
Objective of Sales Management

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Sales management entails numerous objectives which are executed by sales managers. There are mainly three such objectives 1. Sales Volume 2. Contribution to profits 3. Continuous Growth
The sales executives in this case are the ones who help implement these objectives. However it is the top management who has to outline the strategies to achieve these objectives of sales management. The top management should provide products which are socially responsible and are marketed in a manner which meets customers expectations and does not break it. Thus sales management involves a strong interaction between Sales, marketing and Top management.
Sales Management and financial results
Financial Results are another objective of sales …show more content…

Whether or not these targets are reached depends upon the performance of sales and other marketing personnel.
Top 10 Key Objectives for Sales Managers?
We frequently ask clients to share their perspectives on the key objectives associated with their sales management effort. The answers vary a bit, but most include the following "top 10" answers: 1. Drive sales revenue 2. Drive profitable growth 3. Support and empower the team 4. Lead, motivate and retain the team 5. Recruit, hire and "on-board" sales people as necessary 6. Train, coach and mentor the team / individuals as needed 7. Provide management with strategic information from the field relative to market trends, customer preferences and the competitive landscape 8. Develop strategic relationships with key accounts 9. Serve as liaison between the sales force and the company 10. Comprehensive performance management

The main objective of a sales manager has to be: to achieve consistently superior results through the performance of every key individual. That sounds simple enough, right? But wait. Pick up a typical company report and what words do you find? Words such as analyze, forecast, plan, assess and schedule, are used by businesses that are

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