Nursing, as a profession, has evolved from the traditional role of caretaker, and doctor’s helper to a respectable and well desired profession. The practice has always been and still is about helping patients cope with their illness, prevent disease, and promote health. In comparison to historical nursing, which was based mostly on theory, much of today’s practice is founded upon evidence based research to deliver quality care that will result in the best outcomes. As the population’s healthcare needs change, so does the scope of our practice. This constant and unpredictable occurrence mandates ongoing learning and training to ensure that nurses are well prepared to take on the multifaceted issues that impact our healthcare system and our …show more content…
Infact because of my understanding of what nurses did that was based on my encounters with the health care system in Uganda. Becoming a nurse was never an option.I wanted a profession where I could wear a business suit and sit behind a big desk with my own desktop. My father’s hope for me was to become a computer scientist, make lots of money and change the lives of many family members back home. After completing my Associates degree in Accounting, I spent one year working as a billing clerk for a local newspaper and spent eight hours behind a desk doing tons of paperwork. Working with numbers was not what I wanted to continue pursuing.I quit that job and decided I would much rather do child care since I had always enjoyed taking care of children and not to mention I would be living rent free. I didn't have to pay for food or any other utilities. Most of my pay would go to my savings. I accepted a live in position with a family of four children one of whom was severely disabled due to cerebral palsy. His name is Sam and it is my interaction with him that inspired me to pursue a career in Nursing. Sam’s mother had been a registered nurse for eleven years before giving up her career and dedicating most of her time to her children. I was hired primary to care for the other children, helping out with homework, running errands and keeping up on house chores. As time went on I found joy in taking care of Sam …show more content…
My expectation was that everyday would be filled with the same experiences I had with Sam. I would have enough time to spend with each of my patients making sure their every need was attended to. Before enrolling for the program I didn't spend anytime researching the field. Everything I knew about it was information I got from Sam’s mother and all she ever said was how much she loved it and what a great Nurse I would be. Nursing school was not easy, I quit my job half way through the first semester to concentrate solely on studying. The curriculum included a couple of courses on Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmacology, and other courses. I thought that should have been required for other professions like doctors and pharmacists. My first experiences in the reality of clinical practice revealed why I need to possess some knowledge in all areas that affected the
I am Amanda Selich, 27 years old, and have been living in San Francisco for roughly 10 years. I grew up in the East Bay with my 3 siblings and was raised by a single father. Much of my childhood was spent taking care of my younger siblings. This responsibility was so demanding I was forced to drop out of high school and become their “surrogate mother”. However at the age of 24 I was able to get my GED and finally attend college. In fact this past May I graduated from City College of San Francisco with highest honors in Science and Math.
There are many different fields to choose from while working as a Registered Nurse. “Registered nurses work in hospitals, physicians' offices, home healthcare services, and nursing care facilities. Others work in correctional facilities, schools, or serve in the military.” ( You can also specialize in a specific type of nursing by seeking employment in that individual line of work or by taking a certification test. “The Nursing2011 Salary Survey reports that nurses certified in a specialty earn an average of $10,200 per year more than nurses who are not.” ( If you choose to go further with your education you can continue past a bachelor’s degree and get a master’s degree becoming a nurse practitioner.
Nursing is the most trusted and reliable profession leading in the transformation of healthcare. “Nursing helps to promote, protect, and optimization of health and abilities to prevention of illness and injury, facilitation of healing, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, groups, communities and populations” (American Nursing Association, 2017). Nursing offered careers for both men and women and it is the profession that provides healthcare everywhere. Society has great expectations for this profession. Caregivers are one the reasons why nursing is seen as the engine room of healthcare system. In the quest to provide preventive and restorative measures. There are three basic career guides which are; education, job opportunities, and salary.
Changes in the Health Care System and the Practice of Nursing have become complex. Technological changes, complicated client needs, short hospital length of stay, and departure from acute care to community based care, all these changes have underscore the need for professional nurses to think critically in order to provide safe and effective client care. A better educated nursing workforce can provide good health education to patients and their families. The affordable care of 2010 has required the need for nurses to expand their role of practice to meet complicated patient demands. This has prompted the Institute Of Medicine to review the “Future of Nursing, Leading change and Advancing Health”. {Creasia & Fribery,2011}
When deciding to advance a nursing career from registered nurse to an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse or APRN, there are many avenues to choose from. Advanced Practice Registered Nurse is a broad term for a Registered Nurse who has obtained at least a Master’s Degree in Nursing. Every nurse has different interests, and reasons for the type of nursing they choose; as well as strong suits in his or her specialty. For this reason it is important to research all education categories of APRNs. Categories of Advanced Practice Registered Nursing include Nurse Practitioners, Certified Nurse Midwives, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, and Clinical Nurse Specialists. Each type of Advanced Practice Nurse has a broad scope of practice, giving a Registered Nurse who is looking to
For as long as I can remember, or since the first time I met a nurse, I knew that was what I wanted to do. I have always held a great deal of respect for those who care for others in their time of need, and sacrifice their own emotional health to be strong for someone else, when they could not be strong for themselves. For several years my fear of being unsuccessful held me back from pursuing this dream, until I decided to finally take the first step and become a certified nursing assistant, and enroll at Clinton Community College to begin my journey to becoming a registered nurse. In the summer of 2014 I had decided to take control of my life and pursue my dream of working in the field of healthcare.
It takes a lot to faze me, blood, guts and bodily fluids are of no exception. I'm looking into the health field, as a registered nurse. My ASVAB score pointed to more of a social and realistic career, which pointed to more health related careers. I'm currently in the Lycoming Career Technology Center for health careers and I'm in my third year. I knew I wanted to pursue a career in field and I knew it would be a Nurse. Being in any occupation of the health field isn't easy the same goes for nurses. Countless hours of college education, repetitive relearning classes, semi-high salary and long hours, doesn't sound fun for some, but for me, it sounds great.
The nursing profession has evolved throughout the years, but more rapidly in most recent years. The educational roles and responsibilities, in particular, have transformed in alignment with hospital organizations, to provide a more patient-centered focus on the delivery of care. As a member of the largest healthcare profession, nurses work in diverse settings and are the main providers of healthcare services. “Nurses are well poised to meet these needs by virtue of their numbers, scientific knowledge, and adaptive capacity, and health care organizations would benefit from taking advantage of the contributions nurses can make” ("Institute of Medicine," 2010, p. 2).
Nursing professionals help individuals, families, and communities to attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. The needs of patient care have evolved together with the healthcare system for a few decades, setting higher standards and delegating more roles for nursing professionals. Nurses, especially those with a bachelor’s degree, should always maintain continued education and teach other healthcare professionals as well. This is to equip them with the tools required to deliver a holistic patient
Please first address what or who has influenced your decision to pursue a career in healthcare?
Thanks to the advancements in medicine, the healthcare industry has been able to care for our patients more effectively. Nurses have played a significant role in these advancements through evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice “integrates the best available evidence to guide nursing care and improve patient outcomes. This helps health practitioners address health care questions with an evaluative and qualitative approach” (AMSN). That goes without saying that nursing care has changed dramatically since the time Florence Nightingale was practicing.
To become a nurse you need to have a bachelor's degree or associate's degree in nursing it all depends on what type of nurse you want to be, there are different kinds of nurses. Each nurse is entitled to different kind of jobs it all depends on the nurse you want to become. The Nursing Career Overview is basically going over the nursing of what kinds of job the nurse does. For example, if you want to be a registered nurse you need to have a bachelor's degree or associate's degree. Plus you have to have 4 years of school done and you have to have a great attitude and be kind and nice to other people in order for them to respect you. You treat others the way you would want to be treated, It’s the same in and out of the nursing field. There are
Being the determined person that I am, I, Cyra Ente, am currently on track to become a nurse through University of North Florida’s nursing program. The nursing program at the University is difficult to receive entrance without hard work and determination, due to the fact it requires rigorous courses. I know the work load will exhaust me mentally and physically. Also, professors teaching styles determines how well I do in the class and as of now it remain unknown. I am left guessing as to whether my learning experience will be a breeze or if I barely make it out alive. Of course, I want to become knowledgeable of the different resources provided on campus and take advantage of that. I find that remaining ignorant at non-science related topics will hinder my growth, specifically in my career field. Going through this journey will not only build knowledge, but morph me to be proficient as an independent learner and success in my career path.
Nursing remains the most trusted profession because the lives of patients are entrusted to this profession. Since the profession was introduced by the pioneer of contemporary day nursing, Florence Nightingale, nursing has experienced significant changes. The roles of this profession have constantly changed depending on various issues that arise from time to time. As a result of the changes in the nursing roles, it's expected that the trend will continue into the future of the profession. The expected change in the future of nursing is because the care provided by nurses must continue to advance in order to meet the ever changing health care needs and demands. The need to meet the ever changing demands and health needs of the current population is based on the standards of evidence-based practice.
People choose career paths for many different reasons. Some people want a stable income; others may follow in the footsteps of someone in their family. Nursing is more than just a job, I believe it is a lifestyle. You must have the passion and drive to take care of people who may be so ill that they cannot take care of themselves. To me, nursing has been a calling ever since I was a child. I spent months and months in the hospital from age 10 to age 16, and one of the reasons I got through it was because of the genuine care of the nurses.