Dog food is an obvious choice for any dog owner. But sometimes a bad tasting or health risking food may result in a dog that has a strong dislike for its owner. In which case picking the correct type of dog food can result in a long and convoluted search that could even yield an undesirable outcome. Since this is a difficult search for many dog owners’ dog food manufacturers capitalize on this trend by persuading their customers with some very edgy ad campaigns. Nutri Balance takes it a step even further playing with the idea of murder. Though it is a very harsh topic the ad is very effective on creating a feeling that if a dog has bad food it could “rat out” their owner so to speak. The choice of spokespeople and dark colors adds another …show more content…
Both of these subjects are put on the same plane so the viewer’s eye is drawn from the man in the chair to the dog almost immediately. The dog is very effective in bringing an adorable element to a somewhat graphic ad. Having the dog standout in the gray and docile background of the patio adds an element of urgency to this advertisement. It’s like the ad is telling the viewer “Buy our dog food or this could happen to you.” And like many citizens the viewer would not want to go to prison because they bought their dog bad food. The man in the chair is rather bland. He has almost no form and his coloring is very simple though this is still a very effective technique in making the dogs urgency that much more …show more content…
It is unclear exactly who it is being marketed to, is it mafia members? Or could it be those who have had this situation happen to them already because that seems unlikely. The audience felt like it was lost on the production of the advertisement itself. A similar ad by the same company made a very good attack at the target audience. It involved a wife having an affair and the dog pulling away some curtains to show that there was an affair going with her while her understood husband was off at war. This shows that this company can create an effective and well-executed advertisement on all fronts. Not allowing the audience to be clear is a huge mistake in the advertising business. Not only does it confuse the viewer it can pull them out of the emotional response that was being obtained with all the other elements of the
The suit shows that it must be nice outside. The facial expression on the girl is not happy. The viewer will notice a black hairy dog pulling at her bathing suit. This is causing her buttock to be exposed. Expression is one way of showing what is happening in the picture and how the person reacts to the action. The black dog looks like he is having fun and trying to get the young girls attention. Tan lines shown in the picture also suggest that the young girl is out in the sun. It is possible that the undeveloped miss is at the beach having a great time when all of a sudden a random dog comes up to her. The action in the picture helps catch the viewer’s attention to look at the picture. If the audience can relate to the story being told, more people will pay attention and look more closely at the advertisement. The descriptive and relatable story is just another great aspect of this advertisement, the general mood and feeling is also a great factor to this advertisement.
5.Can turn the obstacle of lack of appeal of frozen dog food into an asset in advertising
A strong healthy dog is pulling a wagon of a pretty bag of dog food that looks healthy and tasty. The dog food sets perfect and looks great in the wagon. The little puppy is pulling this big wagon of dog food up a steep winding road, to show his strength from eating Beneful dog food. The wagon with the dog food in it says “Incerdibites Bring out the incredible in your small dog. The advertisers attended audience is anyone who owns a small dog. The ad also says “it’s not the size of your tail it’s how you wag it. That statement is saying even though it’s a small puppy. It’s how they wag it by being happy if they eat the right dog food. This ad uses a lot of detail and color, which really makes it stand out. They use a very pretty back
First, the subject of the commercial deduced after watching it is one, which cannot be ignored. Almost everyone was affected by the September 11 attack and paid attention to any opportunity that shows respect for the victims. Secondly, the audience only realized that it was an advertisement at the end of the commercial when the company logo is shown. But more influential is the use of rhetorical appeals.
The cultural topic for my research project will be The Day of the Dead. This old Mexican tradition is celebrated to remember and honor all of the dead and loved ones. Celebrated mostly in Latin America this old tradition was created in the 16th century between Mesoamerica and Europe, and has been celebrated since then. The tradition consists of two days. The celebration begins in the first day of November, but the Day of the Dead is on November 2nd. I find this topic interesting because it goes way back into Aztec history. It was the first contact between Mesoamerica and Europe.
Eating dog food may not be seen as the easiest thing to stomach because the smell, texture and by-products found within the mixture are thought of as awful and revolting. In Ann Hodgman’s “No Wonder They Call Me a Bitch”, although the title may suggest otherwise, different types of dog food are discussed. In this essay, Hodgman aims to inform her readers about the inequality in different types of dog food, as well as to entertain and amuse. Hodgman is writing to a broad audience, one of dog lovers and owners, as well as those that may be curious as to what is really in dog food, or more generally the packaging and processing of mass-produced food of any kind. Language, description and humor are
There are millions of different types of advertisements that we can view from anywhere in the world from our electronic devices to a newspaper on a stand. Advertisements are being sent out in any way that the companies can possibly think that it would make us want to buy their products. The thing that we do not always see with these advertisements is their subtle hints that make you want to buy their products without you even realizing that you want to. It can be the jingle, age of the actors, special moments in scene, or anything along the lines that the company trying to sell you their product will use. To express this I will utilize three commercial videos from the company, State Farm that all use these types of subtle
The best stories focus on characters whose situation gets completely changed as the narrative progresses. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter,Arthur Dimmesdale is a character who fits this mold as he goes from a polished, respected minister to a sinner in the eyes of much of the community. Dimmesdale is a tragic, dynamic hero that shoulders the weight of his own inauspicious secrets, yet tries to save his soul’s plummeting value in order to receive not only God’s graces, but also the Puritan society’s confidence. Hawthorne argues that the extreme Puritan societal pressures, while seen as beneficial by most Puritans, create a society that requires rigid conformity and a fear of ostracization amongst its constituents.
Obesity and being overweight are very common worldwide issues around the world, especially in the U.S. There are more than 3 million cases per year. By changing your lifestyle such as diet and exercise, losing weight can seem effortless. Desirable junk/fast food or even irresistible fast food commercials can tempt you to do the unthinkable. We are all victims of this advertising war. Quick-service restaurants (QSR) generate these advertisements in hope to attract more consumers or to increase their popularity rates around town. These commercials bombard our state of mind only to convince us to buy unhealthy food for worthless money. The increase in fast food commercials in the U.S. has led to an increase in both QSR revenues and the obesity rates. Regulating commercial frequencies will lead to a decline in the obesity rate. Our country has more than enough issues that frequently affect our population. Despite these alarming cautions, the food industries with their advertiser use every available media outlet to promote and sell their products. Pushing food and drinks high in sugar is unethical and unjust. We learn to
Not all advertisers do such a great job at taking their point across in an ad. Sometimes there are those ads that you can stare at endlessly, trying to figure out what it is trying to persuade you of buying, but you never understand
Conventional marketing has appealed to consumers based on the idea that the pet food is enjoyed by the animal. Our product marketing will instead appeal to the parental instinct in pet owners, emphasizing health characteristics such as omega-3, senior pet health supplements, and calcium enrichment. Our preliminary research leads us to believe that consumers feel lost in determining which foods are safe, and which are potentially dangerous for their pets. Our campaign will attempt to create a memorable campaign to classify the relative health and safety qualities of a particular product in a simple way.
This ads use of the startling image in contrast to the small words proves highly effective to the reader in swaying their opinion on the issues of war. By using the color scheme they also prove able to get people on there side on a comfort level too. So the startling but yet subtle nature of this ad turned out to be highly effective in making people think more about difficult topics and also convince them to do something about the
The color gives a fun an youthful appeal. The heading is a supposed quote from the pup stating, “I enjoy licking faces. And toilets’ -Koji.” This ad also has a slightly medical appeal as it has the medical cross right at the top of the advertisement. This ad appeals to logos in the fact that it is promoting a product that boosts the immunity of your pet because “dogs will put their mouths on anything” and “every dog has his can” so this ad is saying that in order to protect your dog, pick this product, and that you can pin point which food to buy based on the buyer’s dog’s specific needs. This ad also appeals to pathos as it mentions that this food is going to not only be tasty for your dog but also have the healthy ingredients needed in order to protect them, letting the buys know they are making the right choice fro their animal by buying this product.
Many Americans believe the death penalty should be allowed in order to deter crime and bring justice. This belief often stems from the violent world they are shown every day in the news. Understandably they hear and see these violent crimes and think that extreme punishments must be given for extreme crimes. Despite this, 37% of Americans oppose the death penalty (Gallop). These people often argue that not only does capital punishment fail to solve the growing crime problem in the U.S., but that innocent people can be executed in the pursuit of justice. This is certainly true; not even supporters of the death penalty would deny that point. After all, no matter how great we think our justice system is, there are flaws in it just like in every other criminal justice system. The flawed nature of our justice system brings about a very important question, though: what is justice? While it is sometimes difficult to give a simple and comprehensive definition of justice, saying it is fair and reasonable behavior is a good and short definition. Since our justice system will continue to be flawed and humans are sometimes unreasonable and unfair, we cannot possibly have justice all the time; an innocent person will end up being punished at some point. Since this is the case, justice must be whatever the most beneficial option available is. Needless to say, if the death penalty is allowed it must be because it is the most productive option since justice must be productive if it is
The commercial appeals to the audience’s pathos more than anything. Animals, especially dogs, have a way of pulling with human heartstrings. “...they can be used to transfer desired meanings to the products with which they are associated” (Phillips 1). In other words, using animals in advertisements can link advertised products to the feelings that are associated