One scholar that has contributed a substantial amount of research that has impacted the occupational therapy profession and clients within the occupational therapy services is Dr. Tracy Chippendale. Dr. Chippendale is an occupational therapist that received her Masters and PhD at New York University. Dr. Chippendale is currently an assistant professor teaching courses on human development, research, and occupational therapy practice with older adults in the occupational therapy department at New York University. Dr. Chippendale has over seventeen years of experience working with older adults, which has influenced her research that focuses on geriatrics. This research places emphasis on intervention methods that allow elderly individuals to
I spoke with Mr. Naranjo many times since the last reporting period regarding scheduling of occupational therapy and also the MRI. Once the MRI and x-ray were done he declined going back to Dr. Branch for a follow-up appointment on 1/31/8. He has requested to see his primary care doctor’s office.
“Therapeutic Paws: A Tail of Success” by Rhona Feldt- Stein I really enjoyed reading this story. It gave me some great ideas on how one can deal with conflicts, when it comes to working with younger patients. This story was an example of how an Occupational Therapist was able to use the help and the incentive of using a animal in the everyday setting of her clinic. The OT used a cat to help encourage and motivate the children to do their therapy exercises and activities. Even the toughest kids were able to get through their tasks at the clinic by the help of the cat.
Jacob is an active is an active 2.10-year-old boy who was evaluated at Anna L. Klein School for occupational therapy services as a part of the comprehensive evaluation to determine his eligibility for Special Education services. He was referred for occupational therapy evaluation due to concerns with his attention, fine motor, and gross motor skills.
The article is about the new plan of US health Care System in implementing the ACA or Affordable Care Act to improve health care services and the plans to increase and give more privileges to the clients or patients of the said services. According to the article, ACA is created to renovate the current health services into a more organized, good quality, and accessible aids across all people in the America. The ACA is more focus in the Prevention and Wellness, and because of it they have the same vision as for Occupational Therapy in promoting the person’s independence throughout wellness and prevention from disability, injury, and harm. Emerging advancement of technology in Health, Occupational Therapy also wants to apply this new system.
This papers purpose is to describe to the reader an Occupational therapy treatment plan and therapy session using the OTPF as its base to describe client’s performance. It is based off a case study of a 26 year old male racecar driver who suffered a traumatic brain injury and is now admitted into the hospitals ICU unit under a coma. The paper begins with a brief overview of the clients Injuries and occupational profile. It continues with goals that the therapist has set for the client and caregivers and concludes with the client’s treatment plan, along with a SOAP note which explains the client’s treatment and gives other healthcare workers information about the therapists goals and progress of the client
Occupational Therapy has played a role in helping those with Mental and physical disabilities in the United States since 1917. Before that time, Occupational Therapy was used solely in mental institutions to help people that were "more normal" and able to function in a social status. These patients enjoyed things like arts and crafts. It seemed that those who engaged in such activities where perceived as "more healthy". These findings lead Drs. to encourage patients to engage is such activity to improve there overall health. (
Vi would benefit from skilled occupational therapy services for post op rehabilitation of flexor tendon laceration of the wrist to improve overall independence with functional activities of daily living as well as identifying areas of interest in leisure activities to address Vi's underlying depression. Therefore the performance areas that will be addressed in occupational therapy sessions are as follows:
An occupational therapist helps people who struggles to do their day to day activities. It can range from kids to elderly. They help kids to improve on their skills that they are developing like motor, physical, sensory, cognitive, and more. They also help elders who can't do their normal activities due to their conditions. It takes a lot of time and effort to become an occupational therapist. Their goal for the patient is to reach the patient’s goal and become more independent when it comes to their daily activities.
Occupational therapy has been in the process of continued development since the 1900’s. With several contributors helping to build the groundwork for creating the awareness needed to bring occupational therapy into the field of health care. Continued research is contributing to the ongoing significance of how occupational therapy is a vital aspect in promoting increased independences in all aspects of healthcare. (Willard, Schell, 2014) With the incorporation of “Occupational Therapy Practice Framework Domain and Process (3rd ed.)” helps creates the foundation for occupational therapy clinicians as well as other health care providers in facilitating the core believe of occupational and the relationship of health and occupation. (AOTA 2014) Therefore, providing a uniform outline of the various aspects of each individual and how they are interconnected to create the foundation of each individual. With a greater understanding of the foundations of that induvial, the clinician can then facilitate the best therapeutic treatment plan for that individual to achieve their personal goals with unified foundations of care.
The use of Occupational Therapy in Low Vision Rehabilitation Patients with low vision impairment from macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy, can have major difficulties to complete daily tasks. It is estimated that approximately 1 in 28 adults over the age of 40 in the United States have low vision, a number that is expected to increase significantly over the next 20 years due to an aging population. Approximately 2/3 of older adults with vision impairment live alone in their own homes. There are several ways an occupational therapist helps people with low vision to function at the highest possible level. (3)
In pediatric occupational therapy family centered practice involves working with parents, families, and the child with special needs. Family centered practice goes beyond just child-related goals but to change the quality of life for the whole family. Intervention with the child can an important impact on life participation for the whole family. For practitioners it is important to understand individual barriers to life participation for the child, parents, and other family members. To date there is not a valid and reliable tool that exist to for occupational
Occupational therapy combines my two loves the medical field and working with special needs children. While being employed in the school system as an occupational therapist, I will be interacting and working with many different people on a daily basis. We will all be considered part of the support staff and will work together to help the children achieve their goals. I will also be keeping the parents updated on a weekly basis of their child’s progress, along with attending each child’s IEP (individual education plan) conference. Becoming an occupational therapist is a very long and hard journey. During the process I will be taking many difficult classes, learning about numerous disabilities, taking lots of tests, learning how to use adaptive
An occupational therapist is a trained and licensed health care professional who can make a complete evaluation of the impact of disease on the activities of the patient at home and in work situations. Hobbies and recreational activities are considered when an assessment is made. The most generally accepted definition of occupational therapy is that it is an activity, physical or mental, that aids in a patient’s recovery from disease or injury.
A clinical situation that has taken place that has enabled me to incorporate the “Occupational Therapy Practice Framework Domain and Process (3rd Ed.)” (AOTA, 2014) into my approach was when an individual that has had a car accident during an ice storm. We will refer to this individual as Jane. She was a 55 year old housewife that was the primary caretaker of her husband who had suffered a stroke a few years ago. Jane took care of all the home management as well as transportation and health care needs for her husband. Jane was very active in her community as well as her family that lived several hours away.
At this time of the year, we are beginning to think about what we are going to do for Occupational Therapy Month! Since I was a first year student, I have always loved OT Month for the pure fact it really shows how connected the OT community is, even with me only being a student (so far). The SOTA club has been having these discussions about what we are going to do for a few months now, and I am very excited to finally have things beginning to fall into place. On and even more exciting note, yesterday we officially decided on our class projects.