
Occupational Therapy (ASD)

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Other behavioral therapies have also been shown to be effective in treating ASD. Occupational therapy is geared towards helping the person live more independently through teaching skills like eating, dressing, bathing, relating to people, etc. Sensory integration therapy is geared towards helping the person interact and manage sensory stimuli like sounds, sights and smells. Speech therapy can be very effective in improving the person’s communication abilities. Verbal communication skills can be can be learned, as well as pictures or gestures for others who find verbal communication more difficult. Music therapy is a field that has gained recognition in the psychological and therapy fields, despite limited research evidence of its effectiveness. …show more content…

The impacts on the family tend to vary according to the severity of the individual with ASD (Seth, 2011). The first major impact on the family is the struggle of adaptation to the child’s behavior and communication. In their comprehensive study of the stress and quality of family life in the parents of children with ASD, McStay et al. (2014) found that more severe levels of symptoms and less social support led to higher stress and lower quality of life for the father. This also is an indication of the differences in stress among parents according to their gender. Maternal stress was higher when there were lower levels of family sense of coherence (FSOC) and higher levels of the child’s external behavior. McStay et al. (2014) also concluded that further research needs to be conducted on the effects on the parents of the time spent caring for a child with …show more content…

The difficulties of diagnosing autism have led to the debate on what it means to have autism and its accompanying symptoms.
The development of an explanation for the differing levels and severity of symptoms is also the culmination of much research conducted on how diagnostic criteria can be reconciled with those differing levels of severity. The idea of a “spectrum” came about because of those differing levels of symptoms present in individuals with autism. Study and research has also helped to identify genetic and environmental risk factors for developing ASD. A combination of genetic and environmental risk factors has also been shown to predict ASD. Various forms of treatment and intervention for ASD have been developed through much research, study and practice. Treatment for ASD is most effective when combined with a behavioral, communicative, and biomedical therapies. The impacts of ASD on the individual and the individual’s family have also been shown to correlate directly with the severity of ASD in the individual. The impacts on the individual mainly consist of impairments in functionality in many aspects of life. The impacts on the family of the individual with ASD consist of the struggle of adaptation to the person’s behavior and its associated stress on family

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