Obesity Strikes In America
Obesity is a worldwide epidemic, obesity is the condition being grossly fat or overweight it strikes in wealthy countries like the United States, Tonga and Nauru ,about 2.8 million people die of obesity or health issues each year , this is due to the lack of diet and exercise mostly in the United States as well as other countries. it is that they have no money or they live in poverty, it is because they don't exercise and watch what they eat more people would be less overweight if they actually watched their weight and less people would be dying of obesity and other health related issues.
Obesity is a disease, yes it is a disease, obesity causes more health issues that people don't know obesity can cause like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and more, 2 out of 3 children in the United States is struggling of either being overweight or obese, several years in the united states no state has had an obesity rate over 15 % , but now times have changed , over 41 states have an obesity rate over 25%, this means that since 1981 the obesity rate has nearly tripled in the united states, “ people with obesity state that it is the government's fault for providing food that has no nutritional value in it”.
People who are overweight and obese have
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it strikes most in Naura many people are astonished by this but yes 94.5% of people Nauru , it is not because they are weathyland have good lives,it is because they don't exercise and they have poor diet, all people have to do is go outside for 60 minutes a day and excises , have a better diet and i'm sure families can stop there children from getting obese , especially them because it will only result health issues at a younger
Obesity does not discriminate against social status, sex, or race; it can take a person’s life and turn it upside down in the blink of an eye if they are not careful. Some people think of obesity as a worldwide killer because there is no outrunning it if it overtakes a person’s body. Every 1 in 3 adults are obese right here in America, that should give each and every individual some type of hint that there is a major problem occurring. The obesity epidemic is not something that has just caught the attention of people recently; it has been going on since the 1950’s! This epidemic is a major problem; over 2.8 million people die each year as a result of being obese or extremely overweight and over 40 million children were said to be obese in
Though many are suffering from malnutrition and anorexia, Australia is becoming a major part of an epidemic that is impacting mass number of people globally. Obesity. In every three Australians, 2 will be obese. Obesity, though preventable, is very damaging to the society due to the health aspects and societal impacts. The shocking figures are only expected to increase, unless there are immediate changes applied to the current diet and lifestyle habits. Furthermore, as a chain affect, the risk of developing other diseases increases drastically.
Obesity in America is real and profoundly alarming when you look at the major impact it has on our communities. Major health concerns like diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure cases are at an all time high. Specifically, the disparity between low-income urban inner cities in regards to obesity as compared to more upper class wealthier communities makes you take pause. This relates to my professional goals of going back into my community as an activist and organizer of issues related to my environment, like health and education.
Are Americans, where obesity is found to be a major struggle, in jeopardy with the various aspects that may cause obesity, such as poor eating habits, lack of physical activity, etc.? Poor eating habits such as eating processed foods is one reason for weight gain in children and adults. These eating habits are affordable, tasty, and an easy way out when an individual does not want to cook. Obesity is a personal issue that many have struggled with all their life. There are many risks that come along with being obese as well as ways to overcome it. In order to explain this the research report will ask: do individuals who are obese know the various health risks that come along with the constant weight gain and how to lose the weight
In today’s world many people are considered overweight or obese. That’s 35.7 percent of adults are considered to be obese. There are many health risks of being overweight or obese the most common health risks are type 2 diabetes, heart diseases and high blood pressure. However, most people who are obese is because they don’t exercise enough. They never exercise also, the food they eat it is very high in fats, sugar and saturated fat that can add up over the years and as a results it causes heart attacks, type 2 diabetes and heart diseases. In statistics and research that America is one of the obese countries in the world. First of all, in America you will see many fast food restaurants
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess fats have grown and accumulated to the point of harm, and a shortened life expectancy. Obesity is a problem that has been more prominent in the 20th and 21st century and is now a main concern for both society and the government. It is the citizen’s duty to resolve this epidemic known as obesity in the United States.
You don’t have a lot of money on you and you’re hungry so you grab a bite to eat at a nearby fast food restaurant. Without realizing what you are putting into your body you continue eating these inexpensive meals every night on your way home from work. Weeks turn into months and the next thing you know your cloths don’t fit the way they used you beginning to notice yourself gaining weight. Obesity among young Americans is a problem and can have serious effects if nothing is done about it.
In 2015, the rate for diabetes in adults was at 10.7 percent, imagine the percentage it has reached now. ("The State of Obesity in North Carolina.") Many doctors and physicians say obesity is a disease. In my opinion something you do to yourself is not a disease, it can be prevented and it can go away if you work on exercising and eating healthy foods. Unlike “real” life threatening diseases that cannot be prevented or cured. ("Rethink Obesity.") How can you declare obesity as a disease when people are throwing away their lives, and also are killing themselves without trying to help themselves and change their lifestyles, they are not born with obesity so you cannot say it is a disease in my
Before going into too much detail, it is first necessary that we have a good understanding of what exactly obesity is and its prominence in society. “Obesity is understood to be a complex disease requiring multi-faceted treatment.
Every year thousands of people everywhere suffer from obesity. Obesity is the condition of being grossly fat or overweight. More than 2 in 3 adults are considered to be obese, which is costing the US $147 billion per year in medical costs. People are claiming disability and using our tax money to pay for them to sit around all day and do nothing. Obviously, America is on the edge of a health and finical crisis.
Obesity is becoming a major problem due to many causes and because of that people are struggling with obesity these days. Obesity in America is one of the major public health concern right now. Especially when Fast food now is increasing in bad way and it’s easily these days to find fast food near you or away from you. Things is different right with all these changes been made to our society. The good side of that change comes with the bad side. The problem is people are inventing technology that makes the life easier and make the person lazier, such as the computers, tablets and etc. Lacks of healthy lifestyle, people are changing healthy diet with unhealthy ones, and Obesity affects our health by having disease,
Our great nation has become divided by issues such as same-sex marriage, amendments, symbols, and an array of other topics that people constantly debate about. Social media has fueled this division among the American people; one’s “wall” or “newsfeed” is where someone can develop an opinion, obtain knowledge, or share facts without any credibility to their statement. I am an American with my own opinions, but I never felt compelled to join the debate on same-sex marriage, gun control, or the confederate flag. I could not sincerely relate to either topic, so I opted out and refused to give my perspective. A recent visit to Australia gave me a reason to examine a growing concern in our beloved country. I was savoring a meal from Hungry Jacks, which is a popular fast food restaurant that resembles Burger King. This meal was the size of a kid’s meal and it cost a small fortune. What puzzled me was not the size of the meal or the amount; it was the only size offered that grabbed my attention. No medium, no large, and no supersized meal were available.
For centuries obesity has been a problem among the people of these earth. During these last few years it has rapidly grown all around the world. Obesity has become a very big problem for all sexes and ages. And it has put The United States has been second in the list of countries of most obese people in the country. Obesity is a disease because it meets all the criteria and steps needed to be a disease. Being an obese person impairs you like any other disease. The United States is the second most obese industrialized country in the world. The first one being mexico but not by much.“It decreases life expectancy and impairs the normal functioning of the body; and it can be caused
Obesity has rapidly emerged as a serious health issue in America. The cause of obesity results from America’s social injustices. Today, food advertisements are in all places promoting an unhealthy lifestyle. Considering the great expense of healthy foods, low income families can barely afford fruits and vegetables. These two factors contribute to the increasing obesity rate in the United States. Unfortunately, it has taken an excessive amount of Americans to become obese for America to become aware of the issue and take action. Although obesity is still an increasing problem, America is fighting to reduce the number of obese citizens. As a result of low income and the media advertising unhealthy lifestyles, America is in the midst of an obesity epidemic.
Obesity has been a growing problem in the U.S. for more than a decade. Various reasons and theories are thrown around as to the cause of this severe problem by psychologists, dietitians, and professors trying to pinpoint a single cause. Due to America’s vast supply of resources, luxurious living standards, and moral of the country, there is no one cause for obesity contrary to advertisements offering a quick-fix drug. America’s obesity problem is rooted much deeper than just cheap fast food and poor choices. Medical conditions, influence of genes, unhealthy lifestyles, and mental illnesses are all contributors towards obesity in any one person. Obesity is a serious problem in America with multiple contributors and one lone solution