
Obesity: A Growing Epidemic In America

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Obesity is the storage of excessed body fat that is higher than what is considered to be a healthy weight for a given height and may have a negative effect on health. In the last 2 decades, obesity has doubled. In 2011 there was an approximated 1.4 billion overweight people and of those 500 million were obese (Han et al., 1998 and Barofsky et al., 1998). Almost one in three adults are measured obese and one in six children from ages 6-19 also meet the standards for obesity. No matter where you go, you are more than likely to see an overweight population. Since there are 300 million clinically obese people worldwide, it’s no surprise that obesity is categorized as a growing epidemic in America. Obesity comes from many causes and these reasons …show more content…

There are more than 300,000 yearly deaths caused from obesity in the USA and 80% are in subjects with a BMI greater than 30 (Allison et al., 1999). Other health conditions caused by obesity could also lead to death if not taken proper care of. There are still risks of obesity that are not studied or looked at as much as the other risks that may continue to infect our population as obesity does.

1. D.B. Allison, K.R. Fontaine, J.E. Manson, et al. Annual deaths attributable to obesity in the United States JAMA, 282 (1999), pp. 1530–1538
2. Arthritis related statistics 2006, Division of Adult and Community Health, Health Care and Aging Studies Branch, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention, and Health Promotion, 2006.
3. S.L. Colles, J.B. Dixon, P.E. O’Brien Loss of control is central to psychological disturbance associated with binge eating disorder Obesity (Silver Spring), 16 (2008), pp. 608–614
4. E.E. Calle, C. Rodriguez, K. Walker-Thurmond, et al. Overweight, obesity, and mortality from cancer in a prospectively studied cohort of U.S. adultsN. Engl. J. Med., 348 (2003), pp. 1625–1638
5. C.L. Himes Obesity, disease, and functional limitation in later life Demography, 37 (2000), pp. 73–82
6. T.S. Han, M.A. Tijhuis, M.E. Lean, et al. Quality of life in relation to overweight and body fat distribution Am. J. Public Health, 88 (1998), pp.

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