
Nurses: Experiences And Importance Of Reflection In Nursing

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In nursing reflection is a crucial characteristic for the development of autonomous, critical and advancement for nurses. According to Chong (2009), reflective cycle is a continue cycle where experiences and reflection on the experiences are inter related. Studies had proven that nurses who reflect on their daily experiences provides better care and understand their actions as well as enhanced their clinical knowledge and skills (Hansebo & Kilhlgren, 2001). Reflective practice allows the nurses to examine their actions and experiences which assist them to develop their practices. Reflection has an effect on level of nursing profession starting from the nursing student up to practicing nurses. Researcher had argued that in order to be able to reflect effectively, one must have open-mindedness, willing to accept criticism and have the courage to move on (Bulman, Lathlean & Gobbi, 2012). …show more content…

According to Mabtzoukas & jasper (2004), reflection gives an opportunity for nurses to gain new knowledge and motivates the nurses to move on as well as gives them the feel to learn from their experiences. Besides that reflection has been shown to have positive impact on the care that delivered to the patient’s and enhanced clinical reasoning (Hansebo & Kilhlgren, 2001). I strongly believe that there are many ways and rooms for nurses to develop and grow their nursing professions. Nurses need to acknowledge factors such as time, motivations, and commitments towards patient’s, family and themselves are one of the key factors to their success. When nurses strive to achieve their goals, reflection is a factor that that would assist

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