
Nursing Succession Planning Essay

Decent Essays

Lack of succession planning among the nursing workforce is expected to have a rippling affect across all care settings and worldwide in the years to come. Research supports that nurse manager's actions have the potential to influence outcomes in all care settings (Titzer, Phillips, Tooley, Hall, & Shirley, 2013). Presently, the nursing workforce is experiencing higher levels of turnover among first line managers than among senior leadership positions (Titzer et al., 2013). Organizations are encouraged to conduct gap analyses to project vacancies in key positions related to retirement and advancement (Titzer et al., 2013). Organizations are also encouraged to employ strategies to identify and grow internal human capital to facilitate …show more content…

Despite these suggestions, as many as 70% of hospitals still actively lack succession planning initiatives and over a third of existing nurse succession plans primarily focus on top-level management positions (Titzer, Shirley & Hauck, 2014). With more than 44% of nurses in management positions reported to be over the age of 55 and the cost of replacing nurse managers climbing to 75-125% of typical annual salaries, organization's need to turn increasing attention to proactive succession planning in order to remain viable in the healthcare industry (Sverdlik, 2012; Titzer et al., 2013). Increasing pressures to fill vacancies is resulting in clinically skilled but often underprepared nurses being selected for nursing leadership positions (Titzer & Shirley, 2013). Lack of formal preparation renders many aspiring nurse managers ineffective which has been associated with negative implications such as role transition stress, poor work environment, and increased turnover (Titzer & Shirley, 2013). This is further complicated by a lack of interest among younger novice nurses in leadership and management roles (Titzer et al., 2013). As such, the proposed succession planning program will utilize a multilayered approach to encompass all

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