
Occupational Profile Essay

Better Essays

Occupational Profile
Introduction to Occupational Therapy as Profession
OT 501
Ryan Hogan

One of the first things we do as an occupational therapist is to understand our patient. We perform what is know as an occupational profile. This detail profile is a set of questions that the occupational therapist will ask their new client to gain an understanding of their viewpoint and background. This profile is completed with the use of two main techniques. First the occupational therapist will ask the patient direct questions concerning them. The second techniques that is used is just the casual conversation that will develop through the therapy process. With these two ways of gaining information the OT will have a …show more content…

Two of my strongest traits while completing this profile is listing to the little things and attentiveness to the client. When asking question and getting responses, I listen for the subtle hints or deeper meaning of the answers to find more about the answer. Using these subtle hints, it leads me to ask more questions about areas that they may not come out and answer without a direct question. Another characteristic that improved my success of asking question was the attentiveness I pay to the client. Making eye contact and lack of movement, Showing the client that I’m there in the moment and truly want to help them. With the positive comes the negative, things that may not be bad however needs improvement. One of these traits that I feel weakened my performance of this profile was its hard to come up with the right questions to ask. Some questions make open the person up, allowing the information to flow out. Other questions will get back a quick response. The deficiency of the right questions inhabits me from gaining the information that is necessary to complete the profile. Another enfeebled trait I have when I comes to gaining occupation centered information during an occupational profile is asking two many questions to soon. There is a lot of questions that need to be completed in a certain time period that we have with each other. Having the feeling of a time limit, may hinder the time I give the client to answer each question before I ask another

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