
Obstacles In 'Klepto'

Decent Essays

1. Marcus “Mark” Thompson is the protagonist of the story. Marcus wants to become tougher and more appealing to the women that he encounters at his school. He also wants to be the one that everyone looks to for guidance. What Marcus really needs is more confidence, he doubts himself at every turn and does not see the potential that he possesses. He has the world at his fingertips but is unable to notice such accomplishments. 2. At the beginning of the script Marcus is faced with multiple problems in school. He is bullied by one of the toughest people on campus and can never build up the confidence to actually talk to one of the girls that he likes. His parents are there but are hardly involved in his life which makes him feel depressed and alone, he feels as if no one really is there for him. Marcus also is great at his job working at a restaurant but always encounters rude customers who never manage to get under Marcus’s skin. 3. The antagonist of the story is Klepto. Klepto is a …show more content…

Some of the obstacles Marcus encounters is the constant struggle in making sure that Klepto doesn’t take over his whole body and try to complete his overall goal. Marcus is also haunted by some of the things in his past that allow him not to be able to be overcome the fears that are rooted into his life. This fear combined with the inner struggle of Klepto both serve as a wall that keeps Marcus from becoming a greater being. 6. Klepto is faced with the obstacles of Marcus not allowing him to take full control of his body and also searching for the magic that he once possessed. Trying to figure out this new time has managed to halt Klepto from his overall goal but doesn’t stop it completely. Klepto also is faced with the kin of the one that once trapped him inside of the mask that he must try to avoid seeing as though he hasn’t been able to find his magic yet. While he searches for the key to his magic he also discovers that him and Marcus have more in common than he wants to

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