
Ocean Acidification Lab Report

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Introduction Ocean acidification, the process by which the pH of seawater decreases from the current state. This process can be potentially dangerous as if the pH decrease to far it can negatively affect a number of ocean-based species. The effects of ocean acidification on a number of different species have been studies with some emphasis on mussels and other species that grow shells. For as Fitzer et al. discovered with the Mytilus edulis or blue mussel, increasing the carbon dioxide content in the water and thus the pH led to the Mytilus edulis developing a rounder and thinner shell which makes the mussel more likely to experience breaking in the shell as a result of the weakening of the shell structure (Fitzer et al.). Even more so, ocean acidification can also affect the rate of shell degradation in various other mollusks. For theoretically, if ocean acidification causes a mussel to develop a weaker shell then ocean acidification should also cause that same shell to degrade at a faster rate. Based on this assumption, it is hypothesized that …show more content…

Rather, the shells in the control group and in the seawater with a pH of 7.5 experienced near identical decreases in average mass. Even more importantly, the shell barely lost any mass with the decrease not even above 1%. Although this odd result could be due to human error or an accident, it can by no means be discredited as significant for this study as replication occurred to account for strange occurrences. Additionally, the result cannot be called unprecedented as in another study scientists found that for Mytilus edulis even when the pH dropped to a level of 7.45, the mussel shell experienced positive growth (Keppel et al. 344). This study provides evidence which rejects the hypothesis and also provides further evidence in support of the lack of mass loss for shells in seawater with a pH of

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