
Occupational Therapy Case Study Essay

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AJ is a sweet young boy with a bright smile at times. He makes good eye contact and is very social with people he is familiar with. He receives in home therapy from May Center Early Intervention Program which includes occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, and a developmental specialist on a weekly basis. AJ also receives biweekly ABA services to help with behavioral challenges. AJ has been receiving occupational therapy services since November 2017. He is seen for 1 hour per week to address sensory and fine motor issues. AJ has significant sensory issues which impacts his daily activities as well as contributes to his behavioral issues. AJ has difficulty processing sensory input. He avoids certain activities by moving away from the sensory stimuli. AJ is sensitive to various textures such as sticky and messy materials (i.e. finger paint, foam, balls). AJ does not like walking in the sand or grass as evidenced by his inability to tolerate playing with sand in a bin. He often misses sensory input and has to watch others before joining in on an activity. According to his results on the Toddler Sensory Profile 2 Questionnaire, AJ is very sensitive to and is bothered by loud noises and will try to escape from noisy settings and crowded environments. He will cover his ears or have a tantrum (crying or …show more content…

He does not like having his hair washed. This therapist provided mom with foam visor to prevent water from going into his eyes and face but AJ pulled it off and would not wear it. AJ will become upset when placed on his back, and he does not like blankets or other items on him when sleeping. This therapist made him a lap pad filled with rice. At times he will carry it around but will not put it on his lap or shoulder. This was intended to provide deep pressure to the large muscles and joints to help decrease sensitivity. This therapist also tried joint compressions which he did not tolerate

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