
Nursing : The Protection, Promotion, And Optimization Of Health And Abilities

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1. Introduction Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and support in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations. Their job is to take care of patients in the best of their abilities, save lives, and make a difference in the world by helping those in need. I chose this topic because I personally find nursing an incredible interesting career and a patient denying medical treatment because of religious beliefs a issue people have many different opinions in but really no one is either right or wrong. This topic is a relevant issue for me because I am a nursing school student and we are taught that our primary job is to take care of our patients do whatever it takes to save their lives. As a nursing student we have an ethical code we are thought to follow and I understand that patients also have rights that we have to respect. So we are told to take care of our patients in the best of our abilities and when a patient denies medical treatment that can saves their lives it just prevents us to take care of them in the best way possible. At first I could not understand why someone would deny medical help knowing that with that medical treatment their life would be saved. I know and understand that everyone has different believes and have the right to decide over their own body but why wouldn’t you want

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