
Nursing Competency Report

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My ultimate duty being a pharmaceutical product manager was to develop a good product-market fit, but more important for me was to offer a solution to the customers to satisfy their needs differently from the competition and to retain them and create new customers in the long run.
Based on that vision, I developed annual brand business and budget plan, strategies and objectives, product forecast and promotional activities after careful review of segment size and growth, and past performance of overall market through competition segment matrix. These activities strengthened my analytical skills and strategy making abilities which are fundamental to address and resolve the health issues being a physician.
I preferred to remain current with the …show more content…

Social interaction was a great way to positively interact with peers and adults, meet new people and make new friends.
As captain, I lead the team of 11 players on several occasions and made number of important decisions including setting fielding positions, alternating the bowlers and calling the toss before the match and made decision in consideration of pitch conditions, the weather, and the relative bowling and batting abilities of the two sides. During play, I decided when to change the bowler and who to replace him with, depending upon the situation. This had an enormous impact on the course and result of the match.
Cricket taught me the ability to think tactically to overcome an obstacle, keep the team united without unduly favoring any of the players, and accept suggestions of other players and think it over before implementing …show more content…

Suggested the physician to run the camp on Sunday to allow more patient flow.
Built a hype for the camp one week before the event. Creatively designed pamphlets and banners with eye catching headline, used short sentences and mentioned free medicines in bold writing, venue, date and duration of the camp. Suspended the banners on the clinic where the camp ran, bus stop, busy crossings at a decent height.
On day of camp, lead team of 3 people and assigned tasks including arrangement of tables and chairs for the public with separate places for elders, managing the crowd in a systematic way and taking care if the patients’ checkup proceeded on first come first basis and no one waited so long for his turn.
Measured weight and height for younger and children, blood pressure and blood glucose reading for adult patients. Provided awareness to the public on communicable diseases, their prevention and control. Distributed medicine samples free to the patients, gave instructions to use them as directed by the physician and highlighted the significance of proper follow up.
Arranged water, food and drinks for the camp

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