My ultimate duty being a pharmaceutical product manager was to develop a good product-market fit, but more important for me was to offer a solution to the customers to satisfy their needs differently from the competition and to retain them and create new customers in the long run.
Based on that vision, I developed annual brand business and budget plan, strategies and objectives, product forecast and promotional activities after careful review of segment size and growth, and past performance of overall market through competition segment matrix. These activities strengthened my analytical skills and strategy making abilities which are fundamental to address and resolve the health issues being a physician.
I preferred to remain current with the
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Social interaction was a great way to positively interact with peers and adults, meet new people and make new friends.
As captain, I lead the team of 11 players on several occasions and made number of important decisions including setting fielding positions, alternating the bowlers and calling the toss before the match and made decision in consideration of pitch conditions, the weather, and the relative bowling and batting abilities of the two sides. During play, I decided when to change the bowler and who to replace him with, depending upon the situation. This had an enormous impact on the course and result of the match.
Cricket taught me the ability to think tactically to overcome an obstacle, keep the team united without unduly favoring any of the players, and accept suggestions of other players and think it over before implementing
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Suggested the physician to run the camp on Sunday to allow more patient flow.
Built a hype for the camp one week before the event. Creatively designed pamphlets and banners with eye catching headline, used short sentences and mentioned free medicines in bold writing, venue, date and duration of the camp. Suspended the banners on the clinic where the camp ran, bus stop, busy crossings at a decent height.
On day of camp, lead team of 3 people and assigned tasks including arrangement of tables and chairs for the public with separate places for elders, managing the crowd in a systematic way and taking care if the patients’ checkup proceeded on first come first basis and no one waited so long for his turn.
Measured weight and height for younger and children, blood pressure and blood glucose reading for adult patients. Provided awareness to the public on communicable diseases, their prevention and control. Distributed medicine samples free to the patients, gave instructions to use them as directed by the physician and highlighted the significance of proper follow up.
Arranged water, food and drinks for the camp
The patient tells me that she is unsure when her last menstrual cycle was. Her periods are very irregular and she had not been keeping track of it. She and her husband have been attempting pregnancy for the last year and a half and she tells me that as of Thursday, August 27th, she and her husband had gone through the procedures for adoption. She said that she knows she ovulated on August 18th. She was using an ovulation kit. She took a home pregnancy test on the 28th, which was positive, repeated with a different brand of test on the 29th and that was also positive. She has a regular gynecologist with York Gynecology, Robert Cervenka, MD, that she uses regularly, and she already has an appointment with him
Nursing is the most trusted and reliable profession leading in the transformation of healthcare. “Nursing helps to promote, protect, and optimization of health and abilities to prevention of illness and injury, facilitation of healing, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, groups, communities and populations” (American Nursing Association, 2017). Nursing offered careers for both men and women and it is the profession that provides healthcare everywhere. Society has great expectations for this profession. Caregivers are one the reasons why nursing is seen as the engine room of healthcare system. In the quest to provide preventive and restorative measures. There are three basic career guides which are; education, job opportunities, and salary.
After reading the Nurse of he Future Nursing Core Competencies (NOF), I believed it was created to help nurses used critical thinking when delivering care. Being a nurse had empowered me to know the important of critical thinking when caring for patients. “Nurses use critical thinking to integrate objective data with knowledge gained from an assessment of the subjective experiences of patients and groups, and to apply the best available evidence and research data to the processes of diagnosis and treatment”.
1. What are the key messages of the IOM report? Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training. Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression. Nurses should be full partners, with physicians and other health professionals, in redesigning health care in the United States.
Working in the emergency room, I get to see many people from different walks of life come into the department. The diseases and illnesses that are presented are often ones that can be prevented, perhaps through early intervention screenings or better patient education. During the NURS 4400 semester, I would like to be able to become more aware of how as a nurse, I can better prevent injury and illness, as well as provide patient education through out reach programs. I think this could best be achieved by being able to work with a home health nurse, school nurse or community health clinic.
For the nurses to help their patients, it is necessary to set the health goals with them and work mutually to achieve those goals. And if we have a closer look at King’s nursing process, it has a logical sequence. For instance, when a patient arrives, the first job of the nurse is to assess him/her and gather all the possible information about the patient including his/her health history, current health status and all. And in return the patient delivers the data for the asked questions. This is how interaction between the nurse- patient takes place. In the next phase of the diagnosis, the nurse analyzes the problem by utilizing the data collected from the assessment. Further, going to the next step, planning takes place. In this phase, the nurse and patient work together in setting the goals and making mutual decision to achieve the set objective. After setting a certain goal, they will implement those plans to work on with. And finally, the nurse evaluates the patient determining whether the set goal is achieved or not (Wayne, 2014). To better understand this concept lets consider an example:
Like most other professions, nursing is controlled by government regulatory agencies and professional organizations. For instance, boards of nursing in various states are the government entities mandated to regulate nursing at the state level, while the American Nurses Association is a professional organization that governs nursing at the nation level. Regulatory agencies and professional organizations are guided by the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.
I am applying to the certified nursing program. Since I was little, I have always want to be in the medical field. I grew up in a big family, where my parents were illiterate but worked really hard, and struggled a lot to send me to school, as a first generation, to get educated. The idea of helping each other has always a joy to my heart and of course to those who received the help. Thus, as I get older and older, started to explore the field the more I fall in love with it. My parents could not afford to continue to send me to college. I felt the same pain that they had. I did not stop going I continued and graduated from highschool. Over the years, we moved to Minnesota for a better place. When we got here, I decided to start working as
The national league for nurses defines critical thinking in the nursing process as “a discipline specific, reflective reasoning process that guides a nurse in generating, implementing, and evaluating approaches for dealing with client care and professional concerns” (Kozier, 2008). This definition is imperative to help a nursing student learn how to think in terms of nursing care. Nursing students must achieve a comprehensive understanding of critical thinking in order to understand the nursing process. The purpose for this paper is for nursing students to learn how to use the nursing process, how to properly document their findings and assessments, and correctly implement APA formatting in a formal paper.
It is nice to meet you! It is always interesting to hear about the vast backgrounds that nurses have. I hope that you are still singing in some capacity, even as a hobby. Did anyone call the National Inquirer about you giving birth to a Chinese Shar-Pei? I think they would be interested in that story.
The main barrier upon arrival to United States was the communication. Which leads to difficulty in effectively achieving a job as well as participating within the foreign country. They were willing to undergo this difficulty with the hope that their children might improve economic status of the people through education. The nursing assessment begins by knowing ourselves and accepting our values and realizing all other cultural values that differ from our own. Realizing this will permit the provider to work effectively with patients and to provide a safe, professional nursing care. It is important for the provider to remember that some of them have no education so they will have difficulty speaking English. Providing aids to help them interpret
According with the Nursing Practice Act of Florida the delegation to a competent individual the authority to perform a selected task must consider factors such as the nature of the assignments, the competence of the individual to carry out the task, the education and training, and also the nurse ability of supervision. The nature of the assignment must include factors related to the potential for the patient harm. For instance, the nurse who delegates has to use nursing judgment to define the difficulty of performing and the risks of harm by the unappropriated perform the specific task. In this context, the competency of the individual receiving the authority to perform the task, must to be assessed, it means, that the individual have to demonstrated
Leadership by the team leader, who has responsibility for the team, is critical for team
There is nothing better than the sound a cricket ball makes when it hits the wickets, or the feeling of a cricket ball in your hands. Cricket has changed and impacted my life for the better, and has created memories that I would never trade for. Playing cricket at a young age caused it to be a huge part of my life. Playing and watching cricket was my first love. I grew up watching cricket legends such as Sachin Tendulkar and Shoaib Akhtar battle against each other. Cricket has taught me many things about life; it taught me how to listen, how to be a leader, and how to be a good teammate while working well with others. Cricket has also taught me that sometimes you have to lose some before you can win some, and that success requires hard work.
Social interaction is a key concept and necessity each individual experiences. Throughout the lifespan there are different engagements he or she will interact with. There are many different aspects on how one’s social life can be affected, positively or negatively. Social interaction is one of the most important determinants in foreseeing how one is going to develop physically, emotionally, and mentally. This can include milestones that are passed successfully and others that were thwarted in the process.