Occupational Profile
Introduction to Occupational Therapy as Profession
OT 501
Ryan Hogan
One of the first things we do as an occupational therapist is to understand our patient. We perform what is know as an occupational profile. This detail profile is a set of questions that the occupational therapist will ask their new client to gain an understanding of their viewpoint and background. This profile is completed with the use of two main techniques. First the occupational therapist will ask the patient direct questions concerning them. The second techniques that is used is just the casual conversation that will develop through the therapy process. With these two ways of gaining information the OT will have a
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Two of my strongest traits while completing this profile is listing to the little things and attentiveness to the client. When asking question and getting responses, I listen for the subtle hints or deeper meaning of the answers to find more about the answer. Using these subtle hints, it leads me to ask more questions about areas that they may not come out and answer without a direct question. Another characteristic that improved my success of asking question was the attentiveness I pay to the client. Making eye contact and lack of movement, Showing the client that I’m there in the moment and truly want to help them. With the positive comes the negative, things that may not be bad however needs improvement. One of these traits that I feel weakened my performance of this profile was its hard to come up with the right questions to ask. Some questions make open the person up, allowing the information to flow out. Other questions will get back a quick response. The deficiency of the right questions inhabits me from gaining the information that is necessary to complete the profile. Another enfeebled trait I have when I comes to gaining occupation centered information during an occupational profile is asking two many questions to soon. There is a lot of questions that need to be completed in a certain time period that we have with each other. Having the feeling of a time limit, may hinder the time I give the client to answer each question before I ask another
The purpose of the Occupational Outlook Handbook is to help you look for career information, education and training, and pay. One of the few things you can find in OOH is getting fist class information about a career such as how it work, what are the requirements for that career, and their income. It helps you to get a better understanding of each career so you can decide what career works best for you. Another thing found in OOH is featured occupations, it shows you a few careers that have been projected to grow in the years. The OOH also provides information about time use in america, unemployment, and employment.
The purpose of my paper was writing a report about the person who was interviewed by myself as an OT student for the class Occupational Analysis. The main purpose of this activity was to identify the most important and problematic client’s performance in occupational areas and create the specific goals, based on the client, that relate to improving the client’s quality of life. For the completing this paper a COPM manual and scoring form were used and processed. The interview was concentrated on the background, self care, productivity and leisure kind of information. Additionally, an experience sampling method data collection was used. This research methodology provided an opportunity to capture client’s behaviors, thoughts and feelings
To be able to participate in one 's own life, to do the things we want to do, and to competently perform the activities that form part of our daily, weekly or monthly routines, is a common goal for most people. This not only includes taking part in the basic activities of self-care, such as grooming and dressing, but also extends to our work and leisure activities. It is through doing things that we learn and develop as human beings. The occupational therapy profession believes that being prevented or hindered in some way from participating in the activities that are important to us could adversely affect our health and wellbeing.
I am thankful for having the opportunity of applying to the Occupational Therapy program at Abilene Christian University (ACU). My decision of becoming an occupational therapist arose my sophomore year in North Lake College. Ever since, I have worked toward taking the prerequisites and then transferred to the University of Texas at Arlington, where I obtained by bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. So later, I could pursue obtaining my master’s in Occupational Therapy. I am applying to the occupational program at ACU because, it is a Christian school, its excellent degree plan, along with experienced faculty, and my eagerness about of becoming an occupational therapist would equip me with the tools I need to perform the occupation with quality and humanity. I am ready to commit and serve others by putting to use what I have learned from occupational therapy experiences and to take advantage of all the resources the program has to offer.
The occupational therapy profession shares many objectives across the communities, clients, and families they serve. Some of these aims include: “Developing the field of occupational therapy and enhance the professions capabilities to meet the needs of the entire population, providing evidence on the efficacy of occupational therapy. This includes working with organizations and local communities, incorporating education, research, and practices as a complete whole. In addition, developing a team of professionals that innovates and adapts to the developing health needs of the population” (AOTA, 2013). This includes advocacy efforts with policymakers to ensure continued funding to provide care to individuals (AOTA, 2013). Occupational therapy is a distinctive profession that helps
Occupational therapy has been in the process of continued development since the 1900’s. With several contributors helping to build the groundwork for creating the awareness needed to bring occupational therapy into the field of health care. Continued research is contributing to the ongoing significance of how occupational therapy is a vital aspect in promoting increased independences in all aspects of healthcare. (Willard, Schell, 2014) With the incorporation of “Occupational Therapy Practice Framework Domain and Process (3rd ed.)” helps creates the foundation for occupational therapy clinicians as well as other health care providers in facilitating the core believe of occupational and the relationship of health and occupation. (AOTA 2014) Therefore, providing a uniform outline of the various aspects of each individual and how they are interconnected to create the foundation of each individual. With a greater understanding of the foundations of that induvial, the clinician can then facilitate the best therapeutic treatment plan for that individual to achieve their personal goals with unified foundations of care.
Title VII states that an employee cannot be treated differently because of sex unless sex is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ). When used as a defense, bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) allows an organization to hire and employ individuals on the basis of the qualifications reasonably necessary to the normal operation of that particular business or enterprise. This paper will discuss the necessary steps employers must take in order to justify using sex as a discriminator when hiring employees and review some known cases where BFOQ was used as a defense.
As learned in Occupations, completing a developmental profile can be beneficial in both, learning about a client and identifying their needs. Through identifying a client’s needs, occupational therapists can create appropriate interventions to assist the client with those needs. These interventions can be beneficial in improving a clients well-being and life balance.
The occupational therapy field is frequently being left behind in the health care field because most of the public is uneducated or unaware of the Occupational Therapy practice and the research that is involved. The public also has a few concerns of OT which include the time commitment to the program, the availability of services, the impact of the therapy on other family members, and the cost involved in continued care. While there are drawbacks to Occupational Therapy, the benefits of the practice outweigh them. The value and purpose of occupational therapy is to support the health and participation of clients by engaging them in their desired occupations. Occupations are activities that reflect cultural values, provide structure to living and meaning to individuals. These activities meet human needs for self-care, enjoyment, and participation in society. There are many different types of therapy used for people with disabilities such as autism, people with limitations from strokes, sicknesses such as cancer, and they can even help prevent childhood obesity. The different types of therapy can range from interventions all the way to dolphin assisted therapy, whatever the therapist finds appropriate. The similarity is that the Occupational Therapist will research and pick the most beneficial type of therapy to proceed with for that certain type of disability or problem that person is having. I believe
“I feel sorry for the person who can't get genuinely excited about his work. Not only will he never be satisfied, but he will never achieve anything worthwhile” (Walter Chrysler). Deciding on what one wants to be in life can prove to be a demanding task. There are so many, yet limited, different opportunities in the world to have an excellent career and make a decent living while doing something one loves. It is limited because there are only a few specific career paths that someone could take to make good money. It is very difficult to make a fulfilling living being a garbage man. There are many different opportunities because, within these specific careers, there are usually various paths to take. Someone who has dreams to be a
For my career exploration assignment I have chosen the field of occupational therapy. Not only am I a certified occupational therapists assistant, but I also have a passion for this field. Occupational therapy wasn’t something that I have always wanted to pursue, but once I got into college and observed an occupational therapist I fell in love with the occupation. Occupational therapy is the unique focus on occupation and daily life activities and the application of an intervention process that facilitates engagement in occupation to support participation in everyday life (American Occupational Therapy Association [AOTA], 1994). As therapists we are here to help our patients return to the highest level of independent physical function. Patients come to us in their lowest time, and it is our job to help build them up, and teach them how to be more independent, and to live their life to the fullest. Occupational therapists assistants do everything from increasing a patient’s standing/sitting tolerance and balance, safety with transfer training, dressing, bathing, grooming, and bed mobility. A lot of people always ask, “Physical therapy and occupational therapy are the same thing right?” That is not true. Physical therapy helps with the bigger movements, such as walking and lower extremity muscles, where as occupational therapy focuses on smaller, more fine motor movements, such as clothing manipulation, and grooming tasks. Occupational therapy helps to regain independence
In accordance with Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (OTPF), “the efforts directed toward promoting occupational justice and empowering clients to seek and obtain resources to fully participate in their daily life occupations.” (Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, 3rd Ed., p. S41). I consider occupational therapy to be a compassionate career, practitioners try to grant their clients’ wants and needs to better suit the
An occupational profile is a tool used by Occupational Therapists in order to gather an initial understanding of the individual whom they are treating. It can also be utilized later in the therapeutic environment to gather information at intervals to track progress and update goals. This tool allows professionals to prioritize the needs of their client based on what is meaningful to the individual, what the desired outcomes of the interventions may be, his or her unique experiences in life, who they have supporting them, and the day-to-day activities which are a part of their role, to name a few. Utilizing an occupational profile is relevant to being a good Occupational Therapist, because it helps to break the ice with a client before therapy and allow the therapist to understand the person on a deeper level. This is important, because the holistic perspective is an integral part of the profession of occupational therapy. The information gained from the profile allows the therapist to treat the client from this perspective in an efficient manner. The profile can also be used to understand the goals that would be most beneficial for the client, given their interests, roles, and desired occupations.
* What do other people see as your strengths? Weaknesses: * What could you improve?
Employee motivation and job satisfaction are intertwined in ways that have implications for organizational performance. Motivation has been explained as a goal oriented behaviour involving a course of action leading to the attaining of a reward (Armstrong, 2006) and as the energy that compels individuals to act persistently toward some goal (Berman, Bowman, West & Wart, 2010). Within the framework of the present study, the consideration of satisfaction and motivation together lead to the concept of job enrichment – initiatives for impacting employees ' experiences of job satisfaction such that their experience and performance are improved.