
Nutri Balance: Dog Food

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Dog food is an obvious choice for any dog owner. But sometimes a bad tasting or health risking food may result in a dog that has a strong dislike for its owner. In which case picking the correct type of dog food can result in a long and convoluted search that could even yield an undesirable outcome. Since this is a difficult search for many dog owners’ dog food manufacturers capitalize on this trend by persuading their customers with some very edgy ad campaigns. Nutri Balance takes it a step even further playing with the idea of murder. Though it is a very harsh topic the ad is very effective on creating a feeling that if a dog has bad food it could “rat out” their owner so to speak. The choice of spokespeople and dark colors adds another …show more content…

Both of these subjects are put on the same plane so the viewer’s eye is drawn from the man in the chair to the dog almost immediately. The dog is very effective in bringing an adorable element to a somewhat graphic ad. Having the dog standout in the gray and docile background of the patio adds an element of urgency to this advertisement. It’s like the ad is telling the viewer “Buy our dog food or this could happen to you.” And like many citizens the viewer would not want to go to prison because they bought their dog bad food. The man in the chair is rather bland. He has almost no form and his coloring is very simple though this is still a very effective technique in making the dogs urgency that much more …show more content…

It is unclear exactly who it is being marketed to, is it mafia members? Or could it be those who have had this situation happen to them already because that seems unlikely. The audience felt like it was lost on the production of the advertisement itself. A similar ad by the same company made a very good attack at the target audience. It involved a wife having an affair and the dog pulling away some curtains to show that there was an affair going with her while her understood husband was off at war. This shows that this company can create an effective and well-executed advertisement on all fronts. Not allowing the audience to be clear is a huge mistake in the advertising business. Not only does it confuse the viewer it can pull them out of the emotional response that was being obtained with all the other elements of the

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