Obese is the New Skinny More than half of adults in the United States are considered to be overweight or obese. America is becoming unhealthy and it needs to change. Adults should exercise daily. Daily exercise can stimulate happiness, prevent or delay disease, and affects health positively. First, exercise causes the brain to be more alert which has a positive impact on the human body, creating a great feeling psychologically that can be associated with happiness. The world will be a happier place with happy people. Furthermore, disease is a large epidemic today, but did you know that daily exercise can help prevent or delay disease? Doctors could diagnose their patients sooner rather than later, resulting in a healthier treatment plan and then a healthier Earth. Finally, daily exercise is just an overall helpful key to good health. The less fat an adult has on his body, the healthier he could potentially be. With that being said, hours and hours of physical activity are not needed, but as little as 15 minutes a day could benefit human lifespan. Overall, adults should exercise daily because exercise stimulates happiness, can prevent or delay disease, and affects health positively. Do you want to learn how to stay happy? Well, there are receptors located in the brain that trigger happiness from daily exercise. Everybody wants to be happy because being happy is the greatest thing on Earth. Not only does daily exercise keep you in good shape, but it will work out your brain
America's children are not getting enough exercise, and the health risks due to obesity are becoming epidemic in nature. Even First Lady Michelle Obama is supporting an initiative to help children become more active and to provide for exercise (at least 30-60 minutes per day) in all schools. Even limited amounts of exercise can have great health benefits. When humans exercise, the brain produces chemicals that help enhance mood, limit cravings for sugars, and contribute to healthier joints, muscles, the heart, and kidneys. In turn, this translates into more productive work time, the ability to sleep better, increase memory, and reduce dependence on medications. Children are so vulnerable to this health risk that if it continues, over 60% of graduating seniors will be clinically obese. Written by a medical journalist, the book is designed for the lay reader but has a number of documented scholarly sources.
In this study, they investigated the social spread of obesity by performing a quantitative analysis on 12,067 people that were a part of the Framingham Heart Study. Longitudinal statistical models were used to assess the effect of another person’s weight gain on an individual. They found that a person was 57% more likely to gain weight if they had a friend who became obese, 40% more likely if their sibling became obese, and 37% more likely if their spouse became obese. Hence, obesity seems to be influenced by social factors. This study seems like a reliable source as it was published by the New England Journal of Medicine in 2007.
Dalton, S. (2005). Our Overweight Children: What Parents, Schools And Communities Can Do to Control the Fatness Epidemic. Berkeley: University of California Press.
According to the media article, Whose Fault is our Fat? Obesity solely stems from Americans not participating in enough physical activity. On the other hand, Family Stressors and Child Obesity, attributes the stem of childhood obesity to stressors, particularly family stressors. Another possible explanation for obesity, other than Americans not getting enough physical activity or stressors, comes from the movie, watched in lecture, The Weight of the Nation. This movie makes the connection of rates of obesity to living in poverty areas. The movie also firmly believes that Americans are turning to quick, processed, and readily made meals, instead of healthy food options.
Doing exercise regularly is another way to lead to a healthy lifestyle. When doing an exercise, your body will be refreshing. After exercising for 20 minutes, the body will produce hormone, like endorphin. Endorphin makes people exhilarated, happy and blocks any feelings of pain. The best example of exercise that you can do is swimming. In order to get a healthy lifestyle, you need to swim at least half an hour to one hour, three times a week. Swimming is a great exercise because you need move your whole body muscle
A problem that is plaguing America and needs to be addressed with a policy change in school systems across the country is obesity. Obesity in America has been declared an epidemic, and the most alarming rates of obesity exist in younger demographics, which generally dictate that these children will continue into adulthood as obese adults (Jacobson, Kim, & Tortolero, 2009). This will add to the massive costs to society that obesity contributes from loss of employee hours to hospital care from the many diseases that are developed as a result of obesity. Therefore, this issue needs to be addressed early in life with school-aged children as it is far more difficult to stop obese adults from engaging in negative behavior that facilitates or worsens their obesity while legislative action can be taken to develop rules and regulations that can be implemented in school districts across the country.
Fed Up. Stephanie Soechtig. Perf. Michele Simon, Katie Couric, Bill Clinton, Michael Bloomberg. Atlas Films, 2014.
Maintaining your weight, improving your mood, improving your overall brain function, and combating conditions like diabetes are all benefits to exercising on a regular basis. I exercise through biking, walking, lifting, and playing softball at RASA. I walk or bike probably three times a week, lift twice a week, and play softball two to three times a week, thus causing me to be very active. I think physical activity helps me with my mental outlook because I have time dedicated to myself, with no stress. Exercise for me is a time to think and cleanse my thoughts as well as my mind. I think my exercise routine benefits all seven habitudes, but more specifically my adaptability and my curiosity. For instance, while playing softball, I must adapt
It is recommended that an average person exercise around an hour a day. With an hour of exercise everyday, it can allow you to live longer and healthier. It can help prevent you from getting fatal heart diseases. It also has the ability to improve your sleep ability. It can relieve depression and anxiety. There are also many more benefits that exercise can provide.
Did you know that 31.6 % of South Carolina population is obese? Over the last few decades’ obesity has gotten out of control, more than 30.5% of adults and 17% of children are considered obese. What is Obesity? Obesity is a diseased connected to improper nutrition a way that the amount of the fatty tissue of the body stored from the food taken starts being completely unhealthy. I believe Americans aren’t getting sufficient exercise and are consuming too much unhealthy food. Obesity is a major health topic today, due to the rate of obesity it has turned into a rapid epidemic. The biggest possible reason for obesity in children and adults are poor eating habits and lack of physical exercise.
Obesity is a nationwide epidemic and it continues to affect Americans of all ages, gender and ethnicity. It’s a condition of access body fat that can affect any person from young to old. This national crisis is becoming unbearable and defines Obesity as your BMI (Body Mass Index), which is a ratio of the individual’s height and weight. Obesity is caused from many factors, overeating, genetics, hormones, lack of physical activity and the environment which is a serious public health issue. The environment involves another person’s home, school, community or work that can provide barriers or opportunities for an inactive and active lifestyle. The majority of Americans eat at their convenience because fast food is rather more accessible than healthy
Obesity is a growing epidemic that is puts lives at risk but can be controlled. This worldwide epidemic affects people of all ages. This is all just a matter of unhealthy diets. Most people consume unhealthy foods or mass amounts of food on a daily basis. The key to keeping obesity at a low is to watch what you consume and how much of it you consume.
The obesity epidemic has now become one of the most pressing issues of our time. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) said “...obesity has more than doubled worldwide since 1980. In 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults (39 percent of Earth’s adult population) were overweight. That includes 600 million who were obese” (Kiener 2015). In the United States, slightly more than one third of adults are obese (FRAC 2016), and obesity-related deaths make up 18% of all deaths, which is now more than three times more prevalent than once estimated (Fox 2013). For most of its history, however, many have misinterpreted obesity as a lifestyle problem that effect only “lazy” individuals when the opposite is true. Obesity is an issue that goes beyond
Obesity basically means having too much body fat. Not being overweight for your height, having too much muscle, or water in your body. What exactly is obesity? “Obesity is a condition that is associated with having an excess of body fat, defined by genetic and environmental factors that are difficult to control when dieting. Obesity is classified as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or greater. BMI is a tool used to measure obesity. Obesity increases your risk of developing related conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and sleep apnea, to name a few. Many individuals are affected by obesity and are not aware of it” (O.A.C, 2016). Causes of obesity vary from person to person, but most are from the same reasons. Taking in more calories than your body can burn leads to obesity because your body stores the unused calories as fat. Typical causes are eating too much food than your body can use, drinking too much alcohol, and not getting enough exercise. Many obese people who lose large amounts of weight and gain it back think it is their fault. They blame themselves for not having the willpower to keep the weight off. Many people regain more weight than they lost. Today, we know that biology is a big reason why some people cannot keep the weight off. Some people who live in the same place and eat the same foods become obese, while others do not. Our bodies have a complex system to help keep our
Exercise makes people happier overall. They are more active. It makes people care more about other people. As well as that studies show that walking for 35 minutes a day decreases depression symptoms.