
Nursing Research: Annotated Bibliography

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Barker, L. L., Kathy,J., Wahler, K. W., Watson, R and Kibler, J ( 1987) Groups in Process: Introduction to Small Group Communication, 3rd edition. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N J Bell, J (2005) Doing Your Research Project (4th edition). Berkshire Open University Press Best and Kahn (2006) Research in Education. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc Bigio, G and Dahiya, B, (2004) “Urban Environment and Infrastructure towards Livable Cities.” The World Bank, USA. Black R E., Cousens S., Johnson, H. L., Lawn, J. E., Rudan, I., Bassani, D. G., Jha, P., Campbell, H., Walker, C.F, and Cibulskis, R (2010) Global, regional and national causes of child mortality; a systematic analysis. Lancet 375 (9730); 1969-1987. Bradley, D., Carolyn, S., Trudy, H and Cairncross, S (1992) …show more content…

London Unwin Hyma Burn, N and Groves, S.K (2005) The Practice of Nursing Research. (6th edition), Elservier, Missouri 63146 Brian, G, Y., Greenwood, D, A., Fidock, Dennis, E, K., Stefan, H, I. Kappe, P., Alonso, L., Frank, H and Collins, P (2008) “Malaria progress and prospects for eradication.” Journal Clinical Investiment. 118: 1266-1276. Checkly W, R (2004) “Inadequate Water Supply and Sanitation adversely affects children.’’ John Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Journal Science Daily.pp. 112-118. Conwell, K and Inder, B (2004) Migration and Unemployment in South Africa When Motivation Surprises the Theory Australia, Monash University Corvaalan, C., Briggs, D and Kjellstrom (1996) Development of environmental health Indicators: In Briggs,D., Corvalan, C., Nurminen, M, eds. Linkages Methods for Environmental and Analysis. Geneva, World Health Organisation: 1996; 19-54 Cramer, C (2005) Inequality and Conflicts: A Review of and Age-Old Concern. Identities Conflicts and Cohension Programme Paper Number 11 (ISSN 1020-1894). Geneva. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.

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