
Nursing Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

On Tuesday November 21st, I had my last rotation at Hartford Hospital. During the month I spent going there I had the opportunity of treating patients with different systemic diseases, and getting familiar with the different medications, assessing them for any possible emergency, and reassuring the need to check vitals and medical history during each appointment. Also, it was a great place to practice taking radiographs like FMXs, panoramic radiograph and VBWs. In addition, I had the chance to see the work of dental hygienist in a hospital setting, and I have to say I liked it a lot. I wish I could have the opportunity to work at a hospital as well. For the morning I saw a 73 years old how suffers from Parkinson’s disease, high blood pressure, and GERD. She came for her 3 month recall visit and her vitals were BP: 147/67 P: 89. She is an ASA III, and she came with the help of her daughter who brought and her husband who came to pick her up. During her gingival assessment I found moderate plaque and BOP in the lingual aspects of mandibular and maxillary teeth. Patient stated she uses a power toothbrush and does not floss or uses floss threaders to clean under a fixed bridge she has on the UR quadrant. Her probing depth readings were generalized 1-3 mm and localized 4-5 mm with generalized abrasion and recession from 2-4 mm. My patient A.D. represented a challenge for me because during the debridement with the cavitron and the hand instruments she was uncomfortable.

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