
Nutrition Assignment Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

I chose my mother for this assignment because she has a few bad habits like drinking 5 or 6 cans of soda as well as eating fast food on an everyday basis. Even before we started this assignment I was already pushing her in that direction. I started a diet 3 months ago and I have a lot of results from doing it. She would always ask me what I was doing to get so some much. So this assignment a perfect storm for her.
To help her with this transition of cutting these bad habits. A few semesters ago I took two nutrition classes so I used the some of the material from those books I learned. I scanned and copied a few pages and handouts talking about the dangers of over-indulging. First things we talked about is why she was drinking soda and eating …show more content…

The first alternative is the most important one because sleep is the only way your body recharges. Similar to phones when we do not recharge we can not work. Second alternatives drinking plenty of water will help with soda and gives you another option. Three alternatives are that I told her since her days are long and busy preparing meals at night for the next will help cut down the fast food and save her more money in the long run. Addition to I informed her to make her cut backs on the soda and fast food gradually. If you do too much too soon it will cause a relapse in her bad habits.
This experience has been great for her and I. My mother has been receptive to all of taken the advice. She agrees that she was in taking too much of soda and fast food. She did not promise that she would see it thru but would give these alterations a try. I notice she started to shopping more and buying more better quality foods like vegetables. Also, she buys at least 2 or 3 cases of water, as well as other things. I really see her giving a great amount of effort into this and I can not wait to see the finishing

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