
Nursing 501 Reflection

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Nursing 501 was a great way to start my graduate school education. Learning about ethics and health policy really allowed me to reflect on different aspects of healthcare that make up this complex system. To start off I was introduced to the different roles in advanced practice nursing and their influence on healthcare policies. This provided me with an idea of how I will make an influence on the healthcare system as a Clinical Nurse Leader and the similarities and differences between my future role as a CNL and other APNs. In the following weeks I was able to identify various injustices and major issues in the healthcare system that are being addressed. Furthermore I was able to see how these issues impact the quality, cost and the overal nursing profession. Next I was able to compare it on a national and global scale. I was provided the opportunity to use all my knowledge obtained in the first 5 weeks to focus on one health policy of my interest and attempt to analyse a ethical case. The team discussions and team assignments help improve my team work skills. Throughout …show more content…

It consist of four parts: percieving emotions, using these percieved emotions to achieve different actions, comphrend variations, and achieve goals through emotions. In nursing, emotional intelligence is seen on two dimensions: "The Nurse's perception and understanding of the patient's emotions, and the nurse's utilization of these perceptions to achieve the goal of managing complex situations towards quality patient care." (ASRN, 2007) Nurses are not only confronted with the emotions of themselves but their patients. Nurse have to confront and manage their own emotions also in situations. Today,emotional intelligence is probed as an important characteristic for building successful nursing

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