After analyzing this episode, there are several things that I noticed that made me think about why OITNB is a successful program. First, I think how the directors chose to light each a nice composition. The way they light the inmate’s faces, the prison hallways and the outside world, really makes me feel as though this is taking place not just in a fictional world. Having the dynamic character stories help with this feeling, but as discussed before, lighting plays a large part in how we look at a specific scene. In addition to the lighting elements, the way the scenes are composed works with the overall flow of the series. Having shorter, choppy scenes creates a hardness around the show, which plays to the hardness of the situation the women
Ottawa- Dan Stoddard was doing what he does every day when he came across a woman who seemed to be in danger. He asked her what was wrong and she confided in him that she was being abused physically and emotionally and that she needed a phone. Stoddard could have very well ignored this women but he the just thing and called transit security. In the end, the police came and were able to take the woman to a safer place.
In the novel, All the Broken Pieces, by Ann E. Burg, Matt makes a comparison between himself and his brother when he defines his brother as “summer” and himself as “fall”. This metaphor can be explained not only by their physical features, but their emotional and mental characteristics as well. His brother features summer and hasn’t faced any misery, while he himself looks like fall and has come across atrocious things.
The author, Tim O’brien of the book The Things They Carried uses events and characters from the memoir in place of some experiences him and the narrator shares. Fictionalizing many emotions and events that happened to Tim through other characters usually that he wouldn’t feel or do. For example Tim talks about how at a point he wanted to run away to canada when he received his draft notice. This feeling of discontent and the thought of war sickened him to the point he was just yards away from Canada but felt as though that would be a coward move. The author and character shared similar ideas however the author Tim didn’t attempt to run away but his character did. O’Brien informs his audience on the difference of the war from the stereotypical
“Orange Is the New Black” is a modern memoir that leads you through Piper Kerman’s experiences in Danbury, a women’s correctional facility, and shows you the life within the cold walls. Her words magnify the greatness within everybody, even the ones who have been thought to not even contain a heart, not even a soul within their body. The people who have been encaged, locked up behind bars. “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” by Michelle Alexander is an extraordinarily-written modern book, completely opposite of Piper Kerman’s memoir. It shows the challenges that most of the colored and Latino men face once they are framed as a criminal, as well as the stereotypical treatment they receive as human beings. While Piper Kerman’s book shows the happiness and good in all the different types of people, gay, black, white, straight, transgender, Latino, Buddhist, Catholic, or a stone cold killer, Michelle Alexander points out the fact that African Americans are being treated the way they used to, being looked at no differently than slaves.
In the beginning of the novel, Cole behaves cruelly when he becomes emotional. For example, Cole beats up Peter after Peter has told on Cole for breaking into a store. Another time, Cole hated the stare he was getting, he spit into the wind, were the wind would catch the saliva and carry it back to Edwin. The only reason to why Cole spit cause he hated the stare he was getting and he wanted the saliva to hit Edwin. Whenever, Cole was asked to eat the ingredient separately, he told Gravey it won’t taste good, but you mixed the food together it tastes good. Cole got really mad that he made the food going flying cause how he acted, once he is angry. Cole becomes very angry and he ends up acting very harsh.
In the book 1984, Smith is trying to be an individual in a society that is ruled by Big Brother. as a consequence of him trying to be an individual, he is testing the rules of the party. The individual in an authoritarian society is forced to follow the rules and beliefs of the rest of the society.
“Courage, I seemed to think, comes to us in finite quantities, like inheritance and by being frugal and stashing it away and letting it earn interest, we steadily increase our moral capital in preparation for that day when the account must be drawn down.” (pg.40) Tim O'brien turns a boy decision of weather to fight in the Vietnam war or flee to Canada into such an exciting piece of writing by using character Elroy Berdahl who is a silent Observer who helps Tim overcome his fears and hallucinations.
The play Lost in Yonkers written by Neil Simon take action in the United States in 1942. In the Jewish family, Kurnitz becomes a tragedy. Died a wife and mother of two children, her name was Evelyn. She left the widowed spouse with a debt of $9,000 for her medical treatment. Eddie, her husband, quickly got a decent position of a Salesman, which allowed him for the year to eliminate this burden. But, his duties related to the continuous travels and he has somewhere to leave his sons, Jacob (Jay) and Arthur (Arty). The only possible place where to leave them for an almost a year will be his mother's house. She is a senior woman with a very heavy character with whom he had no contact for several years. The father took the boys in Yonkers, where
John C. Maxwell said, "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and show the way". This quote is related to Ulysses Everett McGill from Oh Brother, Where Art Thou, because Everett McGill is a great leader from this story and he makes good decisions. The film Oh Brother, Where Art Thou is a 2000 adventure film written, produced, edited and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. The main character Everett is a interesting figure. After watching this film, I recognized that this character is very similar to Odysseus from the film/book The Odyssey.
In Neil Simon’s comic drama Lost in Yonkers, Bella is a strange and childish character who has never felt love from her emotionless Mother. One page 102 Bella refers to Grandma as “steel,” while going on to say that the “steel” is “hard and it’s cold.” This quote clearly displays that Bella grew up without receiving any love from her mother. This lack of love is Bella’s motivation to chase after her dream of creating and loving her own family while also trying to get the feeling of love out of her Mother. The lack of love Bella received from Grandma throughout her life is the main reason why she became who she is and why she aspires to create her own, loving family.
The condition of every one person's personality and attitude has the collection of abilities to create or ruin any and all romantic, professional, or platonic relationships in their lives. Personalities and attitudes range from positive or negative to depressing or narcissistic, and although some of these descriptions fall upon the current circumstances of a person's life and are not permanent, some hold the title of a personality disorder and require much more patience and consideration while handling. The movie “O Brother, Where Art Thou?”, follows three members of the chain gang, Ulysses Everett, Delmar, and Pete all of which have managed to escape from prison and journey to find their home again for freedom and fortune. As we pay close
One of the shows that comes to mind when it comes to inequalities of social status in American society, is Orange Is the New Black. This show is mainly about women and their experiences in a minimum-security women’s prison.
We all have that story that lingers in the back of our minds. The one story that changes every time we tell it, like a fairy tale whose ending continually morphs into a different happily-ever-after over time. This one story continues to change and spin until there is little truth left and embellishment seems to be the only thing remaining. The names have been scattered across the winds and the plot may have turned itself upside down, but considering the different versions told over the years, they still hold some ounce of truth, even if the story may be fictional. The meaning and emotions of the event still hold true and they continue to exist in the story, as it is the one part that isn’t changed from the beginning, even if it is not clear or obvious.
LOGLINE: “Overtown”, the series follows a special police unit called, "Special Operations Group" (SOG). The SOG investigates operations involving drugs, murder, kidnapping and counter-terrorism and corruption.
The Famous known Netflix Series “Orange is the new Black” is a woman based show that encourages woman brilliance and exemplifies the struggle of How woman are perceived in different aspects of society while it views the daily struggles of men on a day to day basis and has them create a status of their own; although their status differ so greatly they are still dependent on each other.