At my workplace, we were having similar problem where nurses were not completing their charting, especially close to end of shift. The unit manager combat this issue by reminding everyone at the hurdles that corrective actions will be given to noncompliant individuals. Also reminders are posted throughout the unit to remind everyone that they need to chart the vital signs every hour and heart sounds and neurological status every four hours. The charge nurse is also responsible for ensuring that everyone is in compliance. According to Wang, Hailey, and Yu (2011), “quality nursing documentation promotes structured, consistent and effective communication between caregivers and facilitates continuity and individuality of care and safety of patients”
The interview was conducted with a registered nurse with more than 10 years’ experience. Her current role is working in the Medical Assessment and Planning Unit, in particular, the palliative care area. On a regular basis, her role involves providing safe and quality care to her patients, and more specifically end of life care. In doing so, two predominant skills of communication
Mr. Comer was admitted to his local community hospital for respite care. He has suffered multiple, acute strokes in the past, which has left him with severe disabilities. These include paralysis rendering him immobile, aphasia (speech loss) and dysphagia (swallowing difficulties). He relies on carers for all normal activities required for daily living (Roper et al 1996) and is advised to have a pureed diet and thickened fluids.
This essay will highlight one of the key concepts of nursing .The concept that will be discussed in this essay will be communication, the reason for this chosen concept is that communication plays a vital role in everyday occurrences which defines how a situation is perceived by yourself, others and how communication is effectively handled . There will be a definition on what communication is also an evaluation of the chosen concept will be explored throughout this essay.
Communication is the foundation of exchanging information from one person to another, whether it is in the form of written, spoken or by body language, communicating is vital to everyone. Therefore, effective communication is imperative within the healthcare, for it is through communication relationships, information and understanding are obtained. The purpose of this paper is to read the critical thinking exercise with Nurse Oliver Witte and describe the problems that are presented, whose problems it is? What should Olivia do about it? In addition, I will discuss what mode of communication Olivia is using and in what order should she communicate with first, along with who else needs to be involved with this her communication. Lastly, what type of leadership and management strategies should Olivia use?
Type 1 diabetes (T1DM), which accounts for 10%- 15% of all diabetes, is increasing in prevalence globally. According to Diabetes Australia (2015), diabetes becomes the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia among all other chronic illness such as heart disease or cancer. Although T1DM cannot be prevented or cured at the present as the exact cause of the disease is not yet fully understood, it can be managed with insulin injections or insulin pump (Diabetes Australia, 2015). However, a person with Down Syndrome (DS) and moderate intellectual disability (ID) will face more health challenges managing his chronic illness than those without ID or genetic condition. ICF model will be used to analyse this person’s activities limitation and participation restrictions in the essay. Finally, an effective nursing communication intervention will be applied by the community nurse to educate this 45 year old male to reduce risks of developing complications associated with T1DM.
Holistic healthcare demands interpersonal collaboration within the nurses and the community for the excellent care of the patient. For example, for a patient suffering from a mental disorder, it is necessary for the nurses to collaborate with each other as well as with the social workers assigned to the patient and his family, which is true if the patient is also a guardian. (Wagner, Liston, & Miller, 2011). The nurses will have to take medical care of the patient while the social worker tends to his social needs such as the welfare of his family. Therefore, it is imperative that the nursing and social work personnel have good communication skills. Communication enhances teamwork that will lead to the caregivers sharing insights and ideas with
Reflecting on learning the importance of nursing documentation/record keeping and written communication. I recognise it’s one of many skill sets imperative to communicating with others, and needed to be effective in my field. Gaps in communication can be risky to patient’s continuity of care, and can lead to detrimental errors such as incorrect medication dosage or treatments, impinging on their safety. Further breaching the (NMC, 2015, C: 13-16), where it is a requirement to protect the public and patients. Poor record keeping would affect my competence, duty of candour and my ability to raise concerns. Further putting patient’s safety at risk. Therefore it is crucial to for records to contain
It can be hard for nursing students to apply theoretical knowledge to clinical setting without some proper guidance and support. This paper will discuss a critical incident which occurred in Week 3 of my N308 clinical course. The incident was related to skilled communication and organized prioritization, which are topics covered in N307 seminar. From a nursing perspective, this incident made me realize the importance of effective communication, prioritisation, and management skills because disorganized care would pose a threat to patient’s safety and compliance with the fundamental principles listed in the CNA code of ethics (Canadian Nurses Association, 2017).
Change is the stage where all the ward team begin to decide their uncertainty that things will be different (Cummings and McLennan 2005). This is when effective communication flow will be established with the ward team to be on board with the change especially the hierarchical stakeholders leaders or managers (Palfrey 2006). It will develop a good rapport between the change agent to managers in order to brain storm these managers to belief in embracing this challenge and chance to execute the cover for the catheter stand and short with suspensor pocket for the suprapubic catheter leg bag would benefit the patients and the team. This will allow the managers to engaged and support the junior staffs to adapt the new skill as they are seen as role models (Porter-O' Grady 2003). This transitioned of these hierarchical leader controlled structure of empowerment will require a champion who will advocate, lead and implement the change within the unit and others (Kerfoot 2006). For example, the manager will mentor and
During this module we have learned an array of new skills and indeed sharpened a few from last year that will be beneficial to us as student nurses embarking on our 4th practice learning experience and beyond. The skill I have chosen to focus my writing on will be that of communication during the delivery of end of life care. More specifically the essay will take into consideration the role of a nurse and how they aim to communicate clearly, effectively and efficiently with the affected person and their family, whilst working towards providing person centred care during the last two to three days of that person’s life. The essay will look to assert why communication is so important in end of life care with the person and their family so that everyone is aware of the situation as it unfolds. The NMC Code 2015 and NICE guidelines; in particular 31 which focuses on adults in their last days of life, will be addressed with reference made to the importance of communication helping to maintain dignity, confidentiality and uphold the deliverance of person centred care. My writing will briefly touch upon our own local policy in Northern Ireland; Living Matters Dying Matters and the Priorities of Care that replaced Liverpool Care Pathway in 2014. I will provide examples of how communication is used during end of life care and the rationale for doing so, including the use of tools that can assist nurses in providing care when a person becomes unable to make independent decisions any more through incapacity or illness. Finally my writing will discuss what happens and the feelings that are evoked when communication is poor during end of life care and how this can negatively impact the person and their family or loved ones.
The nursing role implies interpersonal process between individuals. The nursing relation relationships utilized communication has an essential tool for successful implementation of the nursing process. The following is an example of how miss communication affects all the departments of and organization:
One of the many concepts that were interesting was the Nurse Role as a communicator. Good communication skills are essential to every professions, careers and very important to developing a trustful Nurse Patient Relationship. We as nurses communicate with diverse of people every day, as we deliver or provide care, educations and information to our patients and their family. We must be able to provider information’s that are accurate and in a nonthreatening manner. Patients and family may have questions relate to their care, be it vaccine in this case, it is important not to only discuss the benefits but the risk of vaccines. Good communication will help the nurse not to be defensive when they question. Patients, family members and parents, might have being misinformed or received misinformation about vaccines however with good communications skills nurses get their massages about vaccinations across more clearly and effectively. In additional to developing quality-targeted communication to specifically address and improve vaccine uptake, vaccination and communication is an essential
Conversations between nurses often include medical terminology, even in casual speech. The environment encourages unofficial acronyms, medical slangs and jargons that are easily misunderstood. These methods of conveying information may occur in the form of written or verbal communication. There has been an increased amount of written abbreviated communication with the introduction of electronic communication. Consequently, studies have shown health care mistakes were more related to systematic errors such as ineffective communication than human errors (Kowalski & Anthony, 2017, p.1). Therefore, better communicate skill between nurses, other healthcare professionals and supervisory staff will contribute to a safer environment for the patients.
As discussed in the last essay communication is key in nursing, every aspect of nursing is depending upon communication. Nurses must communicate with patients and their families, doctors, other nurses. When working in the medical field you will be required to help all different patients, and you need to be prepared to be able to efficiently and effectively communicate even if there is a language barrier, nurses are the main advocates for the patient that they are caring for at that moment. Communication can also occur with out any words being spoken, communication also happens by observing facial expressions, body language, and, gestures.
Oral communication in healthcare is a continuous process and is extremely important for all those involved. Nurses relay relevant information to patients and their family, they are also responsible for updating the physician about the condition of their patients as well as nurse to nurse reporting. This communication is a fundamental part of the nursing process and can result in either quality effective care or ineffective care caused by lack of information. Written communication between the doctors, nurses, patients, and patient families can occur in a number of forms whether handwritten nursing notes or electronic medical records. Both forms are permanent