
Obama Inaugural Address Essay

Decent Essays

President Obama presented an address to the Nation. The address transpired on December the sixth. The address talked about the recent events that has occurred on Wednesday. Where fourteen Americans were taken from their friends and families. That’s one of numerous occasions of this type of situations happening. Obama claims he has a plan. He entitlements that he has “no greater responsibility that the security of the American people.” But yet he wants to continue to have our military hunt down terrorist’s plotters. A danger in the works. He also wants to train and equip thousands of Iraq and Syrian forces. That he claims is going to help us fight. There’s one idea that he has that caught my eye. It’s the only one that seems to be a good plan. That is implementing severer enforcement on transportation. Obama states that he has “no greater responsibility than the security of us American people.” If it’s such a big accountability. Then why are numerous of us being condemned. Not only that, but furthermost are being murdered. What I don’t get is why are terrorist acts happening in the U.S. We the people aren’t supposed to worry about our lives. We should be able to live life and know that we a protected. I know as a citizen today we aren’t able to do so. However Obama did say we are his biggest responsibility. …show more content…

Fight fire with fire. He wants our military to linger the hunt. The hunt for terrorists overseas. He wants our people to be put into danger. By continuing to attack. I don’t get why we can’t all just stay in our own countries and worry about ourselves. It simply would make all of our lives a lot easier. Not alone that, but our military participants won’t have to worry about their lives. If Obama wants our military to continue the hunt. I think we should put him in the shoes of our military participants. But would we ever see that happening… Most likely not! But yet it’s such a good idea..

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