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Nursing research can be defined as the knowledge that is developed and built on the foundation of scientific inquiries of clinical practices (Grove and Burns, 2013). As part of the United States National Institute of Health (NIH), the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) was established to promote wellness and to prevent diseases, to improve the overall quality of life across populations, to eliminate disparities, and finally to set the directions for end-of-life, palliative research. This essay will explore the history of the NINR in terms of its location, dates of operation, overall purpose, mission, and Strategic Goals. The essay will then outline the NINR 's current initiatives, describe the organization 's priorities in terms of funding. Training opportunities available through the organization will also be described. Finally, the experience attained by group members through doing the assignment will be explored and summarized.
Background - Malaria is a water borne disease. It is spread by a parasite-carrying mosquito. It kills many people and reduces a country 's capacity to develop. There are different strategies to combat malaria. Around half the population is at risk of malaria and this disease is active in 106 counties across Africa, Asian and the Americas (see source 3). the global annual mortality from malaria is between 1.5 - 3 million deaths, or between 4000 and 8000 each day. Developing countries are most vulnerable to Malaria and as shown on source 2 Malaria has been spread across many various other countries including in Europe, but these countries have eradicated Malaria.
In earlier times, the nursing profession was largely involved in research utilization, a process of putting research findings into practice (Schmidt and Brown, 2014). Research utilization comprised of using the results of a single research study and applying it to practice (Schmidt and Brown, 2014). However, large amount of questions were unanswered by a single study and clinical trials cannot always be used for human conditions (Schmidt and
Nursing research is a basic, but the most reliable method to keep track of the recent finding regarding to evidence-based practice(EBP). From the well-done research, nurses adapt and update current findings to derive best outcomes for patients. It can be traced back to Florence Nightingale’s analysis about importance of hygiene in mid 19th century to determine the origin of nursing research. In the 1980s, interest in nursing research was increased and nursing research was actively done by many skilled and educated nurses with support from the Government and the National Center for Nursing Research(NCNR) was established. Nursing research was propelled and National Institutes of Nursing Research(NINR) was found in
When we critically study books & articles relating to the subject of our interest, including research report, opinion articles, & summaries of clinical issues, pertinent questions may arise in our mind. These may strike reader’s mind indirectly by stimulating imagination & directly by stating what additional research is needed (Patidar, 2013). We can find a good source of nursing research in the "Areas of Future Research" that usually occur at the end of most research papers.
Nursing research is a systematic process of inquiry that uses rigorous guidelines to produce unbiased, trustworthy answers to questions about nursing practice. Original nursing research targets new knowledge to educate nurses on the practice of nursing. Nurses also use research to describe issues that affect health, find solutions to existing and emerging problems, test traditional approaches to patient care for continued importance and effectiveness, and to synthesize the findings of others into an understandable guide for practice. Without nursing research knowledge could not be applied to improve nursing
Malaria has been a major life-threatening disease for thousands of years, and continues to threaten millions of lives around the world. It infects approximately 219 million people each year, mostly poor women and children. What is striking about malaria is the fact that it has the worse effect on those with the least ability to fight the disease. The Republic of Cuba believes that malaria prevention, treatment, and research efforts must be accelerated to eliminate the burden of this disease across Africa, Asia, the Americas, and any country or territory at risk of malaria transmissions.
Nursing research is utilized to support evidence-based nursing practice; its evolution began with the work of the Lady with the lamp Florence Nightingale. According to Polit & Beck, (2017) nursing research embodies widespread arrays of systematic inquiry utilized in guiding nursing practice, quality and safety of populations’ health and improvement in care provided.
Using the continuum of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, I will demonstrate how I will approach researching my research question. To start, I will first identify the information required to answer my clinical question using nursing databases to extract related data needed perform the research. I plan to utilize several resources to find relevant research. For example, databases within the Walden library includes many relevant research articles with background information
Research was rarely discussed in the nursing realm during the time of my studies. According to the National Institute of Nursing Research, “a 1983 report by the Institute of Medicine recommended that nursing research be included in the mainstream of biomedical and behavioral science, and a 1984 NIH Task Force study found nursing research activities to be relevant to the NIH mission. These findings resulted in legislative action that established the National Center for Nursing Research (NCNR) at NIH in April 1986” (National Institute of Nursing Research, retrieved 8/21/2015).
But in recent studies it has shown that in some communities in Australia struggle to meet water standards. (Schwarzenbach et al., 2010) has recently shown that drinking water in some parts of Australia has shown to be contaminated with uranium, faecal bacteria and nitrates. (Schwarzenbach, R., Egli, T., Hofstetter, T., Von Gunten, U., & Wehrli, B. (2010).Meaning those who don 't have access to clean water in Australia will likely become sick or catch a disease affecting not only their growth but a child growth as well. Water is important to the human body. As we not only depend on it to live it helps our cells to function properly. Not having clean water can hinder our development but can affect our organs as well.As that being said low income communities in Australia will most likely have less access to clean water as opposed to those who are of high income. (Health, J., & Kim. (2004) found that air pollution can cause chronic effects on the development of a child that can lead to many illnesses like asthma and bronchitis as a result of living in high-ozone country meaning high pollutant than those who live in a low-ozone country.Committee on Environmental Health, J., & Kim. (2004). In Australia, food security is considered to be an important social determinant of health and a significant public health issue at national and state levels. Food insecurity is, however, especially important to child and family
This article is important as it assesses the progress made in the 3 years from 2010 -2014 in malaria elimination in south Africa, while highlighting challenges and suggesting priorities for moving the malaria program towards elimination. Although South Africa has made progress since adopting an elimination agenda, there are number of challenges that have been identified in the efforts toward malaria elimination. Over the review period annual spray coverage did not reach the 90 % coverage of recommended target, with information gaps identified in parasite prevalence, artemether‑lumefantrine therapeutic utilization, asymptomatic/sub‑patent carriage, drug efficacy, vector distribution and insecticide resistance. The author recommends that the Cross‑border initiatives with neighboring countries should be established since malaria importation poses a real threat to the country’s elimination. provincial programs are adequately funded and resourced to effectively conduct the targeted elimination activities, informed by current vector/parasite distribution and resistance data. More sensitive methods to detect sub‑patent infections, primaquine as a transmission‑blocking drug, and alternative vector control methods need to be investigated. Knowledge gaps among malaria health workers and affected communities should be