Ungifted is about Donavan’s life, which turns upside down when Donovan Curtis pulls off a negative prank at his middle school. He is scared that he will be severely punished for what he has done. However, instead of a huge punishment, a letter comes to his parents stating he is "gifted." Due to this error, Donovan is sent to the Academy of Scholastic Distinction with all intelligent kids. While he knows he is the fish out of water, he also determines it is the perfect hide out to not get caught by anyone for the prank he has pulled. In the sitcom based on the novel, I would present each of Donavan’s struggles and adventures in an entertaining way. Donavan has to deal with many problems when he realizes he just been framed for worst prank …show more content…
In this particular sitcom the buddy I have chosen is the two Daniels. Donovan’s two best friends are “the Daniels.” They tend to urge on Donovan, then sit back and watch the fun when things get out of hand. When Donovan starts actually caring about something, the Daniels get disappointed and find new ways to put him in difficult situations, hoping to see the fun they’re used to. The Daniels are first immature and then begin to grow up. The two characters I would cast to play the two Daniels are Macaulay Culkin who played Kevin McAllister in Home Alone 1 and 2 and Adolfo Isoldi from the reality show God Father of Pittsburgh. Both of these actors suit the two Daniels because the roles they play are very disastrous, funny, and idiotic like the Daniels. Kevin is left home alone and has to defend himself against burglars. Adolfo Isoldi plays a rambunctious character who ruins everything in his …show more content…
In this presentation their will be a form of laugh out loud comedy. Donavan is just getting out of detention for the spitball war that started in the cafeteria. When Donavan is in detention the teacher on duty goes to check out the basket ball game in the gymnasium. The two Daniels sneak Donavan out of detention. After they’re out of class, they walk up the hill right above the gymnasium. Donavan and his friends look at the statue of Atlas and are just talking about their social lives. Donavan turns his head and sees a group of kids their age walking with facemasks and a wooden bat. They walk to the statue of Atlas, hit the globe and it rolls down the hill towards the gymnasium, destroying the gymnasium. The minute Donavan turns his head and pulls out his phone; he captures the criminals on camera. He is able to get some good footage evidence but the strange kids move fast. The Daniels also disappears. Donavan starts running up the hill. Superintendent Dr. Schultz screams ‘stop’ and starts to chase Donavan. Superintendent takes Donavan to his office and Donovan proclaims that he didn’t do it and that it was random kids who knocked the globe down. Donovan even says that he has video evidence but no one believes him. The superintendent takes Donovan and the secretary removes Donavan’s name from the list of students for ASD. Dr. Schultz lets Donovan go home. Donovan is very confused as he
Paul and his family move from Houston, Texas to Tangerine, Florida. He has a brother named Erik who is a place kicker for the football team at Lake Windsor. On Paul’s first day at Lake Windsor he meets a kid named Joey Costello. When Paul finds out their is a soccer team he automatically thinks he is going to be the starter goaltender. He can’t play for Lake Windsor because of the IEP(his is blind). Then a sinkhole happens,and Paul is happy about that because Erik just lost all of his fans. Paul’s mom wanted him to go to St. Anthony’s,but Paul wanted to go to Tangerine so he could play soccer and be the starting goalie. On the first day of school Dr. Johnson had Theresa show Paul around. Paul met Victor, Tino, and Henry D. Paul and Joey were
At the school Byron gets in trouble all the time. He beats up Larry Dunn for bullying Kenny, He kills a bird by throwing a cookie at it. He is really upset and is crying about that. There parents are frustrated with him. But then one day he comes home with a chemically
He quickly thinks he cannot let this happen so runs outside with his gun and starts to shoot the guards but then notices someone just hit the alarm button so there are sirens going crazy and hundreds of guards come out side to find the boy but Devin already went back inside and then he notices more guards approach him so he runs back in the closet. He thinks to himself will I die here, he hears the door getting smashed so he thinks of a way to escape and he’s got it, he climbs through the vents and takes it as far as it goes. he quickly jumps down and notices he’s in the room his parents were before but no one was there and he sees a ski mask and he thinks to himself if I wear this they won’t be able to know what I look like and if I escape they can’t track me easily so he grabs the ski mask so but then quickly he is surrounded by 100 of guards in a circle formation than slowly a guard grabs him and puts him to he’s knees and then slowly he sees his parents walk through the doors but they don’t know it’s there
When he gets to the school he goes to the gym to see all of the students at the school this year, and when he walks in he sees Chris immediately. Later that day Coach Fulton goes to the lady in charge of all of the student records, and finds out that Chris came from a high school in Indianapolis, but he is disappointed when he finds out that Chris didn’t put basketball as an extracurricular activity. So after about a week Coach Fulton decides to call Chris’s old coach in Indianapolis to see why Chris doesn’t play basketball. When he calls him he learns about Chris’s accident, and finds out that that is the reason that Chris doesn’t play basketball anymore. Chris’s accident was just that an accident where the player that got hurt was out of position, and when Chris was going for a rebound Chris hit him with his elbow in the eye socket. This left the player temporarily blind in that eye, but after surgery he was able to regain his eyesight. After the accident Chris made a promise that he wouldn’t play basketball again, and his parents decided to move him to a new
Milo is reluctant and warns them not to grow attached because once it’s grown at the fair it will be fed to the judges. One day after Adam is given the task to take care of Henrietta he realizes he won’t have time to take her home before his hockey game. The South Middle School Rangers hockey team is 0-5 and in last place in the league. Adam brings her to the game and miraculously the Rangers win.
That evening Sistine Bailey introduces herself to the class. She makes a bad first impression by saying the people from the south are ignorant.all of a sudden Rob gets called down to the office without knowing why.
So when Wallace goes to football practice he is told he can't play until his detention is over.when he gets to the gym for his detention he was being judged by all the drama kids. Wallace starts giving suggestions for the play and starts becoming friend with the drama kids meanwhile not being in football has made him fall apart from his football friends. One day when on his way to the gym he hears everyone arguing he ask what's wrong and they explain that someone vandalised the play and wrote old shep dead mutt. Wallace is accused of this but then trudi davis saves him and convinces everyone to go his side. Mr.Fogelman notices this and tells him that he can leave the play. Then everyone hears the news and Wallace's team ask him to come back but he refuses and joins drama the play gets getting pranked and after the 3rd one they find wallace's scrimmage jersey but he was being framed and wallace loses everyone's trust and asked to leave. Then on the day of the play he finds the tape of when his scrimmage jersey and he figures out it was Dylan Rachel's little brother who was doing all the pranks was stolen and he goes on lookout at the play even though he not allowed to come then he catches Dylan and asks Dylan what is he doing dylan says it too late and that he attached a cherry bomb to old shep so Wallace goes running to stop it from exploding when he sees old shep he grabs old sheps pillow and he dives to
Jenkins right in the eye and said “ Ms. Jenkins I promise I really do have to use the bathroom! I might ppe my pants.” She didn’t believe him. Carl desperately wanted to go to the bathroom but was told to take a seat next to Jenny. After that the class fell silent. Foul smelling liquid dripped down Carl’s leg and then everyone heard something dripping so they turned around to Carl and saw him with soaking wet pants. Everyone laughed at him. Carl ran out of the classroom and started crying because he humiliated himself. The teacher came out in the hall and said how sorry she was that she didn’t let him go but how Carl abused his
The lesson begins with the Teacher using a remote to click through a series of scenes taking place between the Jumper and Good Samaritan, with the plot not turning out as one would expect. The first scene shown lacks conflict and does not allow for further plot; therefore the Teacher explains that this is not satisfying to the audience. The second scene also lacks conflict, by resolving too quickly, and the third scene is absurd with both characters using unnecessarily foul language that does not appeal to any kind of viewer. As the Teacher clicks through several more poorly constructed scenes the other two characters come to life and revolt which causes the Teacher to lose control. The true comedic events ensue when the Teacher battles with the other characters in order to regain control over the play. Surprisingly the Teacher is the one who becomes the victim to death, thereby creating an example of a well written play.
When Dale accepted the position as coach and history and civics teacher thought he would be welcome with open arms. When he got to the high school he stop a teacher to ask her where the principal office was, she told him that the office was up the stairs and she thought they were hiring a younger person to be the head coach. As she proceed to question him he interrupts her question by stating this felt like an interview and he thought he already had the job. The teacher did not like his response and walked off. Dale showed the teacher and the townsmen that he was not a person that was going to take orders from them when it came to the basketball team. The townsmen corner Dale
The story unfolds with the clubhouse boys finding Alfalfa breaking his oath by being with Darla, and the beginning of the sabotage of their relationship. It does not take any time for things to begin to fall apart for both sides. The boys successfully ruin Alfalfa and Darla’s date, but at the expense of the fate of the clubhouse, which lights on fire due to the boys shenanigans. Having successfully destroyed Alfalfa’s chances with Darla, the boys are now working on making enough money to build a new clubhouse. The plans to sell tickets to the talent show work, but they are caught by their teacher right away.
It all starts innocently enough, Terry and I playing some basketball in my backyard. Then, Keith and Mary come over, but Mary is too cool to play sports, so we have to do something different. Mary has this great idea that we should write and act in a play. Since no one else can think of anything better to do, we all decide that this idea isn’t that bad.
The government came to the school to find Twenty-one. She and Gavin ran around looking for a place to hide, but they trapped them. Then twenty-one stood up and did something with her mind that made people bleed from their eyes and ears, then they all dropped. Some were dead, but few lived unfortunately, the terrormorph had smelled the blood so it came out of the wall started killing people, but Twenty-one were drained on the ground so Gavin lifted her up and carried her into a classroom. The terrormorph found them
George and Harold were two boys who always got into big trouble. Once, they got into HUGE problem. The boys loved did a horrible prank in the football game. The mean principle, Mr. Krupp, caught them on video tape. He was going to show the football team why the football game was a disaster. George and Harold would get beaten up by the football players, so they told Mr. Krupp that they would do ANYTHING for Mr. Krupp to not show the videotape to the football
When Trisha saw the boys on the stage, she exclaimed; "Finally, a group of students who can act". Bernice; my sister's best friend, is giving us a ride to school. Because I had a dentist appointment at 1:30 pm. I had to leave school early. The invitation said to go to 117 Donner Creek road in Fresno, but Sinclair couldn’t find that address. Uncle Carl said; "We would like you to come to the reunion", but my mom told him that we would not be able to make it. Wow that is a great idea. I’d love to join you but, I have a softball tournament that