
Occupational Therapy Personal Statement

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When I came to SLU, I had trouble finding where I fit in. I tried club volleyball and Greek life, but I never felt that those places were where I belonged. Finally, I joined Alpha Phi Omega (APO), a service fraternity on campus, but I still was not as involved as I wanted to be. While APO taught me about the importance of leadership, friendship, and service, I knew I wanted to be involved in an organization that would support me professionally in my future career. Thus, when I started my junior year, I realized that the occupational therapy community at SLU was where I belonged, and Pi Theta Epsilon could provide me an opportunity to merge the two together. I believe that PTE would be an excellent opportunity for me to give back to the community that welcomed me when I struggled to find my niche. …show more content…

PTE could provide me with opportunities to contribute to the field of occupational therapy, as well as spread awareness of why it is important. Something that stuck out to me about PTE was the promotion of research. I am currently working on a research project with Dr. Ahmad, and through this, I am able to contribute to the field of occupational therapy. In the future, I hope to use the skills learned at SLU to conduct independent research, as well as continue my education. PTE would be a valuable opportunity to network and collaborate with peers and faculty in other occupational therapy programs, and I hope to hear about occupational therapy from different points of view. PTE would support me in achieving my academic goals, and help me become more involved in academia through community and interacting with peers on a professional

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