I cannot agree with you more. Nursing educators are such a vital part of any organization. Unfortunately, at my facility we are going through a transition period of nursing leadership and the Designated Learning Officer position has been put on hold. The nursing educators are taking on different roles to assure staffing for now. Managers are responsible for educating staff, more than they ever have before. I have wonderful staff that I have educated to perform in this role.
Everyone faces struggles in their life. Some allow those struggles to help build them as a person, others let those struggles tear them down. For me, I allowed my struggles to help me develop academically and personally. Without struggle there is no progress.
According to Shellebarger & Edwards (2012), Nurse Educators help shape the future of nursing by educating future novice nurses. Nurse Educators have a core curriculum to follow to ensure lifelong learning in their role. They help shape critical thinking skills in our future nurses by giving them the knowledge needed to think critically. “ Evidence has found that hospital based nurse educators influence safe patient outcome through contemporary evidence based teaching and their contribution of policy development supports safe practice” (Sayers,2012, p. 45). Nurse Administrators take on the role of patient advocates, by ensuring that patients are receiving the highest level of care (Hamic, Hanson, Tracy, & O’Grady, 2014). Nurse Administrators are an important part of management of nurses , they help develop policies and procedures and are change agents in their fields. The Nurse Educator and the Nurse Administrator should be
A baby was just born at 26 weeks gestation. Just over half the normal 40 weeks a baby should stay inside the mother. The baby is immediately whisked away and taken to be evaluated and prepared for a long journey ahead. Ever since I could remember babies and the nursery at the hospital have fascinated me. Whenever we would go visit a friend who had a baby, I would find myself peaking over the windows into the nursery. I have known for a while that working in the neonatal intensive care unit is what I want to pursue. Recently I have been looking into nurse practitioners and furthering my education beyond my BSN. Being able to care for these infants in the most critical stages of their life, and being able to provide them the support they need to survive outside the womb seems so satisfying . Neonatal nurse practitioners have years of education, deep history, detailed job description, high demands and some legal issues.
Nurse practitioners and physician’s assistants have quite a bit in common. While in medical school, they both have to train to work in a particular specialty. After specializing, both can perform physical assessments, examinations, and laboratory studies. They also interpret diagnostic studies and can diagnose and treat common illnesses and injuries. Once deciding what is wrong with the patient they can both prescribe medication and discuss a treatment plan.
A good protocol is created from evidence-based medical practices agreed on by medical staff involved in anticoagulation therapy (i.e., all stakeholders) and addresses key decision points and respective courses of action integrated with the clinical judgment and experience of the practitioner.
P.R. is a 34 year-old male from Guatemala who went to a lake for cliff diving. He dove off of a cliff 20 feet from the water, hitting a rock, and fractured his neck at C6. This left P.R. as an incomplete quadriplegic, with partial gross movement of his upper arms. P.R. is able to move his shoulders to slightly lift his arms, but has no movements in his legs or the trunk. P.R. requires total assistance for all activities of daily living, and is incontinent of both bowel and bladder function. He speaks primarily Spanish and cannot communicate in English. He is verbally abusive and becomes combative with care givers. He does not have family support in America and is having difficulty adapting to American foods. P.R. has
Certified Nursing Assistant Introduction: A CNA, a Certified Nursing Assistant, is a person in the health care field who helps patients or clients with healthcare needs under the supervision of a Registered nurse or a Licensed Practical Nurse. CNAs are the backbone of nursing. They are the foundation that makes patient care possible and easier for everybody. Being a CNA is not always an easy job but they will do what needs to be done.
Healthcare in the United States in the 1950’s and 1960’s experienced an upheaval with the expanded availability of the Medicare and Medicaid programs and the increased specialization of medicine. The shortage in providing health care coverage to low-income women, children, the elderly, and people with disabilities gave clinically experienced nurses the opportunity to fill the primary care void. This was accomplished with the introduction of the first Nurse Practitioner program. The NP program was co-created in 1965 by a nurse educator, Loretta Ford, EdD, RN, PNP, and a physician, Henry Silver, MD, at the University of Colorado as a non-degree
As a nursing a student, my ultimatum is not to make the most money as possible, it is to obtain the most knowledge as possible. Indeed, nursing school introduced me to a new side of learning and studying, and at often time were quite difficult. Reflectively thinking, it opened a new way of thinking for me. At this point, I have successfully passed my first semester of nursing school, and have accepted the gratitude that I am capable of anything I put my mind to. In other words, my long terms became my short terms. Beginning of nursing school, I limited my goals to successfully passing my classes and becoming a Registered Nurse as my ultimate goal. Now, my short-term goal includes joining the United States Air Force as a 2nd lieutenant, titled Registered Nurse. While my short-term goals may seem intriguing, I feel as if I should utilize my opportunities and advantages even more. Being said that, as a 2nd lieutenant or any progressing rank, I plan to future my education and purse to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.
Teenagers have enough stress as it is right? Adolescence is an awkward time of transition from childhood to adulthood which can be more than scary for most. Between spending time with family, making friends, doing homework, participating in sports or other recreational activities, and growing up in general, who has time to get a job? Although it can add to the stress of teenage life, getting a job has more pros than cons. My experience working as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) at Morgantown Care and Rehabilitation Center has been a learning experience about responsibility, patience, and compassion.
“They sound great... Oh… Wait we can’t hire them”, my boss stated as she hands me a small pile of applications back. “Well, why not? They have the proper training and they’ve been a CNA for as long as I have. You know just as well as I do that we need all the help we can get. Especially, since I’m on the desk until my doctor releases me to work on the floor.” “I know we need the help but we already have one guy hired and we can’t hire another one. You would have to switch cares all the time because upstairs we have 5 women-only cares and at least 3 women-only cares down stairs. That would just be such a hassle if you girls are in the middle of cares with a resident and then we have to find cares you can switch with him…. It just wouldn’t be fair to you girls.”
Hi, I spoke to Ms. Aida Marcia who is the Diabetic Nurse Educator. She informed me that in the past, the diabetic nurse used to do all patients education, but now the outpatient nurses are assigned to help. She also stated since these are new machines, she has been given in-services to the outpatient staff before they can actually begin patients teaching. I cc her and asked her to reply to this E-mail to give us some dates to choose from to set up our in-service.
In the Certified Nurses Assistant or CNA services, you have to be trained. The training for being a CNA you need to have basic nursing principles and do clinical work while being supervised. You also have to be qualified to be one. You need to have your High School diploma or GED, nursing assistant training, which is about 6-12 weeks, basic training skills, Anatomy/physiology credit, and infection control.
Today, there are many challenges that are being faced by nursing educators due to ethical and professional nursing standards. Nurse educators are required to accomplish the role of both an educator and clinical instructor simultaneously. In the past, nurse educators for theory class and clinical rotations were hired separately. Part-time positions were given to clinical instructors because of their expertise in the field, unfortunately, they had little knowledge in teaching the theory portion of the class. On the contrary, theory-based faculty were mainly focused on the teaching components in a classroom setting and had less chance in keeping their skills current (Little & Miliken, 2007). Having concurrent role do question the capacity of a nurse educators. Is this goal feasible and achievable for nurse educators to handle today’s multifaceted health care structure? In order to accomplish these tasks, this author constructed a well-planned clinical currency strategy which will be discussed in this paper.
Effective cancer screening methods are used to detect or identify the presence of a specific cancer before the individual displays any symptoms of cancer. Early detection of a cancer through screening can save the life of a person who may have died without screening detection. Early detection of cancer can also provide a less costly and more effective treatment than if the cancer progresses requiring more advanced or drastic treatment. Screenings tests for the more common cancers such as breast, colon, prostate or cervical can be non-invasive or only slightly invasive. The majority of screening procedures are non-invasive which is more cost effective, patient convenient, and does not require any patient aftercare. Screening tests usually