
Objectives Of A Sustainable Development Goals

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Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals, drafted by the United Nations, consider to improve global sustainability. Goal 7 includes five targets that ensure access to sustainable, and modern energy for all. However, one of the targets described is not truly measurable. For instance, target 7.1 does not specify the type of modern energy services. In fact, different countries, based on their geographic locations or status of development, will rely on different types of modern energy services. Furthermore, the notion of “access” is too vague and is redundant since the goal itself already stated it. Therefore, it is hard to specifically measure the progress. On the other hand, targets 7.2, 7.3, 7.a and 7.b are better described and are currently measured by different international organisations.

2) Are the targets currently measured?

The implantation of renewable energy is currently being measured by the UNDP. In fact, in the article “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”, according to United Nations Development Programme (n.d.), “in 2011 renewable energy accounted for more than 20 percent of global power generated” (para.2).

Furthermore, clean energy researches have been conducted by many countries in order to improve energy efficiency on a global scale. In the article “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”, UNDP (n.d.) explained that “adopting cost-effective standards for a wider range of

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