
Nursing 302, Ways Of Knowing: Nursing Research

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Qualitative research critique Donna Severin Prof. Cypress Nursing 302, Ways of Knowing: Nursing Research November 17, 2014 The article “Dance of the call bells, using ethnography to evaluate patient satisfaction with quality of care” suggest the Key phenomenon and group under the study, by stating dance of the call bells, referring to the amount of times in a shift the call bells would ring and the group that it affects most are the patients. The title states how the call bells interfere with a patient opinion on whether quality care was received. The abstract clearly and concisely summarize the main features of the report by stating …show more content…

The phenomenon is stated ambiguously because call bells do not dance, one has to identify the meaning behind the statement by reading the material that addresses the issue in the journal. This statement “Dance of the call bells” could have many meanings behind it. The reader has to digest the material and formulate the meaning. The phenomenon was able to be studied by qualitative methods because a qualitative research design was used which is ethnographic study which is the systematic process of observing, detailing, describing, documenting, and analyzing the lifeways or particular patterns of a culture or subculture in order to grasp the lifeways or patterns of the people in their familiar environment (Nieswiadomy, 2011). The ethnographer was able to correlate this design into the dance of the call bell and gain valuable insight that brought light to the missing pieces which played a major part in patient

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