
OFD Faculty Analysis

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Assessments The OFD administers three different types of faculty assessments for Rice. They are the Faculty Exit Survey, Faculty Climate Survey, and the FIF-Assessment of Evidence-Based Teaching at Rice. The OFD also analyzes student teaching evaluations. In addition, the OFD’s Faculty Advisory Committee gathers data across the campus and ensures “on-going assessment of multiple dimensions of faculty status” (Advisory Comm to OFD Charge, 2016, para. 1). According to Amborski (2017), the faculty exit survey helps the OFD gauge their shortcomings and gives them an idea of what they are doing well. “Exit interviews or surveys of departing faculty by disinterested parties…could provide data that help a campus diagnose its own weaknesses and …show more content…

Unfortunately, at times the most dedicated faculty may unintentionally neglect their families. Although their contributions advance the higher institution at which they work, their dedication could weaken family relationships, cause exhaustion or other negative health conditions. A 2014 study from Boise State University found, “on average, faculty participants reported working 61 hours per week – more than 50 percent over the traditional 40-hour work week” (Ziker, 2014, para. 21). An unhealthy work-life balance can also have a negative effect on faculty development planning and participation in development activities. Thankfully, many institutions recognize and reward devout faculty while also urging them to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Rice University (2011) “encourages employees regularly to use their [paid time off] in order to increase productivity, job satisfaction, work-life balance and overall retention” (p. …show more content…

In order for the entire campus to rely solely on the OFD for development activities, programs, and resources, is to first collaborate more with other departments and schools within the university. One faculty developer discovered “faculty development being created and led by a cross-disciplinary partnership lent credibility and fostered creativity” (Adams & Mix, 2014, p. 53). The School of Humanities still manages a majority of its own development workshops and programs. Building a relationship with that school and taking partial ownership of a few workshops could result in full-ownership after a few years. Providing most of the institution’s development programs will justify the OFD’s existence and demonstrate its purpose. Also, if the OFD is the primary source for faculty development opportunities, participation and general interest in the OFD will increase.
The Office of Faculty Development and Rice University delivers wonderful programs, resources, and workshops to faculty in every stage of development at Rice University. Their focus on diversity and mentorship has allowed the OFD to create a positive reputation for itself. Although the OFD has only existed for about five years, its programs have a lasting, positive effect on the campus. The OFD’s resources empower faculty and successfully fills a void on campus. In time, the OFD plans to increase its presence and dependability

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