The use of mice is used to see if nutrition influences autism in children of mice and potentially humans. The types of food that a mother takes before birth, during birth, and during breastfeeding will affect the brain development of the offspring. Unhealthy food habits and the presence of certain minerals and vitamins in a mother’s diet has an important factor in the brain development of a child. Foods that are high in fats affect the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which is a key component that uses energy from food to improve the synapses in the brain (Gómez-Pinilla, 2008). The use of high-fat foods in a mother’s diet can cause brain damage in the offspring (Sullivan et al. 2014). Another food
The House of Sand and Fog by Andre Dubus III uses the theme of loyalty to show the importance of acts of cruelty as motivation. Kathy Lazaro, a cleaner, living in California had her home, which she inherited from her late father, wrongfully taken from her. She goes to the extreme to get it back from Behrani, a Persian Colonel, who was planning on selling the house to gain a profit. Kathy consistently shows loyalty to her family when cruel events happen to her. When Kathy’s husband, Nick, leaves her she keeps it from her family to remain loyal to Nick but also to keep them from worrying, she reveals her inability to handle conflicts. When Kathy’s house that she inherited from her father is taken from her she go to extreme measures in hopes of getting it back, this reveals her loyalty to her father.
Mexicans immigrated to the United States back in the 1800's (Stanford, 2006). During 1848 the United States took over a part of Mexico which is now the Southwest (Stanford, 2006). Mexicans living in these areas were Mexican citizens before the acquisition. The United States even went into agreements with Mexico to have Mexicans work in the United States. Mexicans were treated with cruelty, while working the agriculture fields for years. The United States made several agreements with Mexico to have the Mexicans come work in the United States while American soldiers were fighting in the world wars. The labor shortage that the United States went through was reason enough to have Mexicans migrate to the United States as laborers. The United
Animal studies indicate that HFCS contributes to obesity, increased body fat, and higher triglyceride levels.A peer-reviewed study (to read the study, see In the News section) published in Clinical Epigenetics in 2012 set out to find out why the autism rates were so different for the US and Italy. After comparing a
The decision for the United States to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki has been debated since the days they were dropped, just as it was debated in the days leading up to the drop. It is a debate that people will likely always disagree on, considering it is such a high controversial topic. The United States had been fighting the Japanese Empire for years, and had not made any significant strides that indicated a success any time soon. Due to this seemingly never ending struggle, the United States made the decision to drop two atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These bombs were more deadly and destructive than any weapons had ever been before and caused the suffering and death of thousands of innocent civilians.
Focusing on the role of environmental factors in the development of autism after birth is a popular study amongst the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) community. It is known that genetics strongly influence the risk for developing ASD, but genetics are not responsible alone. The increasing cases of autism have generated great interest in the potential involvement of toxins in our environment and how that impacts children prone to autism spectrum disorder. For example, exposure to the chemicals thalidomide and valproic acid prior to birth has been linked to increased risk of autism.
In the early 1900’s autism was a completely misunderstood concept and any child who was living with it was assumed to be living with “childhood schizophrenia” and developed much slower than children without autism. A four year study of Donald Triplett gave Dr. Kannar a better understanding of what autism was and what it caused certain people to do. The main question was, does it affect the child’s development? Living with autism can affect a child’s development due to the fact that they don’t have a long attention span, can cause them to have a repetitive behavior, along with trouble in social situations whether it be verbal or non verbal.
Influences other than the mutation in gene expression are that of environmental factors. These have an effect on the overall risk of ASD; however, they are not a direct causative factor (AutismSpeaks; 2014). In a study by Lyall et al 2014, into the maternal lifestyle and environmental risk factors for ASD, published in the international journal of epidemiology; an association was found between a higher intake of certain nutrients and supplements; such as periconceptional folic acid; and reduced ASD risk. The study also recorded a significant increase of ASD risk
When the word autism is stated what is the first picture that comes to mind? Is it a child throwing themselves on the ground and having an uncontrollable fit because the situation has changed from the standard routine all of a sudden? Or a child that is rocking back and forth constantly, or playing with one or two toys for a very long time without getting bored. “Currently one out of 88 children is diagnosed with having an autism spectrum disorder also known as ASD”. Smith R, Hannah S, Sengmuller E (2014 p9) Is there a way to help a child on the autism spectrum without the need for them to be on medication that has its own side effects on how the child behaves? Can a change in the diet help to control some of the side effects of being on the autism spectrum? To answer this question, we need to look at several things 1. How can a specialized diet help a child on the autism spectrum? 2. What are the common diets for autism and what is the difference between these diets. 3. What is the gluten free casein free diet all about and how do you implement it for a child with autism? 4. What evidence is there in support of specialized diets for autism from the medical profession and the parents point of view? 5. How does being on a special diet compared to the national guidelines set by this date for childcare facilities?
Outcome-focused research shows that only 25% of people with Autism are employed. This statistic is especially concerning, when the generally high academic and creative ability of many adults with Autism is considered. This review evaluates three categories of parental factors, demographic, psychological, and behavioral, to determine what effect, if any, they may have on the work participation outcomes for adults diagnosed with Autism. Using studies of various methodologies and populations, only one (parent expectations) of the all factors discussed was directly correlated with positive work participation outcomes without question. The rest of the factors had inconclusive findings based on disagreement with data from other studies or a small sample size. These findings, along with recommendations for future research, demonstrate the need for more investigation into parent factors as they relate to individuals with Autism, both in terms of work and other areas, such as college and independent living.
Disorders bring along a lot of other factors, like, the mental trauma in parents worrying for their kids and a child missing out on the normal living like many other children of his/her age live. Therapies are invented by the specialists especially for the kids affected by various disorders, but these can make a difference to them only if they are handled with care and affection.
Nutritional deficits can cause many neurodevelopmental disorders including spina bifida, anencephaly etc. Both of these disorders are the effect of malnutrition. The cause which is common is the deficiency (maternal) of folic acid, is a vitamin B usually found actively in vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. Another deficiency is iodine deficiency which produces numerous neurodevelopmental disorders from lesser emotional disturbances to harsh mental
The autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has a multitude of risk factors such as: genes, environmental chemical exposure, maternal factors, drug interactions, including potentially unidentified variables. These factors may act independently and/or through complex interactions to produce autism (Dietert et al., 2011). There is a growing concern with ADS due to the increased prevalence. Autism is a lifelong chronic disorder that appears to be connected to a host of comorbidities. This fact can be used to make the case that the public health strategy has not been effective in reducing this epidemic (Dietert et al., 2011). Currently there is no one environmental factor that has been identified that can account for ASD epidemic, and there appears to be more risk factors regularly identified.
Autism is spectrum of complex brain developmental disorder. These disorders characterized by different degree of difficulties in social interaction, verbal/nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors (Autism Speaks, 2017).
The older parents having a child, the higher risk of the child will be born with autism. According to the research from Director of Research on Environmental Studies on Autism Speaks (Alycia Halladay) that women aged 40 years have a 50% risk of having children with autism compared with women aged 20-29 years. It is still unknown the relationship between parent’s age and autism. However, it is suspected because of a gene mutation factor.
Recently more and more research is being done on Autism Spectrum Disorders in response to the rise in prevalence in the last few decades with unknown cause. This recent research suggest that Autism Spectrum Disorder could be a result of abnormal brain growth very early in development caused by defects in genes that impact brain development. 18Abnormalities in brain development may also be a result of environmental risk factors, alone or via gene-environment interactions.1,8 In previous years, it was thought vaccine was linked to the occurrence of autism6, but scientists have recently concluded that there is no correlation between the two.7,20,21,22