I am applying to your Master of Science in Nursing program for spring 2017. In 2005 I migrated with my parent to United States of America for very first time. After completing adult school, decided to go back India to pursue study in nursing carrier. My interest began in nursing since I was in 8th grade, when my grandmother was hospitalization for ovarian cancer and she needed hysterectomy. None of my family member knew about medical terminology and treatment plan. Not having full understanding for disease process and treatment plan, always feared us for worst. Since than I always wanted to be a nurse, to provide education to families, patients about their disease process and treatment plan. After earning my Associate of Science in Nursing from India in …show more content…
After being a nurse and encountering with endless opportunities to serve community, encourages me to continue with higher level of education. Along with my full time job, I joined United States University, San Diego in 2014 for Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Success and self enrichment to me is defined by experience and education. During acute care experience, I have been exposed to various cultural and ethnicity background which helps to strengthen my communication skills and knowledge toward others culture and values. It is not always easy to take care of patients at Community Regional Medical Center, especially it has diverse and indigent population. Sometimes I feel that its quite challenging and difficulty taking care of these patients because it requires critical care assessment, along with providing education to them regarding their disease process. However, I believe by taking care these critical ill patients helped me to grow cultural and more understanding nurse. I enjoy taking care patients including families emotions, but I am looking forward to continue with my education and take my dream to next level to be Family Nurse
After completing my bachelor’s degree at Florida State University in the fall of 1997, I began my career at a small hospital in Largo, Florida. I started on a thirty eight bed cardiac/telemetry unit. I had the fortunate opportunity to orient with a seasoned nurse who loved her career in nursing. She was an enthusiastic preceptor that not only educated me on the tasks of nursing but inspired and introduced me to critical care and critical thinking. I spent the next three years at this hospital working in the Coronary Care Unit until deciding to become a travel nurse and see the country. I began travel nursing with my best friend and we worked in Florida, Washington D.C., New York and Denver. At all of these locations we worked in the intensive care unit. Each experience provided a different population and vast new experiences.
I realized I wanted to be a nurse in 2010 when I was sitting by my grandfather as he was diagnosed with a stroke. As the physician explained to my family and I that the man we knew and loved would not be able to speak or walk again we were struck with heartache. The compassionate and holistic care that the nurses provided him solidified my determination to become a healer to patients who were not able to care for themselves. Today, I have the joy to work in an Emergency Department caring for acutely ill patients and their families, as they are vulnerable and grieving just as my family was. Nevertheless, I have come to realize that my journey will not end until I become more involved with patient care by earning a degree as a Nurse Practitioner. In this paper, I will discuss my educational and professional goals, short term and long-term goals, and how earning a Nurse
Nurse practitioners are nurses with advanced training and education who are able to perform tasks done by doctors. I yearn to earn a master’s degree in nursing to have an advanced education. I intend to work in a hospital to help numerous patients. Throughout my four years in high school, I have always aspired to be the best by maintaining a 3.8 grade point average. With substantial knowledge, I will be an outstanding nurse. My vision as a nurse is allowing arrant communication between a patient and a health advisor by translating for those who are only able to speak Spanish.
As my resume indicates, I will receive a degree in nursing from Neumann University in May. My education coupled with my 11 years’ experience as a nursing assistant has provided with a foundation in nursing which compliments my ability to properly manage time and prioritization. Furthermore, during clinical experiences, many of my clinical instructors have complimented me for excellent interactions with patients and their families.
My initial interest in nursing began from my experience with my grandmother. It was in the fall of 2007 when my grandmother was sent to the hospital due to hypernatremia. My dad would pick me up every afternoon from school to visit my grandmother. I was given the responsibility to look after my grandma for nearly two weeks that includes in feeding her, assisting her, and other light duties. What fascinate me during my visits in the hospital were the nurses who assisted and took care of my grandma. They treated my grandma with dignity, kindness, compassion, courtesy, respect, understanding, and love. Their commitment, professionalism, dedication, determination and skills inspired me to pursue a career in the medical field. From that point, I realized that nursing is a field that enables people impact other people’s lives and make a difference. At 9 years old, being a nurse was a childhood dream and now I am at the point of turning my dream into reality. I want to study and pursue my dream registered nursing at Ryerson University that offers a nursing degree program that focuses on developing student’s critical thinking skills, ability to analyze reflectively and apply theory through community health focused practice making Ryerson one of the best nursing schools in Canada.
Nursing is an excellent career choice, where an individual acquires great gratitude while attending to others necessities. If someone is constantly trying to improve themselves and wanting to be challenged in life, “as nurses, we face tremendous challenges and often see and do things that are extraordinary” (Ulrich xix). By becoming a registered nurse the individual will make a difference. Nursing allows an individual to continuously be benefiting a fellow human being, not only with the patient but with their families as well, having the opportunity to becoming someone especial in the patient’s life. Nursing is a
Since July of 2015, I have been in school working towards obtaining my baccalaureate of science in nursing (BSN) degree. In October of 2016 I will have completed the BSN degree program at Grand Canyon University (GCU). Although I obtained my associates degree in nursing (ADN) in 2005, which has been well over five years ago, I will be one of the nurses who will help achieve the IOM’s recommendation of having eighty percent of the nursing workforce have their BSN.
The purpose of this paper is to interview an individual who is a Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN) prepared, with a focused track in education. The paper will detail the interviewees career, graduate education, current position and offer words of knowledge. The interviewee is a 45-year-old female, born and raised in the city of Philadelphia, PA. The choice to highlight this individual will reveal that she is an exceptional nurse who overcame personal adversities while pursuing her MSN and graduating Magna Cum Laude.
Growing up I did not dream about becoming a nurse. I graduated from high school with honors and was planning to go to law school. However, several months later, my life drastically changed. Unexpectedly, my beloved mother was diagnosed with stage II ovarian cancer. Spending countless days and nights by her side at the hospital made me recognize how significant and life-saving her care was. Nurses were highly skilled professionals who worked together to provide essential care for my mother, give immense support and encouragement, ensure that her treatment would be delivered timely, promptly assess and address her physical and emotional needs and manage her distressing symptoms.
The medical field is a phenomenon that it is forever evolving and rapidly changing. Technological advancements and research published in medical journals are continually revised in order to increase accuracy and efficiency of diagnoses and treatments. It is imperative that every healthcare provider keeps up to date with the most current medical findings in order to provide the best care possible to their patients. Therefore a characteristic that every health care provider should possess is self-motivation to pursue knowledge for personal development to help themselves and others grow. My natural curiosity in life and eagerness to continually educate and improve myself makes me a wonderful candidate for your direct-entry master’s of nursing program.
Three years after completion of my nursing diploma I wanted more because I knew that my life and career would benefit the community a lot more than bedside nursing, so I enrolled to do a Bachelor's degree of science in nursing which I completed in 2014. Soaring higher, this leads to my next career destination of Masters in public health. As a student of diploma, my school was attached to the national referral hospital in Uganda where 70% of the patients suffered and died of preventable communicable diseases, it made me sick to the gut as I knew the only way to reduce these mortality rates was simply disease prevention; by disease study among other
As a licensed nurse, I will be able to reach out to more of the population such as those who are underserved and those who have limited knowledge about their health. Nurses are the main caregivers in a hospital environment; they pass medications, ensure patient safety, provide care, ensure the patient is comfortable, and lastly, provide health education to the patient. My role as a caregiver will be incorporated into nursing by including empathy, trust, consistency, and communication in the care for my patients; these are just some of the qualities of a caregiver as well (Mark & Pearson, 2001). As a nurse, I must be able to understand my patients point of view, as I need to be able to look at the situation from their perspective. Another aspect of the nursing career is communication, I must be able to listen to my patients and interpret correctly.
These beliefs directed me to choose nursing as a career; in which nursing gives me a great opportunity to fulfill my desire in helping others, and providing comfort to them in their time of need. Being a nurse is also equally important to make a difference in patients’
Watching my cousin detoriate from sickle cell anemia after suffering her first stroke at age 3, taught me medicine cant cure all disease and sometimes Doctors are limited in what they can do. However watching how the Doctor…. At Royal London Hospital I shadowed a haematologist on ward rounds, and learned that a significant part of a patient’s recovery depends on good bedside manner. Furthermore, I was shown the importance of time management, especially given modern day doctor workloads.
My decision to apply to Masters in Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Program was not an easy one, given my compelling journey in nursing. Although I have been a registered nurse for three years, my passion for nursing started a decade ago. As a teenager, I was always fascinated by the nurses who took care of me at the hospital. I admired how they made a difference in people’s lives. Subsequently, I started volunteering to a nearby hospital to get acquainted with the reality of caring for others. Shortly, my grandfather had a Cerebrovascular accident and became debilitated. My passion for nursing became driven by purpose because I wanted to take care of my grandparents. I started as a Nurse assistant then to Licensed vocational nurse, and ten