
Observation And Inclinometer Analysis

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In conclusion the study done has provided us with the scores we set out to achieve for the Inter-rater reliability and SEM and the Intra-rater reliability and SEM. Firstly, we can take a look at and evaluate the method of measurement that was found to be the most accurate, the Goniometer. The scores of the Inter-rater reliability and SEM, and the Intra-rater reliability and SEM were very similar and both scored just below a score of 1. The Goniometer was found to be most reliable and for several reasons. One of the main reasons is when used correctly you are able to use bony projections/landmarks (Greater Trochanter, Lateral Epicondyle and Lateral Malleolus) on the patient to line it up. This allows us to produce more accurate and consistent scores and in doing so greatly reduces the room for human error. When lined up with the projections/landmarks the Goniometer can produce scores within a few degrees of error even when being used by a less skilled or less experienced assessor. Therefore, when comparing this with the other two methods Observation and Inclinometer you can immediately see where, why and how they become less accurate. …show more content…

This method requires years of experience, a good keen eye, and consistency and confidence in the evaluations. This shows in Table 2, as the most substantial difference recorded between the inter-rater and intra-rater scores of the Observation method. Then when we look at the Inclinometer, the room for error lies within the use of the equipment provided. The inclinometer needs to be set to 0 degrees from a surface parallel to the surface being measured, this being the first possibility of error between assessors. The second is the placement of the inclinometer on the patient when the action of knee extension is

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