On the first day, two different feeding statues and three different ink concentrations were tested to which condition would produce the highest rate of phagocytosis. The well fed tetrahymena were fed with 1% India ink, the other group was fed 5% India ink, the last group was fed 10% India ink. Then the starved tetrahymena were given the ink concentrations in the same manner as the well-fed tetrahymena. After adding the ink to the microcentrifuge, we prepared a slide for each mixture at the following time intervals 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and 30 minutes. After all the slides were made, the slides were placed under a microscope for observation. Under the microscope the goal was to find 10 tetrahymena and count the amount
To perform this test, a small drop of water is placed on a clean microscope slide. A metal loop that has been properly sterilized in the blue flame and allowed time to cool is used to
Tetrahymena in the 5% ink showed a higher stained vacuole count that those in 1% ink. This supported our hypothesis that the Tetahymena in a higher concentration of ink would show more staining, because there is more ink around for them to consume. Differing results were found in a similar experiment by Bazzone (2000), as cells in a higher ink concentration showed fewer vacuoles than those at a lower ink concentration. This experiment followed the same procedure, but expanded the ink concentrations to include 10% ink and examined cells at the timepoints 2, 10, 20, and 30 minutes (Bazzone, 2000). This study did not find an explanation for why these results occurred (Bazzone, 2000). Since our numbers of vacuoles of 1% and 5% ink were nearly identical for each time period, it is possible that if we repeated the experiment and counted more
A great deal of cultural tests and physiological procedures were performed on the unknown before the conclusion of P. aeruginosa was made. The first test preformed was Gram’s staining which involves the use of crystal violet, Gram’s Iodine, Ethyl Alcohol, and Safranin. Gram staining is known as a differentiating stain, since it can determine the presence or absence of peptidoglycan in the cell wall. The unknown bacteria were Gram stain negative. After that the motility of the cell was tested using a hanging drop slide. The slide was examined, but the results were inconclusive due to the inability to make a clear distinction between motility and Brownian motion. This test was not
The materials used for the first part of the experiment comprised of the following: a microscope, 4 slides, 4 slide covers, blood samples, lancet, a sheet of paper towel, 3 test tube droppers, Solutions A, Solutions B, and Solution C.
The purpose of this lab is to see the effects of pasteurization while emphasizing the process for serial dilutions.
For this experiment, whole bovine blood was used. The first process was to separate the blood into cellular and plasma fractions. 100 µL of whole bovine blood was transferred into a yellow microcentrifuge tube that was labeled WB using a P-200. 50 µL of whole blood was added to a blue microcentrifuge tube labeled WB. Both tubes were capped and placed in ice. 2 mL of the remaining blood was transferred into a Clear 2 mL tube using a P-2000 and centrifuged for 5 minutes at 8000 RPM. Afterward, 800 µL of the supernatant from the Clear tube was transferred into a yellow tube labeled WP and 50 µL of the supernatant was added to a blue tube labeled WP. These tubes were then capped and kept on ice.
General Biology Bryarra Tinoco BIO102 - Spring Semester – 2015 February 24, 2015 Introduction For this lab the experiment was to test how effective the antibiotic properties were in four substances. The hypothesis that I conducted for this lab was that if the disks containing the substances had a zone of inhibition then the antibiotic effect could be measured and compared.
Phagocytosis and killing of opsonized bacteri were checked by a colorimetric assay according to previously described procedures with some modifications (Fijalkowski et al., 2012; Mehrzad et al., 2009). This experiments wre run in triplicate for each isolated E coli. Brifly, each isolated E coli was opsonized with 10% pooled avian serum for 30 min. The test tube (T) was containe the same volume (500 µL) of heterophiles and opsonized E coli. Test tube was rotated end-over-end at 37 °C for 90 min . The ratio of E coli to hetrophil was 10/1.Control samples (C) contained opsonized E coli, without hetrophil. A 100 µL
The results from Figure 6, show the different microbial colonies that were collected from the rectal sample. Once the rectal swab sample was collected the EnteroPluri test was conducted. Based on the results from Figure 8, there appeared to be a significant amount of color change from the EnteroPluri tests. The results from Figure 7 and Table 2 show the individual biochemical results from the personal rectal swab. In Table 2, the Lysine (violet), Adonitol (yellow), Lactose (yellow), Arabinose (yellow), Sorbitol (yellow), Urea (purple), and Citrate (blue) biochemical test were all positive.
The purpose of this lab was to understand the effect of molecular size and polarity on the ability of certain molecules to pass through the membrane of red blood cells. The lab involved a series of propanol test solutions containing 4 mL of 0.3M propanol, propanediol, or propanetriol, and 12 mL of bovine blood. The test tube was held up in front of a slit lamp to measure the hemolysis time of the bovine blood. The slit lamp consisted of a light source positioned behind a piece of cardboard with a hole in which a thread was suspended. The light from the lamp illuminates the culture tube, allowing the thread to be seen once hemolysis occurs. The results are shown in Figure 1.
History is our past, and all over the world students are learning about all the history around the world. The United States has gone through a lot of history, with the colonies, fighting for independence, and making a new working government and founding a new country. The founding fathers have been a big factor in the rebuilding of America. George Washington has played a big role in the rebuild of America. He was considered one of the key founding fathers, also he had a temper. George Washington made a substantial impact on the growth of America, his contributes are still talked about today. George Washington is one of the more well-known founding fathers, he is one of the biggest names around the world. He help America develop a new government that still exists today. George Washington was born in Virginia in 1732, and he loved the lands he was born in. He was born into a wealthy family, and we would always explore his home lands. George was a patriot and would do anything for his country, he was a great leader because of his determination, and he was a smart man. His father passed away when he was 11 years old. This might have helped him go through school quicker because it is believed that he help his mother with the plantation. He had to take the responsibility of that, and the man role in the family. Most people at that time were taught in private schools or they had tutors at home, but it has been known that he was finished with school by the age of fifteen. The young
Table 4 The Concentration of The Cell Lysate & Cell Pellet In E.coli Induction Experiment
The primary goal of this lab was to notice the bacteria growth in each tube/plates and to be able to properly inoculated the media to get a good result.
In humans the cardiovascular system (blood circulatory system, intravascular compartment) provides the function of the extravascular compartment (organs and tissues). Physical conditions (fluid dynamics) in these two compartments are different: the intravascular compartment (cardiovascular system) is dynamic with liquid (blood) circulation, whereas the extravascular compartment is static, the cells are fixed and liquid flow is minimal or absent. Blood mean velocity in different parts of the cardiovascular system (aorta, capillaries, veins) is from 0.03 sm/ sec to 40 cm/sec [44-46]. A bacterium of a 1µm size for one-second travels with blood a distance that exceeds its body size from 300 to 400,000 times. For phagocytic leukocytes, the measuring time-point for bacterial engulfment is from one to 15 minutes [47-50]. Phagocytosis requires a long time span and is possible in the extravascular compartment only (tissues, connective tissue,
4. The microscope was focused on the yoghurt prepared and fresh yoghurt slides and the results were as follows.