In life, obstacles are there to help develop someone for the better. In my experience, things don't always go the way one expects. Growing up with my parents being the happiest they could be, to instantly becoming separated wasn't very easy to cope with. I'm sure the mistakes that were made are remorseful now, but I have accustomed myself to becoming a self reliant person. My dad was a liar and a felon, and I had no clue. When I was about to turn 15 around the holidays, my dad was detained for possession of a controlled substance. Watching my mom trying to justify his actions was what agonized me most. The whole incident wasn't what challenged me in life, but learning to live my life without my dad, as if I never had one to begin with, was
Life is like an obstacle course, you run into multiple obstacles on the way to the finish line, and there's no telling how many hindrances you may encounter. Very few people can go their whole life without obstacles along the way, others can’t seem to get away from them, but with every obstacle comes a beneficial or deleterious concomitant.
Heart 2 Heart farms has a program called the “Piglet Foster Program”. This organization allows families like us to foster a piglet for 5 weeks. City Pigs are the cutest addition to any home. We can provide our pig with a sweet home, food, and most importantly, love. In return, the piglet bestows a close family relationship and a strong bond that will last a lifetime.
Imagine having the perfect life- you get into all honors classes, you get straight A’s, you are the first chair in the orchestra, you get into the A Cappella choir, you are on the varsity volleyball team, President of the Student Council, and you have a perfect home life. You have never had to face a single obstacle throughout your journey in life. When your whole life is like this, you do not know what failure feels like and will never experience the need to rise up after a downfall. There are many types of journeys one can take in life and dealing with obstacles has a prodigious impact on the outcome. The obstacles and hindrances are the things that shape us as we experience the ups and downs in life.
In life there will be a lot of obstacles. Some obstacles just come out of nowhere, and some you may bring upon yourself. But without struggle you will not learn how to take care of yourself. Life is not always fare, you have to take the good with the bad. Be strong and keep moving. You will get there eventually if you stay focused.
Life is not always a straight path, and most of the time there are ridiculous obstacles in the way. Individuals handle life differently than others. Certain people handle problems badly, but others handle problems just fine. Some acceptable ways people overcome adversity is by embracing differences, having a positive attitude, and persevering to get through the obstacles/problems.
World War 1 was not the last world war, but it might be considered the “war to end all wars” because of the number of deaths, the trench warfare, the use of chemical weapons, advances in weaponry and disease.
"If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere" Frank A. Clark. Everyone has experienced challenges and difficulties in his life which made him stronger, and able to endure life's obstacles. I, like everyone, have faced impediments that made me feel powerless, hopeless, and miserable. Even though sometimes I thought my obstacles are too small to mention, but now I believe they have role which brought me to where I am today.
Life isn't worth living if you are not willing to accept the challenges thrown your way. How I grew up wasn't easy. It, instead, was rousing from being adopted out of China, learning a new culture, to facing some hindrance. Nevertheless, I couldn't have done this on my own. With the help of God all things are possible.
Throughout my life I faced a lot of challenges. I had to overcome the obstacle that was on my way. The obstacle made me stronger and made me the person who I am right now a ambitious and hardworking student. The problem shaped me up because I know that I have to work for what I want and to not depend on no one, this made me more independent. Also, I learned from my mistake and try to do better.
My thesis is that overcoming adversity begins with early development and enables people to cope with everyday stresses. Whether there is something such as stressing for a midterm or the aftermath of a traumatic experience, it is important to remain calm, stay strong, keep a positive mindset, and get help from people whom you have developed a strong relationship with. People often find comfort in other people and by developing those compassionate connections from a young age, it will help an individual stay strong and allows them to overcome adversity. When it comes to life in general, there will be stress and there will be obstacles, but that allows that individual to grow and learn from their past which will make them stronger.
Hurricanes have come into the spotlight in the last few decades. By paying more attention to what hurricanes have done to the people in their path, we can imagine how hurricanes affect our lives. Hurricanes are formed from tropical storms that form in the ocean. Hurricanes get destructive energy by gathering heat and energy through contact with warm water warm. Hurricanes can affect our social lives and economic systems.
My obstacles began the day I was born. People hear the phrase “broken family” and think about how awful it is, but what if your family was never whole to begin with? I was the result of a two week long relationship. When I was four years old, my mother had a mental breakdown and lashed out. I was sent into foster care. I remember being punished,
People all grow up in different places, around different people, under different circumstance and, all of these cause different effects on their lives. People are who they are today because of the experiences that they faced. Until I was a teenager, it was always just my mom and I. I never met my “dad”, not even from day one. I never was able to get to know him, or see him, but I did have a mom. I faced the odds of becoming the stereotypical kid with a single parent that went down the wrong path, but I never did. Life caused me to have a single mother that has made me the strong person that I am today.
The human race is faced with obstacles daily, it's how we handle the situation that determines the outcome. The many obstacles we face such as a teen pregnancy, losing a friend, and getting laid off can be hard to see the good outcomes for such horrid obstacles but in the end, the outcomes that were thrown your way may have been the best thing that's ever happened.
An obstacle can positively affect you and others by making you more stronger in both physical and mental ways. For example, in the book ‘The Outsiders’, Pony has to go through running away from the socs’ and his own family. Although he’s used to the average greaser life, Darry slapped him, and Johnny killed a soc. So, they had no choice but to go through the obstacle of thriving on their own in an abandoned church. Consequently, they eat the same meal every day, cut their hair and Pony goes blonde, and