When I came to SLU, I had trouble finding where I fit in. I tried club volleyball and Greek life, but I never felt that those places were where I belonged. Finally, I joined Alpha Phi Omega (APO), a service fraternity on campus, but I still was not as involved as I wanted to be. While APO taught me about the importance of leadership, friendship, and service, I knew I wanted to be involved in an organization that would support me professionally in my future career. Thus, when I started my junior year, I realized that the occupational therapy community at SLU was where I belonged, and Pi Theta Epsilon could provide me an opportunity to merge the two together. I believe that PTE would be an excellent opportunity for me to give back to the community that welcomed me when I struggled to find my niche. …show more content…
PTE could provide me with opportunities to contribute to the field of occupational therapy, as well as spread awareness of why it is important. Something that stuck out to me about PTE was the promotion of research. I am currently working on a research project with Dr. Ahmad, and through this, I am able to contribute to the field of occupational therapy. In the future, I hope to use the skills learned at SLU to conduct independent research, as well as continue my education. PTE would be a valuable opportunity to network and collaborate with peers and faculty in other occupational therapy programs, and I hope to hear about occupational therapy from different points of view. PTE would support me in achieving my academic goals, and help me become more involved in academia through community and interacting with peers on a professional
I am writing this letter for Ms. Tierney D. Williams who is applying to Occupational Therapy Programs. The student will apply to more than one OT Program. I have only known the applicant for approximately two years. Ms. Williams is a resourceful, emotionally stable, and innovative person. She works well in a group or individual setting. Ms. Williams enthusiastically participated in classroom exercises and discussions. The student was enrolled in two classes that I teach, HLSC 4300-Epidemiology (earned “A” grade) and HCAP 2011-Writing Lab (earned “P” grade).
I love hearing their stories, and learning about their lives. I love being able to help them brush their teeth for the first time after a life-altering illness, or help them get a warm washcloth to wash their face. Occupational therapists are given a special and unique opportunity to be able to work everyday with people who are often at the lowest point in their life, and through skilled therapy are able to help them reach their full potential
The occupational therapist, I interviewed was Lorena Ortiz, MS, OTR/L. She is from Columbia, South America and currently lives in Greenville, South Carolina, where she has been a resident for sixteen years. She has three sisters, one brother and a son that is two years old. She attended Brea High School her junior and senior year and later graduate from Mauldin High School. Her favorite subject in School was anatomy because she enjoyed learning about the human body and the way it functions. In her opinion of what an occupational therapist is, she stated, “Helping people become as independent with daily activities as they wish after injury or disease.” The facilities where she works are, Greenville Health System, PRN acute care/In-patient rehab and Greer Memorial Hospital, out-patient rehab fulltime. Other areas she has worked are, subacute, long term acute care orthopedics. She worked as an occupational therapist assistance at St. Francis Hospital for seven years. While she worked at St. Francis Hospital, she later went back to school, for her master’s degree,
When asked what I want to do with my life, my answer is simply to help others. Although this answer is one would expect to hear from just about anyone, I have always been encouraged by mentors and parents to do what I love. In my case, helping others brings me a great deal of satisfaction. The human body and how it is able to adapt has always been a fascination of mine, and from a young age I identified the health care field as an ideal fit for my interests in medicine, as well as my passion for helping others. With these two drives in mind, I found myself at the age of sixteen with a career goal in mind: Occupational Therapy.
I am writing to apply for the Master of Occupational Therapy Practice with Swinburne University of Technology. I initially studied Bachelor of Health Science and Master of Occupational Therapy Practice at La Trobe University from 2013-2017. I took an alternative exit to Bachelor of Health Science as I was excluded from the course due to failing the same subject/placement three times. Despite difficulties and failures, I am determined to strive and become a qualified and competent Occupational Therapist. I always want to become an Occupational Therapist since I was young.
Abraham Lincoln once said “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Both careers I have chosen fit my goals, however, one career seems to fit my goals better than the other. I have decided to choose between an Occupational Therapy Assistant and a Psychiatric Nurse. Someday, I want to have a family, I want a career that will financially support my family and I also want a career that I will love doing for years, until I am at the retirement age. I want to be able to be content with the career I choose, and not go back and forth between careers.
Occupational Therapy: Hospital Culture & Environment To observe and understand the culture behind occupational therapy in high stress environments, several interviews were conducted. A majority of the interviews were by Mackey; however, I personally interviewed one occupational therapist. “The interviews were discovery orientated: that is, they attempted to reveal experiences and meanings attached to the world they explored,” (Mackey, 2014). The interpretations from the various occupational therapists were diverse, but there was an apparent culture that existed in the career. There are a few important different areas that pertain to the job and the culture behind it: interacting with co-workers, handling the patients, and dealing with higher in command.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Occupational therapy assistants and aides help patients develop, recover, and improve the skills needed for daily living and working.” OT Career Path.com also states that, “occupational therapy assistants assist with the rehabilitation and care of patients with mental, developmental, physical, social, and emotional disabilities” Occupational therapist may provide many different forms of service from setting up materials, moving a patient, explaining exercises, preparing reports and implementing treatment plan as prescribed by the Occupational Therapist. An OTA’s duties vary greatly an example of their duties include helping patients acquire fine
With my past work experiences as a case manager, I 've had various meetings about what services my clients were going to need and what my involvement was going to be in meeting their needs. This has helped me strengthen my communication skills and I have learned to talk to a variety of different individuals. I especially find myself to have confidence which has also helped me sound relaxed and approachable when meeting someone for the first time. With this in mind I felt positive I was going to do well on my interview reflection assignment for my Introduction to Occupational Therapy class.
What area do you want to focus on? What are your learning needs based on reflection and self-assessment?
My fascination with technology sparked my interest in the health care field and ultimately in occupational therapy. As a computer technician I felt how gratifying it was to help people adapt to their environment to accomplish their daily tasks. Seeing injury and exhaustion set in on my coworkers as they sat in their grey cubicles for hours, moved me to craft ergonomic workspaces, such as replacing their seats with yoga balls to improve their posture and spinal alignment, while providing others with ergonomic keyboards and mice that alleviated the numbing pain caused by their carpal tunnel syndrome. The support that I provided left the people around me healthy and happier, and gave me a sense of accomplishment that was unique and fulfilling. Occupational therapy provides me this rewarding feeling daily, as I help my patients rebuild the skills necessary to participate in the activities they love and depend on.
Occupational therapy is the ability to provide help to others fairly and respectfully by doing everyday activities that can actually benefit the patients by improving the quality of his or her life. By doing so, this patient will be able to return to their loved ones and their daily activities. As a future occupational therapy, I will try my best to help these patients reach their goals of becoming dependent again. The passion that I have to help those that are in needs of treatments. There are several reasons that I choose to become an occupational therapist, among those reasons are the desire I have to help those that are in need of medical treatments. To continue, I wanted a career that would not take too long to complete and not have a long waiting list.
I am self motivated , entusiastic graduate with experience in a range of people-focused roles. Through this I have developed strong listening, comunication and gruop work skills and work very well both individually and as part of a team. Throughout my study and work experience I have developed an interdependent praktice and I seek to improve all aspects of my
Occupational therapist isn’t my dream in the past. In contrast to now, it is my life when I know about it. Because this Occupation came to Thai for 30 years ago, but It has not been known. Therefore, Most of the people don’t “how we do for the patient, How necessary for rehabilitation team or hospital “. This point results in my purpose that wants to make my occupation known in Thailand.
I have chosen occupational therapy as a career because of my family experiences, volunteer work, and my personal skills and qualities that I believe will contribute to my success as an occupational therapist. Occupational therapy has interested me from a young age because my mom, who is an occupational therapist, inspired me and instilled a passion within me for helping others. I have always been interested in pursuing a career in the health field where I am able to put my sills to great use in order to help other people. I am also drawn to occupational therapy because of the amount of variety within the profession. I love that occupational therapists have a wide range of populations to work with, as well as settings and specializations that they can chose to pursue. I also like how holistic and patient centered the therapist’s approach is while helping patients. For me, the biggest reason that I would to be an occupation therapist is because of the opportunity