
Obesity : The Obesity Epidemic

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The obesity epidemic has now become one of the most pressing issues of our time. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) said “...obesity has more than doubled worldwide since 1980. In 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults (39 percent of Earth’s adult population) were overweight. That includes 600 million who were obese” (Kiener 2015). In the United States, slightly more than one third of adults are obese (FRAC 2016), and obesity-related deaths make up 18% of all deaths, which is now more than three times more prevalent than once estimated (Fox 2013). For most of its history, however, many have misinterpreted obesity as a lifestyle problem that effect only “lazy” individuals when the opposite is true. Obesity is an issue that goes beyond …show more content…

In addition, children who live with parents who have less than 12 years of education,have an obesity rate of 3.1 times higher (30.4%), compared to children whose parents have college degrees (9.5%); this goes along with children living below the poverty level having an obesity rate 2.7 times higher than children that live above it (State of Obesity). Overall, children who live in low-income communities are 20-60% more likely to be either overweight or obese than children who live in higher socioeconomic status and healthier environments (State of Obesity). Of the 50 states in this country, research has shown that nine of the ten most obese states are located in the South (Frohlich and Peters 2016). Mississippi was found to have the nation’s highest obesity rate, 35.3%, compared to the nation’s state with the lowest obesity rate Colorado, 20.1% (Frohlich and Peters 2016). Researchers found that the reason for this is because, “the increase in illness and hospitalizations drives up healthcare costs both for individuals and for health systems” (Frohlich and Peters 2016). In fact, there is a shown correlation between states with higher obesity rates and the states with the highest healthcare costs: Louisiana, the country’s second most obese state, leads the nation in annual healthcare costs whereas Colorado, the country’s least obese state, has the lowest healthcare costs in the country, thus making it easier for people

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