
Obama's Legacy

Decent Essays

When students are taught social studies and history from elementary to high school they come across the topics of presidents and their legacies. This information has left an imprint in many, most can, for example, remember that Franklin Delano Roosevelt most notable for entering the United States in World War two. This is such an interesting idea to ponder, considering just a few months ago, former president Barack Obama completed his eight years as president. In a few decades when students learn about their presidents, they will sit back and read and learn about the legacy of Obama. These students will be left their own chance to analyze Obama’s legacy and their perceptions of him will greatly be affected by what they were thought and maybe …show more content…

As the Arab spring swept through the Middle East and North Africa, Libya was the center of attention when the country moved to overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi. After his overthrow the country was left in chaos as numerous groups began to clash especially militant groups such as Al-Qaeda affiliates. The events of Benghazi could’ve been avoided as one asset, Mohamed al-Gharabi, in the area stated, “‘I specifically told the Americans myself that we hoped that they would leave Benghazi as soon as possible.’” (Kirkpatrick) The information was passed on to the United States government specifically Obama and his cabinet. With the U.S. ignoring this lead to the events of the Benghazi attacks. The Al-Qaeda affiliate Ansar al-Shariah conducted their attack on U.S. Compounds that lead to the death of four American internationals, including a U.S. Ambassador. Obama and his cabinet’s reluctance to listen to the intelligence provided to them about the situation in Benghazi lead to one of Obama’s biggest failures which scarred the middle years of his presidency. To this day, the Country of Libya is still in a state of Chaos and US presence in the country is at a minimum. Furthermore, the US’s former strategic posts have been diminished which has crippled their influence within the …show more content…

(Marshall np.) Multiple countries are in contest over the Sea such as, China, the Philippines, and Vietnam. With so many countries stating their claims, China has come out with statements referring to the creation of a “nine-dash line” back in the late 1940’s. They have stated this line as a historical claim that gives China the right over the sea as well as the islands and resources within its area. (Marshall np.) Their actions are said to be bypassing international laws. After citing historical claims, they further stated that, “‘The Chinese government passed legislation in 1992 laying claim to four-fifths of the sea’” (Marshall np.) With concern of this growing Chinese presence in such a strategic region, the countries who have claims in this region alongside the U.S. have amped up military presence in the body of water. Obama’s first course of action was to implement a pivot of naval assets into the waterway. The question that is now posed is, was Obama tough enough on the Chinese way to passive. As China grows to compete with the U.S. as a superpower did Obama take the right courses of action to limit this Chinese growth. Obama’s Failure was that he couldn’t stop Chinese expansion which has left china in a stronger position with in the area that the surrounding countries are having to act into their own

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