
OA Research Synthesis Essay

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Provide a brief description of your research. The research primarily focused on investigating Post Traumatic Osteoarthritis (PTOA), a severely debilitating condition occurring after an early childhood or young adult injury to the knee. PTOA typically mirrors the effects of regular Osteoarthritis (OA). While OA demonstrates an exponentially increasing probability of occurring as one ages, PTOA exhibits a much higher probability of developing at an early age, sometimes showing chances of development at age 25 mirroring those of a regular individual’s chances of developing OA at 70. Our research group utilized multiple perspectives to collect data for analysis, including the destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) in mice and the application …show more content…

I most witnessed this during the extraction of cartilage plugs, as while the lab group purchased the bovine knees primarily to investigate chondrocyte viability and sliding effects, other subgroups also extracted RNA samples for drug treatment. Each separate perspective would also communicate their findings during the weekly lab meeting, during which the PI would collectively integrate each new piece of data or analysis back into the whole study on PTOA. From the effective utilization of multiple perspectives that fully allowed for collaboration and teamwork among the different subgroups, I witnessed how the lab group could feasibly and efficiently investigate the overall problem. My experience in research also greatly increased my interest in fields of engineering, as I saw the impact that I could actually contribute to the entire project, ultimately accelerating the process to discover more about PTOA. With all the analysis processes shortened from what had been months for a graduate student to less than a few days now, I appreciated having a meaningful effect on the overall

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