Cameron Pennington
Professor Cain
English Comp 1
16 October 2017
Synthesis Essay How Junk Food Can End Obesity by David H. Freedman and How a National Food Policy Could Save Lives by Mark Bittman, Michael Pollan, Ricardo Salvador, and Olivier De Schutter are very similar in the things that they talk about. These articles both had one goal in mind when they were written and that was the goal to end obesity. Then the articles also differ in ways as well. The article How Junk Food Can End Obesity mentions the fact that we should not stop eating fast food and just change the recipe, still make it taste the same. The second article How a National Food Policy Could Save Lives talks about how we should change our diet completely because it doesn’t
The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollen utilizes elements of ethos and metaphors in the passage on pages 116 and 117 in order to persuade readers to believe that humans have become a “race of corn.” Ethos is one of the most notable forms of persuasion Pollen uses. He gets credibility by asking “Todd Dawson, a biologist at Berkeley, to run a McDonald's meal through his mass spectrometer and calculate how much of the carbon in it came originally from a corn the various McDonald’s menu items” (Pollen 116). Including a study written by a certified professional lends more support to his argument of the presence of corn. In addition, he also mentions that the research mentions menu items from McDonalds, a well-known, unhealthy company,
The first introduction in the film is multiple images of farms, and agriculture of all kinds. Then the author quickly states that farms do not look like they use to. The message, and start of this film is to inform the viewer about the changes in agriculture, and present ideas about where our food actually comes from. The purpose of the film is to introduce to consumers the risk of eating foods that are owned by large corporations. This film addresses issues with large corporations owning all food sources, treatment of animals, and food-borne illnesses.
Rhetorical Analysis of Radley Balko’s “What You Eat Is Your Business” In May of 2004, Radley Balko, a self-described libertarian, wrote the essay “What You Eat Is Your Business” directly to American consumers on the Cato Institute website. Balko has also written for the Washington Post, and is the author of the book Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces (2013). Balko brought attention to the fact that obesity is not the government’s issue but solely the responsibility of the individual.
Have you ever been in a rush, low on cash, and looking for something to eat so you didn’t really have a choice but to grab a burger with fries at your local fast food place? Have you ever paused or stopped to think about where the burger really came from, or the process that went in to be made? The Food Inc documentary investigates and exposes the American industrial production of meat, grains, and vegetables. Robert Kenner the producer of the film makes allegations in this film and he explores how food industries are deliberately hiding how and where it is our food is coming from. He emphasizes that we should find out where our food comes from and why is it that the food industry does not want us to know. Food Inc. does not only uses compelling images, such as hundreds of baby chickens being raised in spaces where they do not see an inch of sunlight, it also includes the speeches and stories of farmers, families, government officials, and victims of the food industry. The four current problems facing today’s food industry are the reformed usage of the false advertisement within the labeling of products , mistreatment of farmed animals, and the harmful chemical in our meats. The documentary Food Inc uses very persuasive tactics that demonstrates strong elements of pathos, ethos, and logos make an effective appeal, while uncovering the dark side of the food industry.
The amount of foreign students come to study in Canadian University has increased dramatically in the last few years, and in the process for them to integrate into the host country, they will experience a culture shock. In her article “Picture this: A Photovoice study of international students’ food experience in Canada”, Stephanie Amos delivers a research she made on food experiences of international students in Canada, and based on the experimentation, she demonstrates that “international students acculturating to Canada have emotional and physical needs, which can be met through food.”(pg59). Stephanie Amos herself is a registered dietitian who works in the Department of Applied Human Nutrition at Mount Saint Vincent University, and through this article, she tries to convince Canadian Universities to “incorporate food acculturation strategies into campus events and menus,” (pg59) and then she persuades the nutrition professionals on campus study on create a better food environment for international students. Stephanie utilizes logos, which is the dominant rhetorical appeal of the article, by separating the article into different parts, though in some respects her appeal to logic is kind of weak. In spite of the fact that Stephanie effectively appeals to her audience by using ethos and pathos to connect them to the participants in the
A man should never go through an animal for its nutrients, when that animal receive all of its nutrients from plants. One man such, author Wendell Berry, wrote " The Pleasures of Eating," published in 2017, and he argues that every individual should be educated in what happens to their food before it becomes food. Many people are oblivious to what harmful things animals are put through in order to one day become our meal. Berry's intended audience is every single human being who eats meat, and even those who do not. I know this because Berry mentions the importance of individuals understanding where their meat comes from and why they should not let animals be treated this way. Berry assumes that individuals would not like to be treated that way, so why should animals be treated this way. Berry's purpose in this piece is to inform all humans of what inhumane things are done to animals in order to provide as one of our temporary fills. Berry's writing is somewhat credible and valuable because he is currently a farmer and currently a writer, he gives personal viewpoints and few examples, and he provides emotional statements about animal cruelty.
“The Cato Institute’s” Policy analyst, Radley Balko, in his article “What You Eat Is Your Business,” talks about the idea of obesity and whose fault it is. Balko’s purpose is to convey the idea that obesity is the individual’s responsibility, not the government’s or anyone else’s for that matter. Ultimately, Balko’s “What You Eat Is Your Business” has a strong hold on ethos, pathos, and logos, making for a successful and persuasive article.
Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto is an eye-opening analysis of the American food industry and the fear driven relationship many of us have with food. He talks in depth about all the little scientific studies, misconceptions and confusions that have gathered over the past fifty years. In the end provide us with a piece of advice that should be obvious but somehow is not, "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." He follows the history of nutritionism and the industrialization of food, in hopes to answer one question….. how and when "mom" ceded control of our food choices to nutritionists, food marketers and the government.
Obesity in America is real and profoundly alarming when you look at the major impact it has on our communities. Major health concerns like diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure cases are at an all time high. Specifically, the disparity between low-income urban inner cities in regards to obesity as compared to more upper class wealthier communities makes you take pause. This relates to my professional goals of going back into my community as an activist and organizer of issues related to my environment, like health and education.
Are Americans, where obesity is found to be a major struggle, in jeopardy with the various aspects that may cause obesity, such as poor eating habits, lack of physical activity, etc.? Poor eating habits such as eating processed foods is one reason for weight gain in children and adults. These eating habits are affordable, tasty, and an easy way out when an individual does not want to cook. Obesity is a personal issue that many have struggled with all their life. There are many risks that come along with being obese as well as ways to overcome it. In order to explain this the research report will ask: do individuals who are obese know the various health risks that come along with the constant weight gain and how to lose the weight
The sociological aspect of obesity shown through the impact of families, the government and the economy. The rapidly growing, fast-paced, technological society creates an epidemic of sorts. Families pursue the use of technology, restaurants and fast-paced eating as well as single parenting and parental denial. The government sets a significant health care cost to obesity, which prevents a solution and increases risks. A non-stable economy brings about a society filled with unemployment or multiple jobs as well as both parents working to stay above absolute or relative poverty leading to distractions from a healthy lifestyle. Obesity is a concern, not just for an individual but also for
Much has been written to explain the medical aspect of obesity but little attention has been paid to understanding the sociological aspect of the epidemic. This research attempts to understand the sociological aspect of obesity by examining the socio-cultural, gender, and psycho-social effects and includes the different perceptions of the epidemic as well as what is deemed acceptable in the society we live in.
All of the articles contrast with each other by each of them having different points and ways to get healthier food into schools and in grocery stores. For example, “Bad Food? Tax it, and Subsidize Vegetables” wants to tax bad food and subsidize them by getting them out of stores and vendi machines, or at least making cheaper foods cheaper, so that the children nowadays can have a longer lifespan than their parents. The same concept goes with the short story, “Attacking the Obesity Epidemic by First Figuring Out Its Cause”, with the slight difference of attacking obesity as a whole. In the short story, “No Lunch Left Behind”, the main objective is to make sure that all children in America are able to eat a healthy and nutritional without the fear of consuming artificial goods. In conclusion, the three short stories all attack bad foods, by attacking the produces to help consumers eat healthier and to live a longer life. I believe that taxing bad food isn’t going to make a difference because people who eat “bad food” will do anything to be able to eat it because it is an
This essay discusses how social constructions have an effect on obesity and what combination of causes and contributing factors it includes can lead to obesity. `Obesity is the term used to describe someone who is overweight and unhealthy. Obesity shortens life by an average of 10 years. It is very common in the UK and results from a study back in 2014 showed that a whopping 65.3% of men and 58.1% of women are obese here. (UniversityOfBirmingham,2016) Being over weight is generally associated with being lazy and unpleasant. There are a lot of media groups that have influenced our society’s perception on obesity and many factors that lead to the disease. Obesity can be life threatening and can be the start of lethal conditions such as diabetes,
The obesity epidemic is rapidly spreading throughout America, reeking havoc on the nation. I have chosen two articles that discuss this issue and use different rhetorical strategies to convince the reader of the causes of this deadly epidemic as well as different aspects of the disease that should be focused on when researching treatments options. Examining the different rhetorical strategies used in the articles proves that, although logos arguments can be a good way to convince an audience of your point, use of ethos and pathos arguments is a much more powerful strategy to inform and convince the reader to take action.