Provide a brief description of your research. The research primarily focused on investigating Post Traumatic Osteoarthritis (PTOA), a severely debilitating condition occurring after an early childhood or young adult injury to the knee. PTOA typically mirrors the effects of regular Osteoarthritis (OA). While OA demonstrates an exponentially increasing probability of occurring as one ages, PTOA exhibits a much higher probability of developing at an early age, sometimes showing chances of development at age 25 mirroring those of a regular individual’s chances of developing OA at 70. Our research group utilized multiple perspectives to collect data for analysis, including the destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) in mice and the application …show more content…
I most witnessed this during the extraction of cartilage plugs, as while the lab group purchased the bovine knees primarily to investigate chondrocyte viability and sliding effects, other subgroups also extracted RNA samples for drug treatment. Each separate perspective would also communicate their findings during the weekly lab meeting, during which the PI would collectively integrate each new piece of data or analysis back into the whole study on PTOA. From the effective utilization of multiple perspectives that fully allowed for collaboration and teamwork among the different subgroups, I witnessed how the lab group could feasibly and efficiently investigate the overall problem. My experience in research also greatly increased my interest in fields of engineering, as I saw the impact that I could actually contribute to the entire project, ultimately accelerating the process to discover more about PTOA. With all the analysis processes shortened from what had been months for a graduate student to less than a few days now, I appreciated having a meaningful effect on the overall
It has been shown, patients that have experienced an ACL tear will have clear radiographic signs of osteoarthritis.1 These signs appear in 10-20 years after the incident whether they had reconstruction surgery or opted out of surgery.1 In the article, Meniscus treatment and age associated with narrower radiographic joint space width 2-3 years after ACL reconstruction: data from the MOON onsite cohort, the authors goal was to find out whether radiographs of the metatarsophalangeal view would notice differences in the width of the joint space between an ACL reconstructed knee and the contralateral control knee within 2-3 years.1 Secondly, they wanted to indicate risk factors for early signs of post-traumatic osteoarthritis through an analysis
How to best prepare for a Calculus/Physics test? Many college professors would recommend students to practice a variety of challenging problems. However, those problems often require students to use logical thinking and be able to apply multiple concepts to solve, and each can take from a couple minutes to an hour. Not many students can dedicate all of their time to one course, especially if they have other courses’ assignments as well. One good thing, at Everett Community College, students can get help with homework and prepare for their test in the Annex tutoring center, a center that is specifically for advanced Mathematics and Physics. If there’s one thing that prevents students from getting the maximum benefits from the center is that
he short anecdote above accurately represents the situation of many students across the globe. Throughout the last decade, technology had exploded in a way so immensely that nothing and nobody can stop it. Not even educators. This is why taking the easy way out of assignments has become such a frequently used method by students everywhere. It is evident that students of this generation have become complacent in a “short-cut” society.
The NIEHS finds new ways to make our environment better for our health. The NIEHS needs money from the government for its activities, The NIEHS operations should go on to be supported by the government. I agree we should continue helping the NIEHS for the health of our environment. This can make our environment better and help us live a healthier life.
In Amy Chua’s essay, “The Right Road to America” she argues the point that immigration is a great value of this country and that America was built from immigrants. One thing differs from Chua’s essay than from others because she not only gives highly credible facts on how immigrants have helped our country, but she also provides ways to improve the issues of immigration into America. Amy Chua is a highly credible professor at Yale and states throughout her essay that immigrants who possess American values deserve to be here in America and those who don’t should leave. America had always been a country that accepted immigration and allowed all
It has recently been brought to my attention that our school is looking to adopt a sustainable menu into our meal program and I would like to give my viewpoint on the matter. As one many students here at Oxford Academy this change will affect me directly. Although people may at first oppose this conversion I think if we are able to overcome the first obstacles, this change would bring a great positive impact to the environment and the health of our students.
My brother studies Biomedical Engineering, so I expected to see a certain subset of equipment, research projects, etc. However, I ended up getting to take part in an eye-opening conversation with a Ph.D. student in ECE who was working with my brother, as he explained the research of imaging techniques on cells, and how all the mirrors, lenses, and lasers on the table in front of me actually related to Biomedical Engineering, their investigations and work they were doing with medical faculty. This was multidisciplinary research in action. My brother and the team he was working with weren’t just proficient in one area. To make real progress, they collaborated together across various engineering disciplines and into other fields such as
One of the most common injuries that can occur in a person’s life is an injury to the meniscus. The meniscus is a vital part of cartilage located between the bones of the knee. It helps with stability, mobility and also cushions the knee. There are several menisci within the knee and this along with the variety of motions and impacts that can occur to one’s knee are what cause the likelihood of injury to increase dramatically. The various types of tears require different kinds of rehabilitation. Some of these tears may require surgery. By understanding the injury and different types of treatment options, an injured person will have a better chance at a full recovery.
Mrs. M’s new Physician who has only seen her twice has the opinion that she needs to be in a long-term care facility. Mrs. M recently fell and was admitted to the hospital, the Physician believes that due to her age, her health will continue to decline. The Physician contacted the community health nurse and “ordered” her to tell Mrs. M. that she should see her home and move into a long-term care facility. Mrs. M was upset and did not agree with this decision. The principle of autonomy applied, “the right to choose what will happen to oneself as well as the accountability for making individual choices” (Guido, 2015). Most elderly peoples biggest fear is giving up their home and independence. If a person is mentally competent, no one can
As a Research Assistant for Clearview Research, I worked collaboratively and shared information appropriately to produce reports and databases. Thanks to emotional intelligence being one of my strengths, I got to know fellow team members, understanding their viewpoints and preferences to adapt my working style. I built supportive, trusting and professional relationships with a range of people, occasionally challenging assumptions by speaking up to clarify why I chose to do things in certain ways. For example, despite seeing the issue from another perspective, I defended the particular benefits of DuckDuckGo over Google in terms of search filter bubbles. Coordinating between offices to move files with Bite The Ballot serving as the operational
Osteoarthritis (OA) occurs when joints are put under accumulative mechanical stress and involves all joint components (Hunter et al, 2009). Articular cartilage degradation and other joint changes occur alongside inflammation, visualised in Figure 1. Pain is the major symptom so current treatments aim to alleviate pain (Pelletier et al, 2001; Malfait and Schnitzer, 2013). Generation of pain is carried out by the nervous system (Felson, 2005). The two main mechanisms are nociception and neuropathy (Mease et al, 2011). In early OA, pain is intermittent and induced by mechanical loading. This is hyperalgesia and is characteristic of nociception. As OA progresses, pain becomes more frequent and even manifests without stimulation (Felson, 2009).
COPD is a manageable and potentially preventable health condition, while currently there is no real cure for cognitive impairment and dementia. Targeting COPD, particularly earlier in its course, could potentially reduce morbidity and mortality for both COPD and dementia. This proposal seeks the opportunity to investigate possible links and associations between these two diseases that could have significant implications for population health, improve quality of life, and help reduce the economic burden of disease on the Canadian health care system.
Process tracing can be defined as the systematic examination of diagnostic evidence selected and analyzed in light of research questions and hypotheses posed by the investigator (Collier, 2011, 823). The hallmark of process tracing is that multiple types of evidence are employed for the verification of a single inference, bits and pieces of evidence that embody different units of analysis (Gerring 2009, 173). I chose this method because of its emphasis on causality which is very appropriate and suitable to answer my research question. By prioritizing fine-grained research the method allows the researcher to generate and assess critical data, thus enhancing efforts at both theory testing and theory development (Tansey 2007, 771). According to
Turning to the institutionalization of biology, the term ‘biology’ came to be employed rather self-consciously in some quarters around the turn of this century for experimental biology. The insistence on experiment was used to help legitimize a series of new sciences, genetics among them, as distinct from natural history, botany, zoology, systematics, paleontology, and speculative Darwinian evolutionism. Part of the point of excluding these old-fashioned sciences was that they did not have adequate means of testing explanatory hypotheses or, worse yet, they did not even offer genuine explanatory hypotheses. One aspect of the movement toward experimental biology was the physics-envy of biologists and their long struggle of biology to demonstrate
The incidence of hand, hip and knee osteoarthritis increases with age, women have higher rates than men, most especially after the age of 50 years. (1,9)