Running Head: It’s Your Turn
It’s Your Turn
Stephanie Pugh
McDaniel College
It’s Your Turn A contract is a verbal or written agreement between the client and the OD practitioner. The contract specifies the expectations of the client and the OD practitioner. The client and the OD practitioner collaborate with each other and provide the resources necessary for the OD practitioner to access the organization and areas that need change. The contract may also include confidentially and how the OD practitioner will be involved in personal issues (Cummings &
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On the other hand, if I wanted to be objective and talk with Irwin about the next training session, I would ask what information is to remain confidential. I would have specific information written in the contract about whether all information at the training is to remain confidential and whether it can be shared with my other colleagues outside of the company. I also want the contract to clearly state that the training will be taken seriously. Everyone from top management to the lower level staff should be professional, participate and attempt to learn from the training in order to build the skills they need to improve their company. Even after I accepted the job I would have the contract specify the client and the OD practitioner expectations. I would remind David Dyer that he is the president of the company and other employees are going to follow his lead. I would advise him that I want the employees to leave the retreat with management skills that they can use when they return to their job. I would explain to the other employees that I want to provide them with the best possible training. I would also explain to them I need their full support and cooperation in order for the training to successful for all of us. Making a decision to accept a job as an OD practitioner should be one based upon objective information. The decision should not be
A contract is an agreement between and offeror, and an offeree, that can be enforceable by a court of law or equity (Cheeseman, 2010). A contract consists of the following elements; agreement, consideration, contractual capacity, and lawful object. Understanding each of these elements is of the utmost importance to ensure that each party involved has a good understanding of what is expected from one another.
A shadow chart is a partial copy of a patient’s medical history, kept by health care providers or departments for the sake of convenience. A shadow chart is not part of the official medical record. It is a working document where information can be added and removed as necessary to aid in the decision-making process. It may include reminder systems, scheduling information, research activities, and information not considered appropriate for the permanent record. It is frequently used to support inter-professional or
At the start of each new counselling session it is important that a contract is set out between the client and
A contract is an arrangement between two or more parties that creates rights and obligations to each party. The essential parts of a contract are as follows:
The ultimate goal for myself, and the initial reason for studying with the Distance Learning Centre, is to become an Operating Department Practitioner(ODP). The role will involve working within operating theatres inside hospitals to support patients throughout their time during certain operations, or ‘periopertive journey’ (Health Education England, 2014b). I came to the decision to focus on making this my chosen career in November 2012 through word of mouth and a significant amount of research. The profession carries an extensive list of positives and negatives, along with how well it fits my personality and previous experiences; despite never working within the health sector previously.
“A family is a set of interacting individuals related by marriage, blood, and adoption or by cohabitation interdependently perform relevant functions to fulfill expected role” (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). Systems theory allows a nurse to view patient as a whole family unit, which the action of each member will influence one another. Family developmental theory is to assist the patients through every stage of life. Gordon’s functional health patterns are eleven principles incorporated with the nursing process to collect data, assess patients and families, and provide a diagnosis for
I did not mention the person-centred approach during the second session as the client had known the way of working in the first session. I still need to develop in regards to the way I do my contracting as shown in the DVD session for example; Counsellor3, ‘So, I work according to the BACP Ethical Framework. Also, we have a 20-minute session today and whatever you say remains confidential.’ Some of the sentence structure, the language could be improved by writing my own contracting information sheet and highlighting points by saying; I am a member of BACP and follow the BACP Ethical Framework. I usually see people weekly for 20 minutes” and check if that is okay with the client. I must be mindful of saying words like so, also, and in sentences as it may come across in a wrong way if not used in proper tone or manner
A contract is an agreement made with an intention of legal rights and obligations which the law will enforce. It contains the agreement, consideration and intention. It also have some other things to consider, like capacity of parties, genuine consent or legality of object.
It is important that the client is assured that any information revealed in the coaching session is confidential and kept that way, this promotes trust and confidence in the relationship, which in turn will promote openness.
A contract is an official agreement between two parties. There are different types of contract, such as sale and purchase of a business agreement, partnership agreements, lease of business premises, lease of plant and equipment and employment agreements. The format can vary too. It can be face to face, written, or distance selling. The specifications of a contract involve offer and acceptance, the intention to create legal relations, lawful considerations, capacity and legal formalities such as terms and conditions.
This is not my area and I am not sure if we can afford on line or in person training workshop for all of us how to talk about it and approach it not for the community but for the staff. I will leave that to you just wanted to give you update.
After anticipating a need for change, it is necessary for the OD practitioner to enter the system in order to develop a relationship with the client. The relationship is important because it is contingent upon the accomplishment or disappointment of the OD program. The practitioner aim is to initiate open
A contract is a written or spoken agreement between two or more parties that involves the exchange of two promises, which is intended to be enforceable by law. The four basic elements are the offer, consideration, acceptance, and mutuality. When elements are broken down individually, each one is just as important as the next. If one of these elements are broken or misunderstood, it could mean result in the contractual agreement becoming not valid and end in lawsuit. The overall purpose of the contract is for legal purpose and to keep a order within an agreement.
The main client was identified to be Mr. Samaren, the owner and the general manger of AEF. Since the communication during the OD process will be web-based and not a face-to-face process, the direct clients were kept limited. During the initial interview, via Skype, with the owner, he exposed that AEF has been working on a strategic plan with Dr. Ali, a professional consultant and the director of M&DC. Although the outcome of this project may impact the whole organization if decisions were made accordingly, the relevant clients were identified as the three members who are the key holders of knowledge about the new strategic plan: the owner, Dr. Ali, and the deputy general manager, Mr. Akber Ahmad. Hence, a project work plan was emailed to the clients to keep them on track with the OD process as well as set clear expectations about the study. (Exhibit 1).
I have created Meeting 2 Notes from our last meeting, where you will find all the information about what we have done and the presentation speech we composed by putting our thoughts together. I also finished the Contract and imputed all the details we discussed, which I will print the day before we submit it and turn it in, if there are any issues with it let me know ahead of time. I added one policy, the work-ethic policy, I hope everyone is okay with this, it is basically what we all discussed, but I felt it should be in the contract to be professional.