can only be healed by a traditional healer i.e. a voodoo priest. ("Culture-bound syndrome", 2017). Nursing intervention is key in both cultures as it gives direction where a patient may be too inclined to a practice that may affect them negatively. Nurses are supposed to first learn of the culture at hand and give recommendations as to how the patient may be assisted. The Chinese highly value their families as this is the structure of stability and continuity. Children are highly valued, they are educated keenly as they are the predecessors both in arts and culture. The most important lesson they are taught is respect as this is the core value of the Chinese culture. The work of the adults to nurture each other and take care
The purpose of this paper is to conduct an in depth exploration of the nursing care considerations of patients in a specific clinical area. Through the synthesis of prior knowledge, clinical experiences and skills, evidence based best practices, and care of patients a comprehensive care and teaching plan will be composed. Integration of critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills, combined with evidence-based research will provide confirmation of nursing process comprehension. The inclusion of reviewed literature will further support knowledge and understanding.
The aim of this essay is to explore evidence based nursing intervention in the care and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in an acutely ill patient. The acutely ill patient involved in this essay was admitted to hospital due to cerebrovascular accident and had a past medical history of myocardial Infarction, left Ventricular failure, peripheral vascular disease and duodenal ulcer as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This essay will provide a rationale for the chosen aspect of care (COPD) and reason will be given why it is a priority. In particular the essay will examine the significance of the underlying pathophysiology of the disease relating to the acutely ill patient other
Using rhetorical strategies is a very difficult writing style to achieve, it requires patience, organization and the strategic use of different words. Rhetorical strategies such as ethos, logos, and pathos are very simple to define, but using these strategies in writing, is a very complex skill that I struggled with prior to taking English 1301. After creating a Prize presentation about different rhetorical strategies, writing a rhetorical analysis essay with the aid of Purdue Owl, became more understandable. Prize presentations made it easier to understand difficult materials because my professor made other students and I represent each topic with an image and explanation. By allowing students to use Purdue Owl as a writing tool my professor
It seeks high values for individualism and respect of adolescents to others. Their culture always looks toward the future and never lets any short interests interfere with what they praise. Their values and ideas are which made this country a secure society and have been held together for thousands of years. China’s stable society is payable to the way they obey to their future commitments established by discipline practices that were taught at childhood.
|Physiological |2. mother has been observed |perineum secondary |during my shift, and |2. Instruct mother on the importance | |bathroom breaks, and |
Their Saturdays are often filled with studying and Sundays are usually devoted to studying, sports, and for some families, church. For the adults, fathers spend most of their time working and mothers spend their time working, cooking, or teaching their children when they are home from school. According to Ella, both friends and family are very important and equally valued in her culture. Along with friends and family, the Chinese also value their hobbies, money, and being unique. Food is another part of their culture that is very important. In America we often eat food in a rush, on the go, or not even at a table. But in China they take their time eating, follow a slow process eating course by course, and do it all together as a family and even with friends. History is also very important to the Chinese culture. With such a rich and long history of their country, students spend much time learning about China's past and they even learn the old Chinese language. The main purpose in the lives of Chinese people is to have children, grow their family, and leave a legacy. In China things like school, family, friends, and their history are just a few things that their culture greatly
After establishing the community goals, resources and constraints, two public health nursing interventions were identified. The first intervention includes a one-hour mental health education class held for school-aged children at the local Boys and Girls Clubs. This class will be provided by nursing students from the University of Arizona. The students will then facilitate a cognitive-behavioral therapy activity that will address mental health, and emphasize different coping skills and how to deal with bullying. Therapy will include an art project where the participants will write negative thoughts or feelings on a drop sheet. The drop sheet will then be hung as a target and the participants will throw water balloons filled with paint at the
Nursing intervention of patients with valvular disease incorporates a number of nursing diagnoses. Nursing management interventions mainly focus on achieving adequate cardiac output, maintaining fluid balance and education on the patient and the family members.
Good evening class, the assessment tool that I was given to learn about was Fulmer SPICES acronym. This is useful for common syndrome of the elderly that will require nursing interventions. As to the article and video that I watch, it was about a 70-year-old female African American. Medical history of sickle cell anemia, congestive heart failure and total hip replacement.
Nursing interventions include: Nurses must recognize the cultural differences when providing care by not judging, but open in accepting other peoples' ways of doing things. “Cumulatively, with the increasing cultural diversity in society, nurses find it difficult to uphold their moral integrity through genuine engagement with those who appear different and hold cultural beliefs that differ from their own “(Bearskin, 2011, p. 554). Nurses must encourage the use of western medication for its accuracy and potency, at the same time develop cultural awareness, by not forcing his/her own view and opinion of others when it comes to choice of
I came into the school year knowing full well that in November, America would have a new president-elect into office in January. I admit I really didn’t know much about the entire American election process, and the amount of rigor, structure, and controversy that surrounds the entire procedure. Fortunately, I had a basic level of understanding and knowledge of issues, however, I didn’t know the vast amount of variation that is present from different issues, and how different issues come to formulate one’s “political identity.” Over the course of the last thirteen weeks, American Studies has taken my entry level background, and successfully transformed me into a conscious, informed, independent, and responsible participant in the American Political
I can see that you read the material that was assigned and you were able to answer the question. But, if you had to define chronic illness and disability in you own words and provide an example of each, what would you say. In addition, nursing intervention should be things nurse can do, under the nursing scope of practice, measurable, and does not necessary needs a physical order. Also, care should be patient centered and when possible included family, this help with achieving a better outcome.
According to physical growth and development theories, grade 5 students should have an annual gain of 2-3 kg in weight and 5 cm. They have well developed gross motor skills and increasing accuracy in fine motor skills as they lost all of their baby teeth, and they also need more privacy as they start to pay attention to their personal hygiene (NBC News Education Nation, 2016). I noticed that girls were taller than boys, and students played sports and cleaned after themselves. Based on the theories and observations, my intervention as a nursing student would be helping them to develop an interest in sports, and teach them different cleaning techniques (NBC News Education Nation, 2016; Hockenberry, 2014a). According to Erikson’s psychosocial
The value of filial piety: Chinese society is characterized by patriarchy and hierarchy. Elders make the most decisions. Confucianism advocates people to show respect and compliance for elders. Most of the Chinese people treat filial piety as the most important traditional value. It requires the younger generation to follow the elders’ words without a doubt. If a kid disputes with his/her parents, he/she shows unrespect for the parents.
A willingness to listen even when we don’t understand, a willingness to help even if we are poorly equipped is the foundation of true nursing. Healing and recovery are contingent on the participation of patient and directly effect on outcome of the individual. There are numerous complexities in the profession of nursing, however true knowledge and understanding is not considering each component of the complexity, but reflecting on their vulnerability, resilience, and hardiness, as addressing those will enable a positive effect on their healing. Without these components, all treatments and medications will not have an enduring effect. In essence, the best healing is listening to the individual and creating genuine connections. Nursing