasting contributions we make to society. I firmly believe that my formative experiences laid down the foundation for passion for nursing and constitute one of the salient reasons why I am determined to pursue this profession. For me nursing, is more than a mere vocation, it is a moral commitment, the manifestation of my natural talents and the actualization of the deep-seated aspirations that I have nourished since childhood. My mother was an accomplished nurse and always set a remarkable example for me to follow by displaying virtues of compassion, moral courage and dedication to the public good. My life experiences compelled me to emulate her example by cultivating the virtues of compassion and genuine sensitivity to patients. My formative experiences and core values led me to enter this career in the capacity of a Certified Nursing Assistant where I was distinguished for not only my competence as a nurse assistant, but also for my remarkable sensitivity to the needs of the patients. I intend to continue to actualize my natural talents by pursuing a career in Nursing.
Given the goals of WRITE, please state why you should participate in the next class of students. Growing up in rural Wyoming instilled within me a desire to work toward improving access to medical care in rural areas, and I feel my participation in WRITE would equip me with the skills and tools necessary to pursue this goal. I possess a unique perspective into rural communities and will be able to share this with physicians and patients while deepening my understanding of health care challenges in rural areas. I enjoy immersing myself in novel situations in order to learn about cultures, practices, people, and worldviews which differ from my own. I strongly believe in a holistic view of medicine: empowering patients to become partners in
Successful nurses are anticipated to promote their profession. When I accomplish my goal of becoming a registered nurse my strengths and abilities will do just that. I have always known nursing was the career for me, but my interest in it really peaked when I started doing clinical rotations at Angleton Danbury Hospital. Just seeing the people around me devoted to taking care of others really inspired me to do the same. As a result, I continued doing hospital and pharmaceutical clinicals throughout high school and participated in an internship at a cardiologist office throughout the summer. Furthermore, I see myself impacting the nursing profession because working in an array of medical settings led me to a field I feel so passionate about.
Caring, compassionate, honest, determined and knowledgeable are just a few words to describe the type of nurse I would like to be. The American Nurses Association (ANA) defines nursing as the “protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations” (Taylor 8). Nursing has evolved from woman taking care of the sick and dying, to trained and educated men and women focused on promotion and restoration of health, prevention of illness, and facilitation of coping with disability and/or death, all thanks to Florence Nightingale and her push for nursing education (Taylor 12). Becoming a nurse has been a lifelong dream that was on hold for many years while raising my children. After spending 6 months in the hospital with my oldest daughter, I decided it was time to pursue my dreams. At this time, pediatrics is my primary choice, but I will remain open to other possibilities as I garner experience with different specialties. I know I will be able to make a difference for my patients with my caring nature, compassion and my desire to help others, as well as the skills and knowledge I will obtain at CTC.
Foremost, I am drawn to nursing from experiencing the lack of quality healthcare available throughout society, often to the people who need it the most. Growing up in rural China, I have witnessed the negative effects of a faulty healthcare system on children, adults, and even a whole community. I find it appalling that people are suffering and dying from preventable diseases, due to a lack of access to medical facilities, or when individuals are unable to seek adequate health care because of
Nursing is a noble profession that will help me expand my horizon by letting me focus outside of myself and my self-interest. By focusing outside of myself, I will get to be an advocate for people’s health and a humanitarian who will have a chance to see the other aspect of medical
One of my inspirations that made me have the urge of wanting to become a nurse is, my friend nurse, Carlos Reyes, had provided assistance to numerous amount of people. Knowing that somebody’s life was in jeopardy, it made me realize that I want to have that eager of what that nurse has. Someday I hope to equal his diligence, skill and with such a strong passion as he had done. It is miraculously knowing such little things you do, can make a huge difference in a person’s life. It is an honor providing the needs’ of people that really need it.
I have expressed an aspiration to pursue the medical field for as long as I can remember, having two sisters with health problems I was exposed to the industry at an early age. My sister, Liz, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was six years old, three years later, my other sister, Mary Ann, who has Down Syndrome, was also diagnosed. A lifetime of insulin injections and blood glucose testing awaited my sisters, which filled my parents with doubt, worry, and a great deal of questions. I recall our health care team being so patient and understanding, and extremely competent, which first peaked my interest in the nursing profession.
Since fourteen years old, I have had a desire and ambition to become a registered nurse who makes a real and positive difference in people’s lives. At first, my inspiration came from my aunt who has been a labor and delivery nurse for 10 years. She would share stories about pre-mature babies being brought into the world and the role she took in giving that infant the best possible chance at life. Aside from my aunt’s stories, I find myself drawn to the nursing profession for a few other reasons. First of all, I have always had an interest in caring for people of all ranges of age.
Acquiring a career pathway in nursing is an ambitious and challenging career which can also be fascinating and gratifying. Being part of a large family has helped me help others in a polite and caring way. As having younger siblings and babysitting them which I adore doing, shows I have a caring nature for younger children and the fact that I am responsible and trustworthy as friends and family have asked me to babysit as well. Being around children most of my time and taking care of them has driven me to pursue a career in child nursing where I can take care of vulnerable ill children. I am certain nursing is a career I would thrive through and progress in because I love helping individuals with their problems whenever I can as it is rewarding within itself.
My ambition from secondary school onwards has been to become an adult nurse eventually specialising in A&E. Nurses inspire me because they make real and positive changes to people’s lives. I have an understanding of Nursing, thanks to my cousins who work within the medical field and have shared their experiences with me. One of the many things that I have learnt from them is that working within nursing offers a unique mixture of intellectual challenge and emotional reward. In particular it offers a focus on patient well-being and it brings a significant level of personal satisfaction.
Even while I have enjoyed the research, I want to do more with my professional career and want to help someone in their time of need. Therefore, I decided to make the career change to the nursing profession as I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives. Nursing is necessarily a
Caring for others has always been a passion of mine, and becoming a nurse has always been my dream. While my dream has turned reality, I can say that nursing has blessed me with the opportunity to not only be a servant to those in my community, but it has also allowed me to be of some comfort to patients and their loved ones during their darkest and most vulnerable moments. Nursing offers a variety of opportunities, where the only restrictions are the ones we set for ourselves. As for myself, all things are possible, for if I want it, I strongly believe it’s already mine. The depths that I will go to reach the latitude of success that I so desire is boundless.
Being a profession which is both hectic and fulfilling, nursing is a career I have always admired. My passion for caring and assisting people in need existed from the time when my grandparents were in the hospital. Since that instance, I was always intrigued by nurses, either in