Over the years of practice in the medical field, I’ve been adapting and changing constantly according to the needs required. I’m passionate about medicine and I would love to practice in a rural context where resources and help are limited. I am planning on taking my skills to a higher level. I have a special interest in anaesthetics and would love to do my AST in anaesthetics to combine my current skills combined with emergency medicine and critical care. This will exponentially increase my expertise in treating sick patients that need to be admitted to a critical care unit or possible retrieval from rural areas to tertiary centres which need to be stabilised prior to be transferred.
I also would like to get to know the needs in the community
Concussions have plagued NFL ever since football was invented. There have been 29 concussions in 2015 and the number may continue to grow. Munro Cullum, a professor of psychiatry and neurology at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and his colleagues reported that having a concussion can have long lasting effects. 28 former football players were studied and 8 of those were diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment; they had some deficits in memory. While having the best equipments can increase the amount of damage sustained, there will always be a chance of concussion because brain floats in the cerebrospinal fluid in our skull and when there’s an impact, the brain hits the skull causing cell damage. Best way to tackle this is to
I first became exposed to a hospital setting during my early ages of childhood due to my constant issues with my immune system. To my parents, I was commonly referred to as the sick child in the family since I would constantly catch even the simplest of illnesses such as fevers, colds, flus, running nose, severe coughs and much more. The time period, in which I would visit the doctor’s office, lead me to become more accustomed overtime to the environment and eventually grow a passion for what is being done.
Given the goals of WRITE, please state why you should participate in the next class of students. Growing up in rural Wyoming instilled within me a desire to work toward improving access to medical care in rural areas, and I feel my participation in WRITE would equip me with the skills and tools necessary to pursue this goal. I possess a unique perspective into rural communities and will be able to share this with physicians and patients while deepening my understanding of health care challenges in rural areas. I enjoy immersing myself in novel situations in order to learn about cultures, practices, people, and worldviews which differ from my own. I strongly believe in a holistic view of medicine: empowering patients to become partners in
In the United States there are “2,300,000 people are in jails or prisons today. Incarceration is one of the most common forms of punishment in the country for those who choose to commit crimes. This number includes those who are jailed for a short period and are released on probation, as well as those who are doing time for the rest of their lives. (soapboxie, 2016).
“Nobody’s saying this will be easy. The important things never are,” (Fagan 14). Gun control is among one of the most disputed issues in the United States. Different views collide with each other and split our nation into two sides; those who support gun control, and those who don't. The United States should implement stricter gun control laws, because: the rate of death has increased drastically, guns increase violence, and mass shootings are at an all-time high.
Born and raised in Kenya, I permanently immigrated to the US in 1999. In addition to English, I also speak Swahili and German and look forward to utilizing these languages as a nursing professional, at least at some point in my career. I am currently enrolled in an MSN Degree Program at Capella University and I hope to begin your doctoral program at the University of South Alabama in 2017. The University of South Alabama is my first choice among DNP programs in Informatics because it has a particularly distinguished faculty and a most creative and inspiring curriculum. I could not be happier with my chosen field and I feel very strongly that the University of South Alabama is the optimal springboard to propel me to the cutting edge of service
“The journey to success they say requires persistence”; and many successful people learn from experience. To be involved in any profession one must first gain understanding and experience, the Word instructs us “... study to show thyself approved…” Working as a medical-Surgical Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), has given me the avenue to know more and inspired the desire to advance in the field of nursing. With this inspiration, I believe Nursing school will aide in the furtherance and I trust that i am prepared to take on the challenge head on.
I am a passionate healthcare professional, majored in the pediatric area with more than 16 years of experience working with Children and Adolescents. Additionally, 7 years involved with Children with Special Needs (Autism and Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). Throughout my career, I have been motivated to learn about different areas which allowed me to improve my professional performance and work successfully in different health environments. I am Seeking for an opportunity to be part of a prosperous organization where I can use my skills and experience to cause a positive impact in the work team.
My calling to nursing started when my father got diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2015. I watched him suffering through radiation and chemotherapy, but what got him through those hard times was the help of some great loving and caring nurses. As I became more involved in taking care of him, my passion for nursing had greatly increased. Now, for nine years, I have maintained a commitment to caring for others in the field of Nursing. Being a registered nurse (RN), I have taken care of one patient at a time, which I have been involved in the amelioration of lives, and have only been left wanting to give and do more. Pursuing a master of science in nursing (MSN) is more than just a logical or natural progression for my career. It is a life choice, one that is backed by highly refined clinical judgments and in-depth exposure to an array of set-ups, and levels of care. In this personal statement, I will deeper highlight an explanation of my career goals, the reasons for my choice of Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) specialization, and lastly the reason for pursuing an advanced degree in nursing.
For almost 18 years of providing exemplary program management and cross-sectional leadership for various organizations, I have acquired ample knowledge and skills to serve the Office of Health Equity as a Health Program Specialist II. Throughout my career, I have consistently displayed my impeccable work ethic and considerable skills to ensure that I accomplish my duties on time and with high quality. With these attributes, I am capable of producing remarkable results with any organization.
My Mission is to build and lead a visionary team where everyone is using their strength to maintain a beautiful nursing home. I will do everything within my authority to promote teamwork; working together with respect and appreciation for each other. I will focus on improving the quality of care by being creative and innovative in developing effective solutions. I am dedicated to clinical excellence and a safe working place for staff, and above all creating and maintaining a nursing home where resident and family members can have no regret calling home.
As long as I can remember, I have always been drawn to the health care field by a desire to help and make a difference in the lives of others. At such a young age I always found the doctor’s office an amusing trip, from watching movies and playing board games in the wait room to getting free lollipops which would only nurture my desire. Even as a young child people saw me as an odd one for watching Life in the E.R., I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant, and Discovery Health instead of watching cartoons, not to mention I would always carry my own special “doctor kit” everywhere, which included stethoscope, reflex hammer, medical records form and blood pressure cuff. All these events developed a strong tendency to want to help those in need, helped becoming a nurse my undoubted answer whenever someone asked me, “What do you want to be when you
It has always been truly astonishing how one cell can multiply into thousands. That one cell can cause the depletion and breakdown of your entire immune system and that one cell could be cancerous and lead ultimately to your death. That one cell that turned into many, then turned from ovarian cancer into lastly, Stage 4 breast cancer. That one cell took the life of my late grandmother. But it wasn’t her passing that sparked my interest into research, it was the trialing process of chemotherapy, radiation, and routine intake of medicine and regular doctor visits that triggered my interest into the study of cancer and health. I wanted to know if there were better preventative measures that could have decreased her chances of mortality care but
My desire to take a course in nursing was established when I did some volunteer work at a nursing home for job experience. I later got a paid job as a care assistant. I have always wanted to make a difference in people's lives and with nursing I can do it by giving the highest quality of care possible. Nursing is a very challenging and demanding career, however, it can be a satisfying one and it is my goal to be able to use my skills to aid people in the healing process.
My grandmother’s nurse served as an inspiration for me to pursue a career in healthcare. When I was sixteen years old, my grandmother had her left knee surgically removed and replaced. After such a severe surgery, a nurse was sent to my house to assist my grandmother for a few weeks. It was astonishing to watch the nurse work so compassionately and genuinely care for a complete stranger. Not only did she directly contribute in enhancing my grandmother’s health, she was also able to provide our family with hope and confidence.