SUB: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 1. Production planning functions can be broadly identified as a) Estimating , routing , distribution b) Estimating, routing, scheduling c) Estimating, distribution, collection d) Distribution, collection, scheduling 2. For efficient process of order picking by personnel, communication plays a vital role in any Organization and the directives they need to have are ____, _____ and _______. a) Simple, clear and straight b) Straight, clear and easy c) Precise, timely and appropriate d) Accurate, timely and sufficient 3. The three major functions of any business organization are _______, _______ and ______. a) Coordinating, organizing, delegating b) Organizing, supervising, …show more content…
Which of the following is correct? a) Both are true b) Both are false c) True and false respectively d) False and true respectively. 8. The method used mainly where transportation costs either for distribution of products or collection Of materials from different suppliers is the main criterion. a) Centre of gravity method b) Break even analysis c) Point rating method d) Factor rating method 9. PDCA stands for ________. a) Prepare, Develop, Control, Act b) Plan, Develop, Coordinate, Analyze c) Product, Development, Cost, Analyze d) Plan, Do, Check, Ac 10. Success of JIT depends upon a lot of ________ and _______. a) Preparation and committed implementation b) Teamwork and technology c) Cooperation and effort d) Information technology and planning 11. Write short notes on the following : (I) CPM Vs. pert technique (III) Advantages of matrix organization (IV) Commission of projects 12. a. How would operations strategy for a service industry be different if any from that for a manufacturing industry? (It’s an example & explains) b. What are the levels of aggregation in forecasting for a manufacturing organization? How should this hierarchy of forecasts be linked and used? 13. How would forecasting be useful for operations in a BPO (Business processes outsourcing) unit? What factors may be important for this industry? Discuss. 14. A good
Analyze the role of an operations manager, and then determine three challenges that an operations manager will respond to differently within a manufacturing industry as opposed to a service industry.
1. In what ways does Trader Joe’s demonstrate the importance of each responsibility in the management process-planning, organizing, leading, and controlling?
This is an introduction to the case study of Somerset Furniture. The main talk of the event would be about global supply chain and its impact towards Somerset furniture. In this case study we reverse the history, background, and anatomy of Somerset Furniture. From the introduction of the company we learn about the journey needed in developing and manufacturing the product lines. The journey of Somerset Furniture will dictate on why the company started to outsource and also learn about the time frame involving in planning, processing, developing, shipment and manufacturing of the product lines.
The two quantifiable factors that may be affecting the performance of the operational processes are:
Gioe Melaney is the general director of Southern Toro – a subsidiary company included in the distribution system of Toron Coporation in Galveston, Taxas.
The subject to describe is policing organizations at various levels. The author will identify, compare, and contrast the policing function at the local, state, and federal organizational levels (CJA/484 – Criminal Justice Administration Capstone). The author will analyze how the organizational, management, administration, and operational functions at the local, state, and federal levels are similar or different and why (CJA/484 – Criminal Justice Administration Capstone). The leadership characteristics and responsibilities pertaining to each organizational level will be identified (CJA – Criminal
Organizations large or small all strive to be successful through fostering a culture of great people, great processes, great products, and great results. Typically, three main functions play into an organization, marketing, operations, and financial accountability. Marketing generates the demand through the promotion of goods and services. Operations creates the goods, handles the movement of the goods, and ensures successful final delivery of the goods or service. The financial accountability is how the organization is doing financially concerning accounts receivable and accounts payable. Of the three, operations is arguably the most important to the success of an organization and has many key components that play into this success including operations strategies, supply chain, inventory control, and cost leadership to name a few.
Q1: A manufacturer’s average work-in-process inventory for a certain part is 1,000 units. The workstation produces this part at the rate of 200 units per day. What is the average time a unit spends at this workstation? Inventory, , Throughput, . Thus, Flow time, . A unit spends an average time of 5 days at this workstation. Q2: The Wilcox Student Health Center has just implemented a new computer system and service process to “improve efficiency.” As pharmacy manager, you are concerned about waiting time and its potential impact on college students who “get no respect.” All prescriptions (Rxs) go through the following process: Drop-off ! Fill Rx ! Pick-up ! Cashier Assume that students arrive to drop-off Rxs at a steady rate of 2 Rxs per
Listed below are the four forecasting methods that are utilized within Bronson Methodist Hospital and will reflect how each of the elements is beneficial to the management of the organization (Harrelson and McClurkan 2007).
4.Given the 4 areas of the company, choose some supply chain processes and suggest appropriate performance metrics.
The operations function is important in implementing the strategy of an organisation because the business strategy only defines the long term plans for the company, whereas the operations function focuses on specific competitive priorities in order to meet the organisations long term plan. Prime Bank of Massachusetts had decided on a long term plan for the bank focusing on customer services and they needed the operations function to implement this long term plan through planning & control systems, workers and quality. Problems such as not having enough phone lines for the 24 hours customer service could cause customers to become irritated if they cannot get through on the phone and
As I entered the remaining classes in my concentration, Operations Management, I realized how each particular class subject had all come together, and how each was interrelated. Each class, each subject became more important to me as I realized their importance in the role of an operations manager.
The major differences between goods and services in operations management are their goods, inventory, customers, labor and location. One major difference in the tangibility of their output. For example, a service firm would entail consultancy, training or maintenance, this is an intangible product. These services are not tangible object, but still provide a “product” for the customer. A good would be a tangible for the consumer. A company manufactures a certain product and the consumer is able to physically receive it. For example, A manufacturer such as Coke, Nestle, Honda and BMW. Another difference between a service and goods is their inventory. Service forms do not hold inventory, they provide a service when their customers ' need it. Manufacturers produce goods which creates an inventory. Inventory levels are created through supply and demand. A lot of companies only have a certain level of inventory in order to utilize their “space”. In addition a major difference between goods and services is their customer relationship. There is a high customer contact in the service industry. The service industry caters to their clients; meaning they adjust their service to the needs of the customer. For example, a consulting firm may only need to do four hours of work with a certain customer and twelve hours with another. In manufacturing goods there is low customer contact. Manufactures can produce their customers goods without having them submit an order, because they can
3.1 For each hotel, what is the role of technology and the role of operations